David Suchet

David Suchet

Nacimiento : 1946-05-02, London, England, UK


David Suchet, OBE, CBE, (born 2 May 1946) is an English actor, known for his work on British television. He is recognized for his RTS- and BPG award-winning performance as Augustus Melmotte in the 2001 British TV mini-drama “The Way We Live Now”, alongside Matthew Macfadyen and Paloma Baeza, and a 1991 British Academy Television Award (BAFTA) nomination. He is known for his role as Agatha Christie's great detective Hercule Poirot in the long-running British TV dramatic series “Poirot”. Suchet's older brother, John Suchet, is a British television presenter and newsreader.


David Suchet


More Than Words
TV miniseries "More than words explores the possibilities and ways of behavior in non-verbal communication, primarily movements, gestures and ways of expression, but also the causes and roots of their origin. The series also explores the most interesting changes in the development of different cultures, including tattooing, scarring and body painting. Series also deal with the language of deaf and blind people, different universal languages, laughter, whistling and other peripheral phenomena associated with non-verbal communication. It also answers the questions does politicians think what they say, do suspects lie to the police or the court and how their body language reveals them..
American Assassin
Director Stansfield
Adaptación cinematográfica de la novela homónima de Vince Flynnm, cuya trama presenta a Mitch Rapp, un estudiante ejemplar que, tras la terrible muerte de su novia en una playa a manos de unos terorristas, decide cambiar el rumbo de su vida y dedicarse a la caza de esta clase de delincuentes. Un año más tarde, entra en las filas de la CIA, institución en la que estará a las órdenes de su mentor, Stan Hurley.
Peter Pan Goes Wrong
The Olivier Award-winning Mischief Theatre brings Peter Pan Goes Wrong to BBC One. As part of its commitment to community theatre, the BBC has commissioned The Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society, an amateur dramatics group, to recreate the JM Barrie classic as part of their festive programming. But can they pull it off? Narrated by David Suchet and filmed in front of a live audience, watch as Peter Pan flies through the air, Captain Hook and his pirates set adrift in the lagoon, and Tinkerbell is due to light up the stage in a stunning electrical costume... what can possibly go wrong?! With their trademark comic mayhem, expect hilarious stunts, chaos, technical hitches, flying mishaps and cast disputes on the way to Neverland with hilarious and disastrous results.
This Changed Everything
This Changed Everything: 500 Years of the Reformation celebrates the fruits of the Reformation while exploring difficult questions about the cost of division: Could schism have been avoided? Is there hope for reunification? What did Jesus really mean when He prayed for His followers to be "one"?
Near Myth: The Oskar Knight Story
A documentary chronicle of one of our greatest directors.
Shakespeare Live! From the RSC
Desde el escenario del Royal Shakespeare Theatre, David Tennant, Catherine Tate e invitados marcan la vida de William Shakespeare en el 400 aniversario de la muerte del dramaturgo.
The Importance of Being Earnest on Stage
Lady Bracknell
National treasure and Poirot star David Suchet starred as the formidable Lady Bracknell in Oscar Wilde’s much loved masterpiece The Importance of Being Earnest. Directed by Adrian Noble, (Amadeus, The King’s Speech, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) Wilde’s superb satire on Victorian manners is one of the funniest plays in the English language. Two bachelor friends, the adorable dandy Algernon Moncrieff (Philip Cumbus – regular player at Shakespeare’s Globe) and the utterly reliable John Worthing J.P., (Downton Abbey’s Michael Benz) lead double lives to court the attentions of the exquisitely desirable Gwendolyn Fairfax (Emily Barber) and Cecily Cardew (Imogen Doel). The gallants must then grapple with the riotous consequences of their deceptions, and with the formidable Lady Bracknell.
Effie Gray
Mr. Ruskin
Basado en el escándalo de la vida real que conmocionó a la era de la Inglaterra victoriana, la película cuenta la historia de Eufemia "Effie" Gray. A los 19 años, se casó con el historiador de arte y crítico prominente John Ruskin, pero se negó a consumar su matrimonio. Solitaria y frustrado Effie se ve atraída por el pintor pre-Rafaelita John Everett Millais, y encuentra un amiga y defensora en Lady Elizabeth Eastlake. Después de cinco años atrapados en un matrimonio sin amor, Effie desafiará las reglas de la sociedad victoriana...
Long Day's Journey Into Night
James Tyrone
Long Day's Journey into Night focuses on one day in the life of the Tyrone family. Youngest son Edmund is ill, and the family are worried about mother Mary's nerves.
Being Poirot
After 25 years playing Hercule Poirot, British actor David Suchet explores the enduring appeal of his most legendary character.
The Mystery of Agatha Christie, With David Suchet
Self - Host / Narrator (voice)
David Suchet, TV's Poirot, has spent more of his life acting out the plots and dramas created by Agatha Christie than anyone else in the world. Suchet is embarking on a journey to learn more about the woman who created Poirot and whose books remain outsold only by Shakespeare and the Bible. Suchet's journey takes him to the places Christie lived, the landscapes that inspired her and to meetings with people who knew the woman behind the fame and those inspired by her extraordinary legacy. He explores the close links between Christie's extraordinary life and her work and discovers what it was about the woman from a small seaside town that allowed her to become the best-selling murder mystery writer in history.
David Suchet: People I Have Shot
Himself - Presenter
David Suchet follows in the footsteps of his grandfather, Fleet Street photographer Jimmy Jarche, in a quest to capture on camera how Britain has changed in the past century.
The Jesus Storybook Bible
The award-winning Jesus Storybook Bible, written by Sally Lloyd-Jones and illustrated by Jago, now comes to life. Narrated by British actor David Suchet.
All My Sons
Joe Keller
Arthur Miller's scathing portrait of American society is revived here by director Howard Davies with an intricate, naturalistic set and detailed performances.
David Suchet on the Orient Express
Himself - Presenter
In this travelogue, actor David Suchet journeys across Europe aboard the world famous Orient Express train, as he prepares to play Poirot in an adaptation of Agatha Christie's "Murder on the Orient Express".
Going Postal
Reacher Gilt
Based on Terry Pratchett's 33rd Discworld novel involves a skillful con artist Moist Von Lipwig who finds the tables turned and it's he himself who conned into becoming the Ankh-Morpork Postmaster General. A position that has not been filled in years.
Samuel Stearn
Una historia basada en lo que le ocurrió a los pasajeros de uno de los vuelos desviados el 11 de septiembre del 2001. Las autoridades de aviación decidieron cerrar el espacio aéreo de los Estados Unidos, dejando a más de 200 aviones en vuelo sobre el Atlántico. 38 de estos vuelos, se dirigieron a Gander en Terranova, duplicando su población. En esas horas, miles de pasajeros aislados trataron de encontrar consuelo a sus miedos, en medio de la confusión y el caos.
Act of God
Dr. Benjamin Cisco
When a heart surgeon chooses to save one female patient's life over another, her boyfriend looks for revenge.
El gran golpe
Lew Vogel
Inglaterra, 1971. Un grupo de ladrones planea y ejecuta un golpe maestro: un espectacular atraco a un banco. Pero, además del dinero y las joyas, forman parte del botín ciertos documentos que permitirían sacar a la luz un escándalo de corrupción que involucra no sólo a altos funcionarios del gobierno británico, sino también a un miembro de la familia real.
Deputy Prime Minister Campbell
Miniserie de TV de 2 episodios. Una serie de tormentas origina inmensas olas que amenazan la costa de Inglaterra. Militares e ingenieros intentarán hacer todo lo posible para evitar que Londres sea devastada por una terrible inundación. (FILMAFFINITY)
Robert Maxwell
Basil Brookes joins "Captain Bob" - press mogul Robert Maxwell - as financial director and witnesses Maxwell's financial shenanigans as he contests status with fellow mogul Rupert Murdoch and descends into marital and monetary chaos.
Abraham Van Helsing
Un joven aristócrata, con el mundo a sus pies, está a punto de casarse con el amor de su vida cuando descubre que ha heredado una temible enfermedad: la sífilis. Su desesperación por burlar la muerte le impulsa a invocar a un monstruo de llevará la destrucción a su entorno: el Conde Drácula. (FILMAFFINITY)
Arthur y los Minimoys
Narrator (voice)
Justo cuando su abuela está a punto de perder la casa en la que vive, Arthur, un niño de 10 años, recuerda que su abuelo le había hablado de un gran tesoro oculto en la tierra de los Minimoys, un universo de pequeños seres fantásticos que viven en armonía con la naturaleza, un mundo tan lejano y sin embargo tan cercano e invisible al ojo humano. Decidido a salvar a su abuela, Arthur conseguirá la llave para entrar en él y allí conocerá a la princesa Selenia y a su hermano Betameche. Juntos buscarán el tesoro escondido y deberán enfrentarse al diabólico M, en una aventura que nos enseñará que, en ocasiones, los pequeños héroes son capaces de conseguir grandes logros.
Rita's Dad (voice)
No cabe duda de que Roddy es una "rata de la alta sociedad" que vive como un rey en un piso de Kensington atendido por dos mayordomos, los hámsteres Gilbert y Sullivan. Pero cuando una vulgar rata de alcantarilla llamada Sid aparece por la pila de la cocina y decide que esto es jauja, a Roddy no le queda más remedio que deshacerse del intruso atrayéndole hacia el "remolino".
The Mystery of the Blue Train
Hercule Poirot
Poirot investigates the brutal murder of an American heiress and the theft of a fabulous ruby on the Blue Train between Calais and Nice. After traveling on the Blue Train from Calais to Nice, Hercule Poirot is pressed into service to help solve the murder of heiress Ruth Kettering who is found savagely beaten in her compartment. She was the daughter of wealthy industrialist Rufus Van Alden and very much wanted a divorce. Both her husband and her lover were on the train but she had changed rooms with another passenger, Katherine Grey, so the question naturally arises as to whether she was the intended victim. Grey may also have had enemies as she had recently inherited a very large sum of money and greedy relatives had suddenly taken an interest in her. When an attempt is subsequently made on Grey's life, this appears to the case but Poirot methodically sifts through all of the clues to determine the motive and identify the killer.
Un oso llamado Winnie
General Hallholland
Durante un viaje en tren con tropas canadienses, el teniente Harry Colebourn decidió comprar un cachorro de oso negro. La osezna, a la que llamó Winnipeg, empezó a viajar con los soldados y se convirtió en su mascota, hasta que en 1919, para protegerla, la llevaron al zoológico de Londres, donde era una de las principales atracciones. Años mas tarde, esta historia serviría de inspiración para la novela de A.A. Milne, "Winnie the Pooh".
Death on the Nile
Hercule Poirot
David Suchet (His Dark Materials) is beloved detective Hercule Poirot in this star-studded, feature-length adaptation of the mystery by Agatha Christie. While vacationing in Egypt, Poirot intervenes when a jilted woman harasses her former friend (Emily Blunt, Mary Poppins Returns) and ex-boyfriend (JJ Feild, TURN: Washington's Spies), but their Nile River cruise turns deadly, nonetheless.
Leo Gillette
Kevin, Rob y Sam son miembros de un grupo que, sólo en teoría, planea asaltos perfectos, como hobby, sin la menor intención de llevarlos a cabo. Un gángster encuentra parte de su material de trabajo y decide chantajearlos para que realicen un robo millonario, y sólo su astucia podrá librarlos del problema.
Hasta que la muerte los separe
Jean-Pierre Thibodoux
Cuando los futuros consuegros Steve Tobias (Michael Douglas) y Jerry Peyser (Albert Brooks) se conocen por primera vez al celebrar el compromiso matrimonial de sus hijos, se arma una buena. El Dr. Jerome Peyser es un afable podólogo con una rutina diaria bien organizada para evitar todas las posibles fuentes de estrés. Mientras tanto, su futuro consuegro, el temerario agente de la CIA Steve Tobias, se mueve por la vida como un misil. Su rutina de trabajo consiste en esquivar balas, robar jets privados y negociar con contrabandistas internacionales de armas. El impredecible estilo de vida de Steve ya ha llevado a su ex-mujer Judy (Candice Bergen) a retirarse a meditar en busca de una vida más tranquila y hace que la relación con su hijo Mark (Ryan Reynolds) sea de lo más tensa. Y ahora, a raíz del feliz enlace que se avecina, le está provocando al padre de la novia, Jerry, un caso serio de tembleque prenupcical.
Fuego sobre Bagdad
Naji Al-Hadithi
El 2 de agosto de 1990, las tropas iraquíes invaden Kuwait. En Atlanta (Estados Unidos), Robert Wiener (Keaton), productor de la CNN, convence a su jefe para que lo envíe a cubrir el conflicto. Se desplaza a Bagdad con su equipo, del que forma parte su colega Ingrid Formanek (Bonham Carter). Los hombres de Wiener tendrán que afrontar mil obstáculos (logísticos, técnicos y políticos) para informar y retransmitir en directo los bombardeos de Bagdad.
The Stanford Prison Experiment
Narrator (voice)
An intensive psychological test by Professor Philip Zimbardo in 1971 saw US students volunteer to play prisoners and guards in an bid to examine the nature of good and evil. Within five days, four prisoners had broken down and another was on hunger strike. This film, containing strong language, reveals why the test was abandoned after less than a week.
victoria y alberto
Baron Christian Friedrich Stockmar, MD
The passionate love story that was Queen Victoria and Prince Albert's lengthy marriage. Beginning in 1837, the year of King William IV's death and 18-year-old Victoria's ascension to the throne, the series charts the tumultuous period in 19th Century England where Victoria comes to terms with the enormous duties that lay ahead of her, while also falling deeply in love with her beloved Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. The marriage and birth of their nine children are featured, as is Albert's frustration by the inactivity he experienced in the early years of his role as Prince Consort.
Junio de 1815. La "Grande Armée" de Napoleón Bonaparte y las fuerzas aliadas, al mando del Duque de Wellington, se disponen a enfrentarse en un lugar de Bélgica llamado Waterloo.
RKO 281: la batalla por «Ciudadano Kane»
Louis B. Mayer
En 1939, el joven prodigio Orson Welles deja Nueva York, donde ha triunfado en la radio y el teatro, y, contratado por RKO Pictures, se traslada a Hollywood con el propósito de hacer su primera película.
Wing Commander
Capt. Jason Sansky
Adaptación de un videojuego a la pantalla grande. En el siglo XXVII, la Confederación que gobierna a la humanidad está lista para declarar la guerra a los Kilrathi, una raza extraterrestre que pretende invadir la Tierra. Un escuadrón formados por tres jóvenes pilotos será el equipo que tendrá que hacer frente a tan temible enemigo.
Un crimen perfecto
Mohamed Karaman
Steven Taylor, un industrial millonario que atraviesa un mal momento financiero, está casado con Emily, una joven adinerada de familia rica que mantiene un pasional romance con David, un artista bohemio. Tras conocer la infidelidad de su esposa, Steve averigua también el turbio pasado del amante, un estafador que seduce a mujeres ricas, y entonces le encarga que asesine a su esposa... Remake del clásico de Hitchcok "Crimen perfecto" (Dial M for Murder, 1954).
David, ahora un hombre viejo, sigue siendo el rey de Israel. Entre sus hijos, Adonías el ambicioso y el astuto Salomón. Los dos jóvenes son feroces rivales, ya que ambos son herederos potenciales al trono y sólo uno puede serlo. Durante una expedición de caza, Adonías desafía a su hermano Salomón para una carrera de carros. Mientras que Salomón, aunque valiente, aún conserva un poco de precaución, el temerario Adonías está deseoso de ganar a toda costa y pierde el control de su carro. Salomón lo lleva gravemente herido a Jerusalén. En el camino se encuentran con Abisag...
Oliver / Matthew Delacorta
This film concerns two mysterious characters who meet on a Sunday in Queens. Madeleine the most unsettling creature of that name since "Vertigo" is a middle-aged, moderately successful actress. Oliver/Matthew is either a homeless man or a famous film director or both. Madeleine hails him on the street as the latter, launching a bizarre chain of events that includes a conversation in a diner, a very unromantic sexual encounter, the arrival of Madeleine's odd husband and unsuspecting daughter, and a child's birthday party. The film also compassionately tracks the daily rounds of Oliver/Matthew's fellow denizens of the homeless shelter, some of whom will be recognizable to New York audiences.
Deadly Voyage
When stowaways are found on board a Russian cargo ship, some of the officers and crew decide to dispose of them at sea. The last time they had a stowaway on board, the ship was fined heavily and black marks entered into their records, when he made it off the ship into a foreign port.
Decisión crítica
Nagi Hassan
Un grupo de terroristas árabes toma el control de un avión de pasajeros en pleno vuelo. Todo induce a pensar que a cambio exigirán la liberación de uno de sus líderes encarcelados. David Grant, un experto del servicio de inteligencia norteamericano, deberá reducir a los terroristas con el apoyo de un comando integrado por diversos especialistas. Grant contará también con la inestimable ayuda de Jean una de las azafatas del vuelo. Un thriller de tensa espera con buenas escenas de acción.
Tras ser hallado en un cesto por una princesa egipcia de la familia real, Moisés, un niño judío, vivirá durante años disfrutando del lujo y los privilegios de la corte faraónica. Pero, cuando averigua cuál es su origen, abandona Egipto y se retira al desierto para meditar. Llega entonces a la conclusión de que su misión es liberar a los esclavos hebreos, pero esto lo enfrentará con el Faraón, que intentará por todos los medios evitar que Moisés saque a los judíos de Egipto para conducirlos a la Tierra Prometida.
Cruel Train
Ruben Roberts
In wartime England, a railway official learns that the chairman of the line had sexually abused his wife as a child, then given him the job so he could continue having sexual access to her. The husband and wife kill him together, but are seen by a train driver, who also has problems of his own. The wife tries to divert suspicion by implicating another driver and befriending the witness, but it doesn't go that smoothly.
The Secret Agent
Alfred Verloc
1992 BBC adaptation of the Joseph Conrad novel of 1907 concerning the mostly inactive spy Alfred Verloc, who is ordered by his superior Mr Vladimir to carry out a terrorist act. Verloc reluctantly plans the operation, seeking help from The Professor. Verloc is also an informant for the police and the Assistant Commissioner and Chief Inspector Heat add additional pressure on Verloc and his attempts to carry out his plan. Verloc’s subsequent actions gravely affect his wife who is devoted to her mentally unbalanced brother Stevie.
The Trouble With Agatha Christie
Self - Actor
An investigation into the mysterious world of the crime novelist Agatha Christie, with comments from poison experts, policeman and pathologists and members of her family.
The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship
Narrator (voice)
Based on a Russian folk tale. A proclamation went out through all the land that whosoever could build a flying ship would win the hand of the Tsar's daughter. The youngest son of a simple peasant shows up to claim her, and the dumbfounded Tsar quickly has second thoughts, setting several 'impossible" tasks for 'The Fool of the World' and his remarkable friends.
When Sarah, a New York actress, calls Joe, a London playwright they begin a very special relationship conducted through trans-Antlantic phone calls. And both Sarah and Joe have very special conditions they both have to fight to overcome their separation.
Nobody Here But Us Chickens
Three short plays celebrating people with disabilities.
Cuando vuelvan las ballenas
Un par de niños traba amistad con un anciano solitario que vive aislado en un extremo de la isla donde habitan. El anciano conoce un secreto terrible sobre la isla y sobre los narvales que acuden a ella cada cierto tiempo. Mientras tanto, en Europa tiene lugar la I Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). (FILMAFFINITY)
Un mundo aparte
A principios de los sesenta, un matrimonio blanco es acosado y perseguido en Sudáfrica por hacer pública su postura anti segregacionista. El apartheid en el país, es un movimiento con mucha fuerza, y el gobierno considera una amenaza que una periodista blanca comience a protestar contra la segregación racial...
James Joyce's 'Ulysses'
Leopold Bloom
From the series "The Modern World: Ten Great Writers", this playful documentary introduces James Joyce's most famous work "Ulysses". It includes fantastic adaptations to film from passages of the novel. It also includes excerpts from a book written by Joyce's friend, the artist Frank Budgen, entitled "James Joyce and the making of Ulysses". Amongst those interviewed is author Anthony Burgess.
Conspiración Para Matar A Un Cura
Polonia, 1984. Reconstrucción del asesinato del sacerdote Jerzy Popieluszko por la policía comunista como consecuencia de su entusiasta y heroico apoyo a las actividades del sindicato obrero Solidaridad. El film constituye una denuncia del comunismo polaco.
Cause célèbre
T.J. O'Connor
When the ailing husband of an adulterous wife is discovered bludgeoned to death and suspicions fall on the older woman's young lover, the newly widowed woman claims that it was she who was solely responsible for the death despite evidence that points to the contrary in this dramatic account of true-life 1935 trial that shocked all of England. Though notable evidence and strong suspicion suggests that the murder may have been of crime of passion perpetrated by the jealous lover only half her age, Alma Rattenbury (Helen Mirren) confesses to the murder of her husband and is soon brought to trial. Despite the fact that Alma is already being deemed guilty by the general public for her adulterous indiscretion alone, her lawyer, star attorney T.J. O'Connor (David Suchet), remains convinced that his client will eventually be cleared of all charges.
Bigfoot y los Henderson
Jacques Lafleur
Volviendo de un viaje de caza en el bosque, el coche de la familia Henderson golpea a un animal en el camino. Al principio temen que sea un hombre, pero se dan cuenta que es un "bigfoot". Pensando que está muerto, deciden llevarlo a su casa pensando en un posible beneficio económico. Pero no está muerto y, además, lejos de ser el monstruo feroz que temían, resulta ser un gigante amistoso.
The Last Innocent Man
Jonathan Gault
A retired criminal lawyer is persuaded to take on one more case and becomes involved with his client's wife.
William Shirer
Follow legendary news reporter/commentator from his radio broadcasts from the rooftops of London during the Blitz to his TV documentary series "See It Now" and his confrontations with the Senator from Wisconsin that helped put an end to the witch-hunts.
Águila de acero
Minister of Defense Col. Akir Nakesh
A los 18 años Doug Master sabe pilotar un jet desde mucho antes que pilotar un automóvil. Siempre ha querido ser piloto, como su padre, pero la Academia de las Fuerzas Armadas no le ha dejado matricularse por sus malas notas. Ahora Doug está dispuesto a demostrar que es un temerario piloto de combate, y mucho más maduro de lo que parece. Y es que el muchacho se ha enterado que el avión de su padre ha sido derribado en Oriente Medio.
La Muerte de Lord Edgware
Insp. Japp
Durante una fiesta, la mujer de Lord Edgware comenta entre bromas, a algunos invitados, que ella sería capaz de matar a su marido si éste no le concediera el divorcio. Al día siguiente Lord Edgware es encontrado muerto...
A Song for Europe
Steve Dyer
Steven Dyer, an executive working for a giant multinational drugs company, decides to report his employer for breaches of Common Market trading regulations. One night in Basle, Switzerland, he leaves his home to post a letter, the start of a nightmare journey that leads to terrible consequences for his life, his career and for his wife and children.
Blott on the Landscape
Bawdy adaption of Tom Sharpe's comic tale. A landowning MP attempts to have a motorway built through the grounds of his wife's ancestral home.
El juego del halcón
Christopher Boyce (Timothy Hutton), un joven seminarista, y su amigo Daulton Lee (Sean Penn) son dos tipos normales, amigos desde la infancia, que sin querer se ven envueltos en una intriga de espionaje en plena guerra fría... Basada en hechos reales. El guión es del reputado Steve Zaillian ("The Schindler's List", "Searching Bobby Fisher").
La chica del tambor
A Charlie, una joven actriz de EE. UU. pro-palestina, le ofrecen un suculento contrato para rodar en Grecia un anuncio para la TV. Al poco tiempo, descubre que todo el grupo es en realidad un comando de Israel que pretende reclutarla para que luche junto a ellos.
Greystoke: La leyenda de Tarzán
El heredero de la familia Greystoke, John Clayton, huérfano a los pocos meses de nacer, es adoptado por una tribu de simios, entre los que vive durante años. Descubierto por el Capitán D’Arnot, el joven Tarzán es llevado a Inglaterra, presentado a su familia y educado de acuerdo con su rango.
Red Monarch
British comedy satirising Stalin's inner circle as an absolute monarchs court. In the face of rampant abuse of power and poisonous distrust some still manage to keep faith with the Bolshevist creed until the very end. In front of the firing squad a stalwart bolshevist of the first hour exclaims: "Even in the best democracy errors are being made!"
Intriga en Malta
Inspector Stagnos
Una aspirante a escritora de misterio viaja a Malta para escribir su primera novela. Allí conoce a un atractivo y misterioso norteamericano. Las cosas se complican cuando se ve involucrada en una red internacional de contrabando de plutonio.
The Missionary
In 1905, after 10 years of missionary work in Africa, the Rev. Charles Fortesque is recalled to England, where his bishop gives him his new assignment - to minister to London's prostitutes.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Clopin Trouillefou
Adaptación televisiva de la novela de Victor Hugo, con Anthony Hopkins en el papel del jorobado Quasimodo.
The Cause
"I wish I could write ... about what Spain was like - a real cause. Not just Cornford, Hemingway and Orwell, but the ordinary blokes who went." A confused industrial dispute at a London hospital triggers off in trade unionist George Harley 's mind memories of his days fighting in the Spanish Civil War, when the issues seemed so much clearer.
A Tale of Two Cities
John Barsad
Dissolute barrister Sydney Carton becomes enchanted and then hopelessly in love with the beautiful Lucie Manette. But Lucie loves and marries Charles Darnay, and remains oblivious to Carton's undimmed devotion to her. When Darnay is ensnared in the deadly web of the French Revolution and condemned to die by the guillotine, Sydney Carton concocts a dangerous plot to free the husband of the woman he loves.
The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Hercule Poirot
Hastings renews his friendship with Poirot and involves him in the mysterious poisoning of the mistress of a manor house married to a man twenty years her junior.