Robin Gaussé


Asesino, «trader» y psicópata: la América de Bret Easton Ellis
Graphic Designer
En 1991, «American psycho», la tercera novela del controvertido escritor Bret Easton Ellis, provocó acaloradas discusiones entre críticos y lectores; un libro extraordinariamente perturbador que transportaba a sus lectores a la mente de Patrick Bateman, un cínico ejecutivo de fusiones y adquisiciones obsesionado con las marcas, los detalles sin importancia, la cultura pop y el asesinato brutal.
From Atatürk to Erdoğan
Post Production Supervisor
Turkey's history has been shaped by two major political figures: Mustafa Kemal (1881-1934), known as Atatürk, the Father of the Turks, founder of the modern state, and the current president Recep Tayyıp Erdoğan, who apparently wants Turkey to regain the political and military pre-eminence it had as an empire under the Ottoman dynasty.
The Real Thing
Assistant Editor
A smaller scale Eiffel Tower and the Champs-Elysées can be found just outside Shanghai; a copy of St. Peter’s in Rome can be found in Yamoussoukro, in the Ivory Coast: a journey over three continents to see the architecture of imitation, the uncanny world of the fake.
Clockwork Climate
Additional Photography
The Cold War's wildest dreams of climate control have made a spectacular comeback: from the USA to China, 'geo-engineers' promise to make climate change the way we want. And they have found powerful supporters among lobbyists and entrepreneurs. This film is an investigation into the world-wide boom in geo-engineering. How did a pseudo-science with a controversial past become a planet-wide research subject?