Lena Rem


A World Without Beethoven?
"What would the world be like without Beethoven?" That’s the provocative question posed by this music documentary from Deutsche Welle. To answer it, the film explores how Ludwig van Beethoven's innovations continue to have an impact far beyond the boundaries of classical music, 250 years after his birth.
Russia's Millennium Children
The Putin era in Russian politics began on 31 December 1999, shortly before the millennium celebrations. The children born on that day and at the turn of the millennium have now come of age. They have only ever known ex-KGB man Vladimir Putin at the pinnacle of power. What do this generation think and feel? Some are ardent Putin opponents, for others he is an idol. Some want to leave the country others want to fight for change. From the perspective of these millennium children, torn between private dreams and political aspirations, a nuanced portrait of the ‚Putin generation‘ emerges.
The Naked King - 18 Fragments on Revolution
In 1979, a revolution in Iran. In 1980, a revolution in Poland. The fall of the Shah, the “King of Kings,” in Iran. Mass strikes and the foundation of Solidarność (Solidarity) in Poland. What was in the minds of the young women and men who fomented revolution in their own country? What did they think when their revolution was quelled, or – as in Iran – an authoritarian regime was instituted under the name of an “Islamic Republic”?
Georg Cantor - Der Entdecker der Unendlichkeiten
Pavlensky - The Man and the Mighty
Pjotr Pawlenski was arrested after various artistic demonstrations against the russian regime. It's a film about his scandalous protest for example pinning his genatiles on the Red Square in Moscow and his motivation and inspiration fighting to be seen and heard.
Children 404
En 2013, el presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, aprobó una ley que prohibía la publicidad entre los menores de relaciones sexuales "no tradicionales", según la cual, a los jóvenes LGTB se les consideraba enfermos. Cuarenta y cinco adolescentes rusos comparten sus historias a través de entrevistas anónimas y videodiarios donde explican con detalle las vejaciones y discriminación que sufren, así como el coraje con el que se enfrentan a sus acosadores. Sus testimonios se han recogido a través de Internet en lo que se denomina "Proyecto Niños-404".
The Moscow Trials
In March 2013, a courtroom was set up to provide a stage for a show trial that pitted the different sides of the cultural war in Russia. Yet the people on stage were no professional thespians but real-life actors: artists, politicians, church leaders, real lawyers, a real judge and a real jury. Director Milo Rau achieved a unique and oppressive insight into Russia under Putins authoritarian reign.
Al-Halqa - In the Storytellers Circle
On a journey around Morocco Abderahim teaches his son Zoheir the art of storytelling. Zoheir has to face his fear of performing in front of the audience and experiences that the first story to learn is your own.
Die Haushaltshilfe
Documentary film.
Anna. Seven Years On The Frontline
The film is about the activities of Anna Politkovskaya in the last seven years of her life.
Bräute des Nichts. Der weibliche Terror: Magda Goebbels und Ulrike Meinhof
"Brides of Nothingness: Female Terror." What connects Magda Goebbels with Ulrike Meinhof? - Both women represent a different side of modernity: continuity and fractures of a female mentality story in which the unconscious of history is sedimented. The fanaticism of both women was a publicly lived love story with politics.