Un cuento de ficción sobre dos revolucionarios indios legendarios y su viaje lejos de casa antes de que comenzaran a luchar por su país en la década de 1920.
Un policía heroico al que le cambian el puesto decide castigar a los corruptos y sus secuaces entrenando a cinco asesinos.
Landlady Sarita
Kaali Ghosh, who has been kept as a sex slave by an industrialist's son, escapes. But she needs to solve the case of her constant blackouts. For this she visits a therapist whose ad she sees in the papers. Vikrant Saraswat is a therapist who is himself seeking therapy for sex addiction and his worst fear is getting back to work and seeing a woman client who he is attracted to. And Kaali meets him. They both need to help each other out, before the shadow sides of their minds completely take over their worlds and push them into doom. Will Kaali be able to step out of her Dissociative Identity disorder and make peace with the identities created within her? Will Vikrant be able to reconnect with the feminine, beyond his addiction and find salvation in doing his work righteously and aptly?
Devika (Girl in the bar)
Ratna es una joven que se queda viuda a los 19 años, tras haberse casado el año anterior. Tras este suceso, decide viajar a la ciudad de Mumbai, donde comienza a trabajar como la criada de Ashwin, el hijo de una famosa familia de arquitectos. El propio Ashwin ha tenido otro revés en su vida amorosa: su boda, que estaba a punto de celebrarse, se ha cancelado en el último minuto por una infidelidad llevada a cabo por su prometida. Centrándose únicamente en su trabajo, el comportamiento de Ashwin comenzará a cambiar cuando la relación con Ratna prometa ser algo más que la relación entre una criada y su señor.
Exasperadas por vivir constantemente preocupadas por su seguridad, cuatro mujeres secuestran a un hombre para enseñarle cómo se siente ser mujer en Delhi.
Pregnant lady
A gynaecologist doesn't want to celebrate her birthday because she lost her mother at birth. We see what she's chosen to dedicate her life to.
In a water scarce village, the womenfolk have to walk a long distance to a well in an old fort to fetch water. One day, while they were approaching the fort, they saw Laajo, a mentally deranged village girl lying semiconscious. This was the third such event in the village, in recent times. Tunu, a young inquisitive school girl has questions about the attack, her mother tells her that Laajo was attacked by a water demon.