Nemuri Kyoshiro, a youthful and cynical ronin with unparalleled skill, is approached by both sides in a game of corruption, ambition, and double crosses. The leader of the Kaga clan, who thinks he has killed his smuggling partner, fears that the shogunate will discover his illegal activities. He learns of evidence that will prove his guilt. Meanwhile, his partner is not dead, and, assisted by a master of Shorenji boxing, is looking for revenge and for his loot. The Kaga leader sends the beautiful Chisa to enlist Nemuri's aid. The unexpected happens: the hard-bitten Nemuri falls in love. Can he protect her, topple the criminals, and avoid the boxer's deadly skill?
Los Jaguma son una banda de ladrones que se visten como demonios. Los campesinos creen supersticiosamente que pueden ser verdaderos demonios. Iwami Juzaemon (Ryuji Shinagawa) investiga el caso de Jaguma con la ayuda de Hirose Gunza, el principal instructor de espada del clan.