Ed Bell


Buscando vida en marte
El 18 de febrero de 2021 el Perseverance, el rover más moderno de la NASA y una de las sondas espaciales más sofisticadas del mundo, se acerca a Marte, en un intento épico de buscar vida fuera de la Tierra. Su lanzamiento se produjo el 30 de julio de 2020, dentro de la misión Mars 2020. A 210 millones de kilómetros, un equipo de investigadores espera ansiosamente mientras el Perseverance intenta amartizar donde nadie lo ha hecho antes: junto a un cráter Jezero que podría contener restos de vida marciana, pero que está lleno de acantilados y trampas de arena, donde se puede estrellar o quedarse atascado para siempre. Si el rover logra aterrizar de una pieza, durante unos dos años, perforará las rocas de Marte buscando restos de vida.
Touching the Asteroid
Spacecraft OSIRIS-REx attempts to grab a piece of an asteroid to bring back to Earth so scientists can study it to learn about the planet's origins.
The History of White People in America
In the decades after Bacon's Rebellion, an African man and an English woman - husband and wife - sing of their fate, their future as law by law, edict by edict, their family, their marriage, their love made illegal.
Pluto and Beyond
Since it explored Pluto in 2015, the New Horizons spacecraft has been zooming toward NASA's most distant target yet. Join the mission team as the probe attempts to fly by Ultima Thule, an object 4 billion miles from Earth.
Chasing Pluto
NOVA captures New Horizons' historic flyby of Pluto, the culmination of the spacecraft's nine-year, three-billion-mile journey to reveal the first ever detailed images of this strange, icy world at the very edge of our solar system.
Box-Office Bunny
Bugs Bunny partakes of the multiplex cinema that has been instantly built over his hole over the objection of usher Elmer Fudd.