Peter Frye

Peter Frye

Nacimiento : 1914-03-01, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Muerte : 1991-06-02


Peter Frye


El Rey David
Judean Elder
Designado como futuro rey por el profeta Samuel, el joven David vence con su honda al amenazador gigante Goliath. Pero el rey Saul, celoso del nuevo héroe, le quiere quitar la vida y le hará la guerra durante largo tiempo.
El futuro, año 1984. Winston Smith (John Hurt) soporta una abyecta existencia bajo la continua vigilancia de las autoridades en la Oceanía totalitaria. No obstante, su vida se convierte en una pesadilla cuando prueba el amor prohibido y comete el crimen de pensar libremente.
Espía sin mañana (Mañana no amanecerá)
La CIA, la KGB y el Mossad traman eliminar a Gabriel Lee, un ex-agente de la CIA, que desertó al bloque soviético abandonando posteriormente la URSS para dirigirse a Israel, en busca de la ayuda y protección de su mentor Sam Lucas, quien ahora vive en Israel, fuera del "negocio", regentando una tienda de antigüedades en Jerusalén, junto a su pareja, que anteriormente había sido la amante de Lee.
The Gangster Show: The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui
The rise to underworld eminence of the notorious Chicago gangster Artuto Ui - who bears a striking resemblance to Adolf Hitler.
I Like Mike
This uneven romantic drama directed by Peter Frye, is about the son of a millionaire Jewish family living in Texas who travels to Israel. On his way to the hotel in Tel Aviv after landing at the airport, the son Mike (Seymour Gitin) gets invited to spend some time with the cab driver's family. Before he has time to experience jet lag, the unwanted attentions of a female in the hotel send Mike packing. He ends up with the cabbie's family, a mixed group presided over by an authoritative matriarch (Batya Lancet). She sees no reason why one of her marriageable daughters should not hook up with this millionaire Mike, but Mike has already lost his heart to a model on a magazine cover -- quite a sticky wicket.
I Like Mike
This uneven romantic drama directed by Peter Frye, is about the son of a millionaire Jewish family living in Texas who travels to Israel. On his way to the hotel in Tel Aviv after landing at the airport, the son Mike (Seymour Gitin) gets invited to spend some time with the cab driver's family. Before he has time to experience jet lag, the unwanted attentions of a female in the hotel send Mike packing. He ends up with the cabbie's family, a mixed group presided over by an authoritative matriarch (Batya Lancet). She sees no reason why one of her marriageable daughters should not hook up with this millionaire Mike, but Mike has already lost his heart to a model on a magazine cover -- quite a sticky wicket.
Hill 24 Doesn't Answer
In 1948, immediately before a ceasefire takes effect, four volunteers fighting for Israel are ordered to take Hill 24, overlooking the road to Jerusalem.
Hill 24 Doesn't Answer
In 1948, immediately before a ceasefire takes effect, four volunteers fighting for Israel are ordered to take Hill 24, overlooking the road to Jerusalem.