Tony Haygarth
Nacimiento : 1945-02-04, Liverpool, England, UK
Muerte : 2017-03-10
Tony Haygarth was born on February 4, 1945 in Liverpool, England. He waa an actor, known for Chicken Run (2000), Where the Heart Is (1997) and Rosie (1977). He died on October 3rd, 2017 and is survived by his wife Carol Haygarth and their two children.
Fred Stansfield
In 1939 Gracie Fields, the 'Queen of Hearts', is at the height of her success as a singer and actress and the whole nation seems to wish her a speedy recovery from cervical cancer. When World War Two breaks out, Gracie sings for the troops despite poor health, to the dismay of her fussy husband, film director Monty Banks, an Italian, born Mario Bianchi. With Italy's entry into the war Monty is in danger of being interned so Gracie consents to his moving to America whilst she tours Canada, fund-raising for the war effort. She is accused of deserting the country which made her famous and booed offstage, though she later tours battlefields as a singer. With the war over she regains popularity, performing 'Take Me To Your Heart Again' at the London Palladium. Banks dies in 1950 and, though still a successful singer, Gracie never regains her pre-war iconic status.
Jack Hardy is the sole survivor of a mysterious submarine disaster in World War II. Now, in 1981, the ill-fated submarine Scorpion has resurfaced, miraculously intact. Naval Intelligence need Hardy's expertise to retrace the course and mission that led to her original disappearance. But what's waiting for them under the grey waters of the Baltic Sea turns out to be much worse than the Russian submarines they're expecting. Wherever Scorpion has been all this time, it's brought some very bad luck back with it...
Reuben Dewy
Set in a rustic English village in the mid 19th century, Under The Greenwood Tree tells the story of a poor young man who falls for a middle-class schoolteacher and attempts to win her over.
DS Pritchard
El inspector Tom Monroe (Robert Carlyle) investiga la misteriosa muerte de varias personas que lo único que tienen en común es haber sido compañeros de estudios. Además, dichas muertes parecen estar relacionadas con un misterioso "niño sin rostro".
FAKERS is a sharp, fast moving tale of blackmail and forgery set in the upper echelons of the international art society. Set in present day London and 1911 Italy.
Admiral Pellew interrupts Hornblower's wedding reception and tasks him to locate a British ship which has disappeared off the French coast, where Napoleon's troops are engaged in covert activities.
Master Prowse
Hornblower must deliver a French nobleman to a secret rendezvous near Brest, all while coping with enemy agents in his own ranks.
George Hurst
A two-part conspiracy thriller starring Anna Friel. An eager young photographer and a bitter tabloid hack are sent to investigate mysterious deaths at a cottage hospital. But why is the new environment minister keeping tabs on their every move? The TV movie tackles controversial topics like genetically modified plants, the role of large pharmaceutical companies and the question of control of state and government
Mr. Tweedy (voice)
La señora Tweedy es la dueña de una granja en la que la mayoría de las aves se han resignado a llevar una vida corta e infeliz: viven mientras ponen huevos y, cuando dejan de hacerlo, acaban en la mesa como comida de los domingos. Pero las cosas empiezan a cambiar con la llegada de Rocky, un gallo norteamericano, que mantiene un romance con Ginger, una gallina muy combativa que ha organizado innumerables intentos de fuga para alcanzar una vida mejor.
Alonso Quijano es un hidalgo campesino que, trastornado por la lectura de las novelas de caballería, se convierte en el caballero andante Don Quijote de La Mancha. Acompañado de su escudero Sancho Panza, emprenderá las más disparatadas y fantásticas aventuras para ganarse la admiración y el amor de su dama Dulcinea del Toboso.
Mr. Melbury
The story is set in late 19th century rural corner of South England. The daughter of timber merchant Melbury, Grace, returns to the town after finishing school. Her father now believes she can find a better husband than her childhood sweetheart, woodsman Giles. She marries handsome young doctor Fitzpiers, but soon finds out he's not the man of her dreams and she still loves Giles.
Mr. Smith
Costa de Inglaterra, 1888. Amy Foster es una joven sirvienta, bella pero introvertida, sin apenas relacion con sus padres y marginada por el resto del pueblo pues creen que tiene poderes de brujería. La única relación especial de Amy es la que tiene con el mar. Un día, a la casa donde ella sirve llega Yanko, el único superviviente de un barco de emigrantes rusos que naufragó cuando viajaba hacia América.
Cuando un periodista norteamericano visita Alemania, se da cuenta de que el violento mundo del nazismo tiene una nueva cara: La cara de la brutal e insensible juventud alemana. Lo que descubre es un peligroso vínculo entre los jóvenes neo-nazis y los viejos soldados sobrevivientes del Tercer Reich de Hitler, que todavía están vivos y continúan predicando el odio y la dominación del mundo. Apoyado por un grupo que se dedica a denunciar a los nazis escondidos, este periodista participa de una arriesgada operación secreta para desenmascarar a los líderes de la organización nazi. Pero cuando un periodista decide ir tan lejos como agente encubierto, el peligro es que quizás nunca salga vivo de ahí.
2nd Labour MP
A version of Dennis Potter's play for television, remade shortly before his death as the original 1960s version had been wiped.
Dinamarca, siglo VI. Historia del príncipe Hamlet basada en las obras del escritor del siglo XII Saxo Grammaticus. La vida es apacible para Amled, hijo de Hardvendel y Geruth, los reyes de Jutlandia. El joven ignora las intrigas que urde su tío Fenge para convertirse en rey. Durante una cacería, Amled y su hermano Sigud son testigos del asesinato de su padre, que muere ahorcado por los esbirros de Fenge. Ambos tratan de impedir la ejecución, pero Sigud muere y Amled tiene que fingir un ataque de locura para salvarse. Tras ser coronado rey, Fenge logra seducir a la reina Geruth, pero desconfía de la locura de Amled y lo teme porque ha prometido vengar la muerte de su padre.
The Borrowers are small, fifteen-centimeter-high humans, who live in the English hinterland. They live out their lives in mouse-hole sized nooks in human houses, and survive by "borrowing" all they need from the house and its inhabitants. This series follows young girl Arriety (Rebecca Callard), and her parents Pod (Sir Ian Holm) and Homily (Dame Penelope Wilton), as they are displaced from their house, and try to find a new one, with the help of a human boy, George (Paul Cross).
Adaptación a la gran pantalla de "El proceso", la prestigiosa novela de Frank Kafka. (FILMAFFINITY)
For want of a nail a shoe was lost, for want of a shoe... a young man's life is almost lost, which is exactly what this film is all about: a man barely twenty who wants desperately to pull out of London's drug world by taking a job as a waiter in a 'normal' restaurant. But to do this he must come up with a "sensible" pair of shoes, an item that his homeless meanderings hasn't provided him.
Oliver Carter
An angry father sets out to get revenge for the death of his daughter in a toxic waste accident.
A woman is attempting to cope with her son's tragic death when her mother arrives on an ill-timed visit with her own remedies.
Mr Manders
In England during World War II, a repressed dressmaker and her sister struggle looking after their 17-year-old niece, who is having a delusional affair with an American soldier.
Harold Pinter play starring Michael Gambon. 'Your language is forbidden. It is dead. No one is allowed to speak your language. Your language no longer exists. Any questions?'
Scoop is a 1987 TV film directed by Gavin Millar, adapted by William Boyd from the 1938 satirical novel Scoop by Evelyn Waugh. It was produced by Sue Birtwistle with executive producers Nick Elliott and Patrick Garland. Original music was made by Stanley Myers. The story is about a reporter sent to Ishmaelia (a fictional African state) by accident.
Mortuary Attendent
Two guys meet, one American, a deserter from the US army, one Brit, and they are drawn together by their mutual love of Soul music. Neither being gainfully employed they decide to start a mobile disco service for fellow soul lovers, which leads them to buy an ice cream van, and the adventure begins. Before long they find themselves on the run from the bad guys and the police.
Cinco siglos atrás, un mural fue creado en una iglesia rural al norte de Inglaterra, para ser luego cubierto bajo capas de pintura blanca. Tom Birkin, veterano de la Primera Guerra Mundial, llega al pequeño pueblo para restaurar el mural, en contra de los deseos del Reverendo y gran parte del pueblo, quienes lo ven como un intruso que llega para alterar el orden establecido.
Ivan with the tractor
El señor Brian Stimpson es el jefe de profesores de un instituto en Inglaterra. A pesar de la puntualidad y rectitud que exige a todos sus alumnos, él tiene problemas con llegar a tiempo a sus citas. El día que debe presidir una importante conferencia en Norwich, se da lugar una divertida conjunción de desastres.
Franz, a young man, works in a dye factory in Prague. One day he notices a skin-rash, like eczema, growing on his hands. All attempts to treat it with ointment fail, and the rash gradually spreads over his body. After complaining to the management he is laid off work; his relationship with his fiancee is affected. In an attempt to get compensation from his former employers he goes to insurance firm Assicurazion Generali, where he encounters an enigmatic clerk called Kafka.
Mad Hatter (voice)
Alice Liddell, la mujer que inspiró a Lewis Carroll el personaje de Alicia, tiene ya 80 años en 1932 y viaja a Nueva York para asistir al centenario del genial escritor. En América, Alice se asombra de la enorme popularidad de los libros de Alicia y de la figura del reverendo Hodgson que se escondía tras el seudónimo de Lewis Carroll. En ese contexto, Alice comienza a repasar su infancia como joven amiga y musa de Carroll.
Dad / Landlord
In the revolting and decaying Byzantium Hotel, young heroin addict Alex, played by Dexter Fletcher, relives an idyllic - and possibly apocryphal - past before slipping into a much more terrifying world. A sinister little girl wanders the corridors, cutting open her doll "to see what's inside" while winos and junkies prowl as flesh-eating zombies...
Tavern Keeper
A partir de su experiencia y de sus conocimientos científicos, el Doctor Frankestein construye a Eva, una mujer perfecta, que debe ser su fiel servidora. Cuando la ve la primera de sus criaturas, al comprender que no es para él, se enfurece y se escapa. Algunos años después, Eva se ha convertido en una dama un tanto peculiar. Mientras tanto, el monstruo se mantiene alejado, pero el destino podría propiciar su reencuentro.
The hardships faced by a woman trying to survive a bloody civil war while caring for the abandoned child of the deposed former ruler.
En 1947, dos años despues del fin de la II Guerra Mundial, el pueblo británico se ve obligado a pasar penurias, pues escasean toda clase de provisiones. Así, los alimentos están sujetos a un estricto racionamiento y a rigurosos controles llevados a cabo por los inspectores del Ministerio de Alimentación. Sin embargo, un acontecimiento mantiene al pueblo alegre y expectante: el matrimonio entre la princesa Elizabeth y el teniente Philip Mountbatten. En todas partes se quiere celebrar la boda, y en un pequeño pueblo del Yorkshire se hacen planes para cebar un cerdo de contrabando, que será el plato principal del banquete. Sacrificarlo a espaldas del inspector, escondiendo las pruebas y acallando los rumores, será el principal objetivo de Gilbert Chilvers y su esposa Joyce.
Two great friends leave Verona for Milan, Valentine with great enthusiasm and Proteus unwillingly, as he will have to leave his recently-betrothered Julia. Valentine soon falls in love with Silvia, daughter of the Duke of Milan, but then Proteus meets the captivating Silvia... and he too becomes besotted.
Fraser: The Workers
Comedia que trata sobre el personal de un hospital que, atemorizado, se prepara para la visita de nada más y nada menos que la reina de Inglaterra. El centro Britannia Hospital va a inaugurar un nuevo ala en su edificio y la soberana del país decide estar presente ese día. El pánico se extiende por todo el hospital, ante la visión de todo lo que puede ocurrir durante el esperado acontecimiento. La cocinera se niega a preparar el menú del día, los pintores se resisten a terminar su trabajo y los manifestantes que quieren derrocar a un dictador que se encuentra hospitalizado en el centro serán los encargados de crispar los ánimos al máximo nivel.
Mick Travis (Malcolm McDowell) es un periodista que comienza un documental sobre un hospital. (FILMAFFINITY)
Friar Tuck
Adaptación de la novela histórica de Sir Walter Scott. Ivanhoe es hijo de Sir Cedric, un caudillo sajón que se propone restaurar la estirpe sajona en el trono de Inglaterra, casando a su pupila Lady Rowena con Athelstane, el último sajón de sangre real. Pero Inglaterra está dominada por los normandos, y entre éstos y los sajones existe una gran rivalidad. Ivanhoe se enfrenta al príncipe Juan Sin Tierra, el pérfido hermano del rey Ricardo Corazón de León, que ha aprovechado la ausencia de Ricardo (prisionero del archiduque de Austria) para usurpar el trono.
A personal film by experimental director Stephen Dwoskin.
A John McVicar le han caído 23 años en una prisión inglesa por atraco a mano armada. Pero no es un tipo conformista y no está dispuesto a cumplirlos. Tras ser trasladado a otro penal, en Newcastle, pronto organizará una fuga e intentará volver a sus actividades delictivas. Sin embargo, las cosas no siempre resultan tan sencillas.
Engineer Officer (uncredited)
Trata sobre el trágico viaje del Titanic en 1912. La historia está contada desde la perspectiva de tres grupos de pasajeros de Primera, Segunda y Tercera clase. (FILMAFFINITY)
Maurice Castle (Nicol Williamson) es un mediocre empleado del servicio de inteligencia británico que trabaja recopilando rutinaria información de los países de África. En la época del Appartheid estuvo destinado en Sudáfrica y se casó con una nativa. Castle observa impotente cómo un compañero y amigo suyo es implicado erronéamente en un caso de contraespionaje.
Milo Renfield
El conde Drácula, un personaje tan seductor y atractivo como peligroso y carente de escrúpulos, entabla amistad con el Doctor Seward y su entorno. Al poco tiempo, Mina, una conocida del Doctor, muere misteriosamente sin una gota de sangre en su cuerpo...
Sgt. Costello
A demobbed soldier, Gordon Laid, returning from World War II meets Maxine Lupercal, a member of a traveling troupe of actors returning to England on the same ship. As Gordon closely resembles a member of the troupe of actors, mistaken identity causes him to become embroiled in various murders and an international espionage plot involving a cigarette lighter that strangely affects electricity. The action reaches its comical climax on stage with Gordon and his double as the spies and the police converge on the theatre is a desperate attempt to retrieve the missing cigarette lighter.
Sir Nathaniel
A scholarly king and his three companions swear off the society of women for three years, only to have a diplomatic visit from a French princess and her three ladies-in-waiting thwart their intentions.
Policeman #2
The story of a Catholic family's dilemma about the pill.
Cary Farthingale
A new schoolteacher learns that the previous teacher was killed by his students, and he fears the same fate will befall him.
Edwin Antony (Hywel Bennett) is emasculated in an accident which kills a young philanderer. Doctors successfully replace his member with that of the dead man, but refuse to tell him the full story of the organ's origin. So Edwin begins a search which takes him to the philanderer's wife - and also to his many, many girlfriends...