Owen Thiele


Owen Thiele is an American actor and musician.


Theater Camp
Gigi Charbonier
A medida que llega el verano, niños de todas partes vuelven para asistir al AdirondACTS, un rudimentario campamento de teatro en el norte del estado de Nueva York que es un paraíso para los artistas en ciernes. Después de que su indomable fundadora, Joan, cae en coma, su despistado hijo Troy tiene la tarea de mantenerlo en funcionamiento. Con la ruina financiera a la vista, Troy debe unir fuerzas con Amos, Rebecca-Diane y su grupo de excéntricos profesores para encontrar una solución antes de que se levante el telón la noche del estreno.
Riley has recently been discharged from rehab after struggling with food and body image issues. She soon meets Ethan and finds herself navigating the line between unconditional love and a new addiction.
How Moving
With some apprehension, Jared (Richard Ellis) flew across the country to move in with his boyfriend, Owen (writer-director Owen Thiele). On top of the expected challenges of move-in day, they're faced with a practical one that puts their relationship to the test.
How Moving
With some apprehension, Jared (Richard Ellis) flew across the country to move in with his boyfriend, Owen (writer-director Owen Thiele). On top of the expected challenges of move-in day, they're faced with a practical one that puts their relationship to the test.
How Moving
With some apprehension, Jared (Richard Ellis) flew across the country to move in with his boyfriend, Owen (writer-director Owen Thiele). On top of the expected challenges of move-in day, they're faced with a practical one that puts their relationship to the test.