Firmine Richard

Firmine Richard

Nacimiento : 1947-09-25, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe, France


Firmine Richard (born 25 September 1947 Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe, France) is a French actress. Her film credits include 8 Women and Hunting and Gathering. In February 2009, Richard took part in demonstrations in Paris in support of the 2009 French Caribbean general strikes in Guadeloupe and Martinique. Source: Article "Firmine Richard" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Firmine Richard
Firmine Richard


Maison de retraite 2
La plus belle pour aller danser
Marie-Luce Bison, 14 years old, is raised by her father in a cheerful boarding house for seniors where he is the director. It is soon the costume party of her new college: her father does not want her to go ... and anyway, she is not invited. But pushed by Albert, her 80-year-old best friend, Marie-Luce crashes the party, dressed as a man. That evening, everyone takes her for a boy... a boy who is looked at and who pleases. She then decides to invent a male double named Leo to finally live her teenage life. Of course, at home, the relationship with her father becomes complicated.
Mon héroïne
A young girl from Rouen dreams about directing movies with Julia Roberts. Overprotected by her mother, she hopes to join a prestigeous cinema school in New York City, but nothing happens as expected, and her dreams are cruelly broken. Denying her fate, she leaves France to New York City, with her nutty-aunt's help, dreaming to give her screenplay to Julia Roberts herself.
Le souffle du dragon
In Reims, a group of women meet every week aboard a strange boat with a dragon head. Sandrine, Rose-Marie, Poups and Fanny don't know each other, but they all have in common that they have been fighting breast cancer. On the advice of their oncologist, Dr. Cuvelier, they will row to prevent recurrence, to rebuild themselves physically and morally, but also to exorcise the fear that lives inside them.
Je t'aime, filme-moi!
This film is a tribute to love, a tribute to cinema. Our two main characters take us with them into the intimacy of "real people". We cross the roads of France with them, in their different vans and pick-up trucks transformed for the occasion into mini movie studios. Their concept: to film "declarations of love" and to deliver them directly by van to their recipients. And we discover, as we go along, that our duo and their own personal adventures are subtly intertwined with the people they film. This mix of genres offers several universes to the spectator in order to make him question himself about love.
Three Times Nothing
Twig, Cap y Rusty viven como pueden en el Bois de Vincennes, al este de París. Esto puede cambiar por completo el día en que se enteran de que son los ganadores de la lotería nacional, ¡aunque es menos de lo esperado! Sin embargo, aún necesitan recolectar el dinero y compartirlo en partes iguales. Lo más difícil de todo será retomar una vida “normal”, llena de sorpresas y contradicciones.
El peor trabajo de mi vida
Fleurette Jean-Marie
Un joven es condenado a servicios comunitarios. Ahora debe trabajar en una casa de retiro.
Un monde sans rap
Philippe is principal in a high school outside Paris. A keen jazz lover, he does his best to share his passion with students. Yet this generation is more into rap than jazz, so much so that a frustrated Philippe wishes that rap would disappear. When this absurd wish comes true, Philippe starts living in a world with no rap...
Inch’Allah Auntie Danielle
Inch'Allah Auntie Danielle unravels a connection between a tired and embittered farmer and a group of young delinquents. Their encounter, through a shift in the balance of power, turns into a surprising, funny and moving journey.
La Segunda Estrella
Bonne maman
Jean-Gabriel decide pasar la Navidad con toda su familia en la montaña. Y esta vez, todo debería ir bien. Esto sin contar que su madre desembarca de las Antillas, sus hijos no tienen ganas de ir y su mujer le anuncia que debe ocuparse de su padre al que no ha visto desde que se casó con él. Pero para Jean-Gabriel la familia y la Navidad son sagradas.
Dieumerci !
A 44 year old guy gets out of jail and wants to become an actor.
The Roommates Party
Un invierno excepcionalmente frío obliga al gobierno francés para empujar las personas alojadas mejor para dar cabida a algunos conciudadanos pobres. El decreto llamado "Le Grand Partage" crea algunos problemas entre los vecinos de un bloque de apartamentos de lujo París.
Serial Teachers 2
Madame Saint-Gilles
The worst teachers of France landed in England for an ultra-secret mission. With Boulard, the King of the Dunces, they are parachuted in the best school of the country, and they will apply their famous methods on the future of the nation.
Una corazonada
Jean-Pierre es un brillante cirujano que se preocupa poco por el estado de ánimo de los enfermos. Tras sufrir un problema cardíaco, ahora es él quien se pone en la piel de sus pacientes
A famous English writer, Lewis Lafoly, forty and languidly elegant, meets Rosennn Auroch, a young and radiant woman on Bourbon Island in the Indian Ocean in 1909...
La psychologue
One night, an interpreter translates a Romanian prostitute's testimony.
The story takes place in Carhaix, in the heart of Brittany. A small hospital, with a calm maternity clinic, where few births take place. Mathilde, a mid-wife, Firmine, a pediatric nurse, and Louise, the owner of the Carhaix bowling alley, are all friends and lead a happy existence. Catherine, director of the establishment's Human Resources, is sent to restructure the hospital and, most importantly, to eventually shut down the maternity clinic, which is losing money. Four women whose age, personalities, and origins are different, but who will form a quartet overflowing with humanity and humor as they join forces to save the clinic. Life, love, friendship, Brittany and... bowling.
Les tribulations d'une caissière
La vida está lejos de ser un camino de rosas para Solweig, una modesta cajera de supermercado que mantiene la sonrisa a pesar del abuso el que se ve sometida a diario. Pero un día en el que cae la nieve se cruza con Charles, y todo apunta al cambio...
Un feliz acontecimiento
La sage-femme
El guión, escrito por el director y Vanessa Portal, adapta una novela de Eliette Abeccassis, protagonizada por una pareja que vive como si fueran solteros sin hijos. La llegada de un bebé cambia drásticamente su vida cotidiana convirtiéndola en un verdadero calvario. Film que “habla con humor y ternura de la felicidad, y también de las dificultades de ser padres jóvenes”
I Love You Very Much
La Nonna
When the mother they have never known dies, three half brothers aged 8, 15 and 17 respectively, who were all brought up in different ways, meet for the very first time. They spend the long summer holidays with Nonna, their grandmother, and start sharing secrets and rabbits, polenta and mean tricks, adventures and first time experiences, together. At last their once solitary lives take a new direction.
La Primera Estrella
Bonne Maman
Jean-Gabriel, casado y con tres hijos, vive realizando trabajos esporádicos. Un día, para complacer a su hija, promete que irán a esquiar toda la familia. El problema es que si no lo consigue, su esposa lo abandonará. Tendrá que ser muy creativo para lograrlo y mantener así a su familia.
Vous êtes de la police?
Chantal Dumas
A former policeman resentfully enters a retirement home. To deceive his boredom, he will investigate the murder of another resident.
Big City
Black Mama
Description : Set in the American Wild West, this French-language film quickly overcomes its dire beginning--the Native American ambush of a group of immigrants--and becomes an enjoyable comedy. When the adults of Big City leave for the ambush site, the children realize they are all alone and in charge. With a cast composed almost entirely of young people...
El misterio de Deauville
Head nurse
An inspector who just suffered a family tragedy is looking for a missing older man. Man's family is of no help, or are they hiding something? He is helped by a ghost of an actress who died 30 years ago, or is he slowly going insane?
Juntos, nada más
Camille limpia oficinas por las noches y dibuja con arte en sus horas libres. Philibert es un joven aristócrata amante de la historia, tímido, sensible y solitario que vive en un espacioso piso, propiedad de su familia. Franck un cocinero duro y a la vez tierno, quiere muchísimo a su abuela Paulette, una frágil anciana muy "sui generis". Los tres aprenden a vivir juntos y a superar juntos dudas y penas a fin de materializar sus sueños. (FILMAFFINITY)
In Your Dreams
Ninth is a promising young rapper whose reputation does not exceed even the few streets of his neighborhood. With his band and supported by Keuj, hairdresser apprentice producer, he tries to attend concerts and trying to break into the music, to the chagrin of his mother, who would see him in a more conventional career at the post office...
El diablo en el corazón
Yvonne Merieux
Catherine Borowiak tiene 50 años y es la directora de una agencia de libertad condicional. Al quedar a cargo del caso de Hugo, de 20 años, recientemente liberado de la cárcel bajo fianza, ella comienza una relación con él...
Par amour
Bernadette Chabot
Nicole Doucet is a gourmet chef. Everything is going well professionally for the young woman. Guillaume, her son, is a former drug addict whom she has lost sight of. The day he returns to her restaurant, she discovers that he is married to a woman much older than him. Nicole is suspicious of this idyll and fears that Guillaume will fall back into the infernal spiral of drugs.
Simon le juste
Madame Traoré
8 mujeres
Madame Chanel
Años cincuenta. En una gran mansión burguesa en pleno campo, donde se están haciendo los preparativos para festejar la Navidad, se produce un drama: el dueño de la casa es asesinado, Evidentemente, la culpable tiene que ser una de las ocho mujeres que están en la casa. Comienza entonces una larga jornada de investigación, jalonada de discusiones, traiciones y revelaciones, que lleva a la conclusión de cada una de ellas tiene sus razones y guarda secretos insospechados. La verdad estallará, cruel y trágica, desenmascarando a los personajes y poniendo de manifiesto sus mentiras.
Madame Maé
The story of Léopold Salvat, a retired general practitioner from Montmartre, is bored since he no longer works. An armed attack on a gas station near his home wakes him up.
One 4 All
La servante du président
Olivia, Irina and Masha are improving their acting skills. They no longer believe in Prince Charming, and their career is waning. Olivia works at the front desk at the airport and offers a wonderful plan: he would do so that friends will be aboard the Paris - New York plane and will sit next to wealthy men. Their task is to seduce the rich and pull them out of money. But the fraudsters do not suspect that Comissaire Bayard and his young assistant are closely watching them...
Une journée de merde!
La mère de Sabine
This is an important day for Marc Chanois, an insurance advisor heading toward middle age: it's his fiancée Sabine's birthday, her parents arrive in Paris and Marc will meet them for dinner to announce the engagement (her father can't stand him), he's bought Sabine a Spitfire, and his most important client is to sign a policy. But, as the day wears on, he's vexed by an incompetent secretary, the unexpected return of a girlfriend he hasn't seen in five years, squatters who use his office at night, the jealous former lover of a flight attendant who lives in the building, and his boss's unexpected return from a Swiss clinic. Will he reach Sabine in one piece?
P.M.U. Customer
A los tres años Marie perdió a Elisa, su madre, que se suicidó, y sus abuelos la acogieron. A ellos nunca les quiso y siempre intentaba escandalizarlos, hasta que hartos de aguantarla la llevaron a un reformatorio. Allí Marie conoció a la alborotadora Solange, y poco después a Ahmed. Los tres forman una familia. (FILMAFFINITY)
No molestes más
Después de pasar casi veinte años en una institución psiquiátrica, un hombre de sesenta años vuelve a la vida normal. Aunque él se siente muy bien y sabe disfrutar de la vida, la gente piensa todavía que está loco.
Mamá, hay un hombre blanco en tu cama
Juliette Bonaventure
Romuald es un ejecutivo de una fábrica de yogures, un tiburón de las finanzas dispuesto a todo con tal de conservar su puesto. Juliette, que trabaja en la misma fábrica como limpiadora nocturna, es una mujer negra que tiene cinco hijos, cada uno de un padre distinto. Su encuentro parece, más que improbable, imposible. Sin embargo, se verán unidos por un hecho inesperado: un complot que obliga a Romuald a buscar refugio en la humilde casa de Juliette, con cuya ayuda acabará por desenmascarar a sus enemigos.
La Famille Zappon
Directed by Amar Arhab, Fabrice Michelin. With Christian Sinniger, Viviane Marcenaro, Marius Colucci, Sibylle Blanc.
T gros !