Carmen Brito


Cheques Matta
"Cheques Matta" are works of small format, similar to an American check that the painter Roberto Matta sent by mail to his friends with financial problems during the first years of the Military Dictatorship in Chile. Establishing new paradigms, making us question the true function of art as an instrument of social transformation.
Mocha Dick: La ballena mapuche
The sea chronicles speak of Mocha Dick, the Mapuche whale that lived on the coasts of southern Chile and that would have served as a source of inspiration for Herman Melville to write "Moby Dick", the character of his most famous novel
Santiago Violenta
Mauro, Noel and Broco have been an inseparable group of friends since grade school. All grown up, their lives are not what they hoped they would be. Life has become so routine that they do nothing more than wait for the weekends to drink themselves into oblivion. One night, a chance encounter leads the group on a wild and deadly chase from Santiago's most dangerous crime boss... Forced to make increasingly risky decisions, their frantic, adrenaline fueled desperation brings them closer to a violent, life-changing end where the friendship will be changed forever.
Santiago Violenta
Committee 2
Mauro, Noel and Broco have been an inseparable group of friends since grade school. All grown up, their lives are not what they hoped they would be. Life has become so routine that they do nothing more than wait for the weekends to drink themselves into oblivion. One night, a chance encounter leads the group on a wild and deadly chase from Santiago's most dangerous crime boss... Forced to make increasingly risky decisions, their frantic, adrenaline fueled desperation brings them closer to a violent, life-changing end where the friendship will be changed forever.
Buscando Isla de Pascua, la película perdida
Archival Footage Research
The documentary frames the reactions of Rapa Nui's people following the screening of -at that time- a presumed lost film involving their territory.
Buscando Isla de Pascua, la película perdida
The documentary frames the reactions of Rapa Nui's people following the screening of -at that time- a presumed lost film involving their territory.
Buscando Isla de Pascua, la película perdida
The documentary frames the reactions of Rapa Nui's people following the screening of -at that time- a presumed lost film involving their territory.
Buscando Isla de Pascua, la película perdida
The documentary frames the reactions of Rapa Nui's people following the screening of -at that time- a presumed lost film involving their territory.
Juan, 12 años
Negative Cutter
A 12-year-old boy and girl find love, they believe the girl might be pregnant from their first kiss. Both children will look for a way to face this challenge.
Mi último hombre
Negative Cutter
A female television journalist has a strange affair with a terrorist.
Los náufragos
Assistant Editor
Aron es un chileno exiliado cuyo padre ha muerto durante sus años de ausencia, y cuyo hermano es uno de los miles de "desaparecidos". Aron, de vuelta a su país, se siente como un náufrago perdido en un lugar que no reconoce, tratando de comprender lo sucedido a su familia y al que fue su país... Tras casi 20 años de exilio, con el regreso de la democracia a Chile, Miguel Littin volvió oficialmente a su país. Previamente había entrado clandestinamente en 1985 para filmar una crónica de la dictadura, osadía que inspiró el libro de Gabriel García Márquez "Aventura de Miguel Littin clandestino en Chile". En "Los Náufragos" reflejó el efecto que había tenido la dictadura de Pinochet en la sociedad chilena a través del personaje de Aron. Según la crítica inglesa, "Los náufragos" es una extraordinariamente oscura y poética película.
La Frontera
Assistant Editor
Durante los últimos años de dictadura militar en Chile, Ramiro Orellana es condenado a relegamiento, un exilio dentro de su propio país. Llega a la zona de La Frontera, límite histórico entre los indios mapuches y la colonización española. Ramiro descubrirá una nueva dimensión de la vida, que lo hará atravesar sus propias fronteras interiores. (FILMAFFINITY)
Caluga o Menta
Assistant Editor
En medio de la miseria e involucrados en drogas y robos, un grupo de jóvenes chilenos intenta sobrevivir a cualquier precio. Niki, un joven desesperanzado y cuyo único espacio es la calle, decide adentrarse a ese mundo, sin imaginar las fatales consecuencias.
Script Supervisor
A Chilean exile leaves his Swedish partner to return to Chile. There he meets his old love, Consuelo.
The Secret of the Ice Cave
Assistant Editor
A group of treasure-seekers embark on a expedition into high adventure as they race to discover what's really located in the mysterious ice cave.
Assistant Editor
Sussi es una chica provinciana, bastante ingenua que llega a Santiago buscando un nuevo rumbo en su vida. Sus ambiciones chocan así con la realidad de una ciudad en donde abunda gente que busca aprovecharse de ella.
Vías paralelas
A former public-services worker wants to return to his job. In the attempt, he meets wandering people, who seek "parallel ways" of survival in a chaotic socio-political context in Chile, after the 1973 Coup d'état .