An upcoming TTFC exclusive crossover web special between Kamen Rider Geats and Kamen Rider Zi-O, serving as a sequel to Rider Time: Kamen Rider Shinobi. In the special, Keiwa and Sara are transported to the World of Shinobi where they meet Rentaro and his allies.
One year after the battle days of Sword of Logos ended, Reika Shindai is preparing for her wedding. However, this happiness is unexpectedly abrupted when her brother Ryoga receives some disturbing details about the upcoming wedding.
A vengeful young woman named Erika turns into a giant monster to menace her manipulative boyfriend after he dumps her.
Un monstruo le ha robado a Yuu, una chica que aspira a ser reportera, su preciado peluche Ochita.
Patren 3gou y Lupin Yellow harán equipo para intentar recuperarlo a toda costa.