Robert Ashby

Muerte : 2019-02-05


Ambientada en la década de los 70 en Londres durante el apogeo de la Guerra Fría, Un joven espía descubre la inquietante verdad sobre el pasado complejo de su padre. En este entorno turbulento, Charles Thoroughgood, un espía en prácticas en el MI6, el Servicio de Inteligencia Secreto británico, se le pide que reviva su antigua amistad con Viktor Koslov, un diplomático ruso que conoció en la universidad con el fin de convertirlo. Pero Viktor tiene su propia agenda y revela una sorprendente verdad sobre la familia de Charles con la que su vida, tanto personal como profesionalmente podría correr peligro.
Biography of Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the founder of modern Pakistan is told through flashbacks as his soul tries to find eternal rest. The flashbacks start in 1947 as Jinnah pleads for a separate nation for the Muslim regime, infuriating Lord Mountbatten. Mountbatten then tries to enlist Gandhi & Nehru to persuade Jinnah to stop his efforts. Gandhi sides with Jinnah, which upsets Nehru. However, Jinnah turns down the offer to become prime minister and the film takes another slide back to 1916, which reveals all of the political implications that have occurred.
Countdown to War
Based on a play, the story details the dramatic negotiations between UK, France, Poland, Nazi-Germany and USSR from the day Czechoslovakia fell, until Britain's declaration of war on Germany caused by Hitler's invasion of Poland.
Love Potion
Robert Badel
Doctor Who: Timelash
The Borad
The Doctor and Peri arrive on Karfel, a planet ruled by fear where the enemies of its ruler, the despotic Borad, are banished into a time tunnel known as the Timelash.
Pericles, Prince of Tyre
Thaliard / Fifth Knight
When Pericles discovers the dread answer to Antioch's riddle, he flees for his life straight into famine, shipwreck, love, fatherhood, and another shipwreck; he loses his wife and daughter, and doesn't find them again until the story moves us through resurrection, attempted murder, pirates, prostitution, and divine revelation.
Twelve-year-old Jude has never met Dick, his father. One Sunday afternoon Dick impulsively engineers a meeting, which has distressing consequences.
Enrique V (TV)
Earl of Salisbury
En medio de la Guerra de los Cien Años, el joven rey Enrique V de Inglaterra se embarca en la conquista de Francia en 1415.