Reporter #2
Gay detective Donald Strachey is commissioned to protect gay activist John Rutka, who is known for "outing" prominent citizens. Strachey abandons bodyguard duty when he feels that Rutka is staging the threats against himself. When Rutka turns up dead, Strachey is faced with an extensive list of enemies all with enough motive to kill.
Female Reporter
Jessica es una ama de casa que sospecha que su marido le es infiel. Cuando su marido le dice que le han ascendido por los buenos resultados de su último proyecto, ella se arrepiente de haber dudado de él y de haber quedado con un antiguo novio.
In the small town of Revelstoke, Alaska, local barber Dexter is surprised to learn that the body of Lucy Waters has been discovered. Having killed this woman, days ago, he hoped her body wouldn't be found until spring. Through the eyes of a serial killer, we discover the chilling layer of a weary town whose only concern is another long, dark winter.
Tras el asesinato de una bella estudiante, un grupo de adolescentes descubren que hay un asesino entre ellas. La heroína, Cindy, y su grupo de desconcertantes amigos, serán aterrorizados por un singular psicópata enmascarado que pretende vengarse de ellos por haberlo atropellado el pasado Halloween.
Samantha Stewart is a successful public defender whose life gets turned upside-down one night when a prostitute named Vicki gets thrown out of a limo at Samantha's feet. Vicki slips a brooch into Sam's hand before disappering, then turns up the next day, dead. Sam soon finds herself the target of an international conspiracy who will stop at nothing to get back the brooch and silence Sam for good. To get to the bottom of the mystery (as well as to save her own skin), Sam makes the natural decision to disguise herself as a prostitute, but will it be enough?
Medic Council
El programa Nexus es un experimento secreto para viajar a universos paralelos, donde los peligros pueden ser incontables.