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Varios notables de la región de Chamonix aparecen asesinados en sus casas. Para seguir adelante con la investigación, el capitán de policía Thomas Delhaye decide liberar a Juliette Hémon de prisión, encarcelada por un caso extrañamente similar.
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It all begins in the early 60s, in a slum just outside Paris inhabited by Algerian immigrants. Malika is 5, and her mum has just bought her a brand-new pair of sandals. They're so white that the little girl can't keep her eyes off them, and doesn't see the reversing truck. Then begin years of hospital, operations, suffering and struggle. Years far from her family, during which the little Muslim girl, in the hands of Catholic nurses and nuns, discovers music and singing at mass. From that point on, fighting the racism of French society as well as the enduring prejudices of her own community, Malika follows her dream and moves mountains to become the woman everyone will one day call "the diva of the ghetto".
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Hubert Fiorentini es un inspector de policía con unos métodos un poco ortodoxos, pero con un tierno corazón, al que obligatoriamente le darán unas vacaciones forzadas, ya que acaba de pelearse con el hijo del jefe de policía. Dos días después recibe la llamada de un abogado desde Tokyo, informándole que Miko, la mujer de su vida, que había desaparecido hacía 20 años, había muerto. Y lo que le había dejado en el testamento, no era ni dinero, ni presentes, ni nada material; le había dejado a su propia hija, Yumi, una extravagante adolescente, adicta a ir de compras, y con doscientos millones de dólares en su cuenta.
Châtelaine Marie-Agnès de Bayonnette lives in her family home with her cousin Solange. The lives of the two old ladies are governed by the traditional codes of aristocracy. When Marie-Agnès died, the heirs from Russia had to fight over the estate with a Japanese company that wanted to buy the property.
Assistant Editor
Two brothers set fire to a barn while drunk, inadvertently causing the death of a sleeping wanderer. One of them takes all the blame for the incident and spends ten years in prison.