Scott C. Conner


Makeup Effects
Historia ambientada en la época del imperio maya. Cuando la idílica existencia de los mayas es brutalmente interrumpida por el ataque de una fuerza invasora, un hombre emprende un arriesgado viaje a un mundo regido por el miedo y la opresión en el que le espera un incierto final. Debido a un giro del destino y espoleado por el amor a su esposa y a su familia, emprenderá el regreso a su hogar en un desesperado esfuerzo por preservar su forma de vida...
Farce about the casting of a gay actor in a gay role on a television series which had previously been played by a straight man. When the original star of a fictional gay-themed action series called "Espionage" unexpectedly dies, network executives go looking for a new actor. They cast Kerry Mitchell (Scott Victor Nelson), unknown, but also openly gay. They spin the idea of an openly gay actor playing a gay role is something new and refreshing. As Kerry gets prepared for the media onslaught, he is also hiding something which could ruin everything! Also starring Matthew Jett Schaefer and Gabrielle Docktor in this independent "mocumentary" style film co-written and co-directed by Mike Heim and Christopher Long.