Alberto García Altez


He venido a leer la noche
Mónica Valenciano, winner of the National Dance Award, is a dancer and choreographer who, while preparing her next production, spends her days between the countryside and the rehearsal room. Her meetings with Raquel allow her to explore the possibilities of a dance in which the body has no greater significance than the word, an introspective dance inspired by the grace of spontaneous gesture. No intention, no discourse, nothing to explain. Just attention and present.
Black Serenade
Boom Operator
Un psicópata asesino se infiltra en la tuna universitaria de Salamanca y elige a sus víctimas a través de Internet. Con la noche y la juerga desmadrada como cómplice, el "Tuno Negro" comete sus crímenes con una pauta simple: morirán aquellos que sean los peores estudiantes de cada clase. El último no pasará de curso, ni tendrá la opción de repetir.