Walter Strohm


The Next Voice You Hear...
Production Manager
The Next Voice You Hear... (1950) is a drama film in which a voice claiming to be that of God preempts all radio programs for days all over the world. It stars James Whitmore and Nancy Davis as Joe and Mary Smith, a typical American couple. It was based on a short story of the same name by George Sumner Albee.
Julia se porta mal
Production Manager
Julia and William were married and soon separated by his snobbish family. They meet again many years later, when their daughter he has raised invites her mother to her wedding, with the disapproval of William's mother.
El valle del destino
Unit Manager
Pittsburgh, siglo XIX. Mary Rafferty (Greer Garson), una bella joven que proviene de una familia proletaria, entra a trabajar en casa de la rica familia Scott, que es la propietaria de la fábrica siderúrgica donde trabajan los hombres de su familia. Allí, Mary enseguida atrae la atención del apuesto Paul Scott (Gregory Peck).
Between Two Women
Unit Manager
A young doctor proves his worth at a metropolitan hospital.
No puedo vivir sin ti
Assistant Director
Despues del estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Johanna Janss, una austriaca que vive en los Estados Unidos, va a ser deportada a su país. Para evitarlo, decide casarse con Bill, un humilde escritor norteamericano a quien conoce en un bar. Ella está dispuesta a pagarle el favor con el dinero que consigue de su amante, el editor Barton Kendrick.
Congo Maisie
Assistant Director
Maisie gets lost in a jungle in Africa and the jungle of romance. The African jungle has snakes, crocodiles and witch doctors. The romantic jungle has a dedicated doctor with an un-dedicated wife and an embittered doctor who is dedicated to no one.
Stronger Than Desire
Assistant Director
An attorney handling a murder case in unaware his own wife played a crucial role in the killing.
The Chaser
Unit Manager
A sleazy lawyer gains clients by showing up at terrible accidents. His boss, determined to stop him, hires a pretty girl to cozy up and coerce the truth out of the ambulance-chaser. Unfortunately, the boss doesn't count on the romance factor and sure enough, love blossoms between the girl and the shyster.
Cadetes del mar
Unit Manager
Tres jóvenes que ingresan por distintos motivos en la Academia Naval comparten su afición por el fútbol americano, lo que ayuda a cimentar su amistad.
Married Before Breakfast
Assistant Director
A madcap inventor tries to market a razor-less shaving cream.