Aleš Bílík

Nacimiento : 1989-11-15, Praha, Československo


El espía inglés
Customs Officer
Durante la Guerra Fría entre Estados Unidos y Rusia, el ingeniero Greville Wynne (Benedict Cumberbatch) se infiltra como espía en el MI6, servicio de inteligencia británico. Cuando la crisis de los misiles cubanos promete inclinar la balanza a favor del país soviético, Wynne comenzará a trabajar con la CIA para filtrar información sobre el plan que tienen en marcha los rusos y así evitar una catástrofe.
Little Crusader
Young Knight
Knight Borek is searching for his missing son. Enthralled by the stories of children's crusades, little Jan has run away from home. Borek's crusade is a journey into his own subconscious, where he is forced to confront his greatest fear.
Crazy Kingdom
By some quirk of fate, the two small-time thieves and the spoiled princess find themselves in the Black Forest full of magic beings who believe that everyone has a chance to mend his ways. However, sometimes even the best intentions need to take a pretty long way round to be achieved... Funny fairy tale full of action, excitement, fun, magic but also love.
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