During World War II, a young boy and girl, living with their respective families in an apartment house that had restrictions against pets, adopt a lost dog and hide it in a vacant apartment, which may have been the only vacant apartment in the United States at the time this movie was being filmed. A burglar breaks in and the apartment is damaged when the dog and crook have a tussle. This blows the dog's cover, but the kids enlist him in the K-9 Corps, and the dog distinguishes himself in the WWII Italian campaign
Poco antes de estallar la II Guerra Mundial, Japón infiltra en los Estados Unidos una red de espías y saboteadores. El militar Eddie Carter es tentado por uno de ellos, un espía llamado Kato. Pero Eddie no es un traidor y se convierte así en un agente doble.
Un pianista de concierto ha perdido la memoria, resultado de haber sido arrestado y torturado por los nazis durante la guerra por tocar una canción prohibida. Viaja a la isla de Guadalupe para intentar recuperar la memoria y la salud.