Elia Akrivou


Unheimlich III: The Mothers
Unheimlich III : Les Mères es un viaje de regreso en la memoria. Atravesamos el paisaje griego durante el mes de agosto. Las madres. Las ruinas, vestigios de casas abandonadas, vestíbulos llenos de agujeros, atravesados por el viento, el interior habitado por el exterior. Las Madres, son mis propios orígenes, esta naturaleza griega grabada profundamente en mi cuerpo, esas mujeres que emergen de lugares lejanos, habitados, y yo, vestida de negro, vestida de blanco, madre de visiones que dan a luz a las imágenes.
Unheimlich I: Secret Dialogue
The film takes the Freudian concept of the uncanny generated by an inexplicable strangeness to expose the reappearance of the repressed feminine unconscious through splitting, doubling and mirroring the cinematic image to question the boundaries of the real. The late Maria Klonaris, who sadly passed away in the begining of 2014, with co-author Katerina Thomadaki, was responsible for some of the most radical womens' liberationist and transgender films and art ever created. Of Greek origin but based in Paris, Klonaris and Thomadaki were founders of the Cinema of the Body, a profound investigative practice into gender and bodily identity.