Sarah d'Hanens


El sueño de la sultana
Associate Producer
Inés es una directora de animación española de 30 años que está en Ahmedabad para romper con su amante indio Àmàr. Casualmente entra en una librería donde descubre "El sueño de la sultana", una novela escrita en 1905 por Rokeya Hossain en la que se relata sobre un país imaginario gobernado por mujeres. Fascinada por la historia y la actitud transgresora de la autora, Inés decide hacer una película. A partir de este momento la historia de Inés y la de Rokeya Hossain discurren paralelamente.
Crane Lantern
Associate Producer
Musa, a law student seeks out Davud, a man imprisoned for kidnapping four women. He soon discovers that all of his victims have no wish to press charges. On the contrary, they have the feeling of a new truth in themselves. Musa's encounter with the purported criminal becomes a journey into someone else's inner world. Are the questions he asks the correct ones? Is the law a genuine form of justice? What is the meaning of humans imposing punishment on others? Is Musa being enlightened by a superior man, or is he being lured into a world of illusion?
In Between Dying
Associate Producer
Davud es un joven incomprendido que vive en una búsqueda constante de su "verdadera" familia, aquellos junto a quienes cree que volverá a sentir el amor. Un día cualquiera experimenta una serie de inesperados acontecimientos con distintas personas que le llevan a protagonizar un viaje de descubrimiento personal. Incapaz de reconocer a su "otra mitad" que ahora despierta, decide aceptar que el miedo a la muerte será siempre una constante en su vida, un hecho que le permite regresar al lugar en el que siempre vivió. Allí le espera aquello que tanto ansiaba: el verdadero amor. Sin embargo, tal vez sea ya demasiado tarde para él.
A young sailor inches towards an initiation and learns what it means to earn his first tattoo.
Hale County This Morning, This Evening
Associate Producer
Composed of intimate and unencumbered moments of people in a community, this film is constructed in a form that allows the viewer an emotive impression of the Historic South - trumpeting the beauty of life and consequences of the social construction of race, while simultaneously a testament to dreaming.
Blue Orchids
In Blue Orchids, Johan Grimonprez creates a double portrait of two experts situated on opposite ends of the same issue—the global arms trade. The stories of Chris Hedges, a former New York Times war correspondent, and Riccardo Privitera, arms and equipment dealer for the now-defunct Talisman Europe Ltd, provide an unusual and disturbing context for shocking revelations about the industry of war. While interviewing Privitera and Hedges for Grimonprez’s recently released feature Shadow World (2016), it became clear that the two men were describing the same anguish and trauma, but from paradoxical perspectives. One has dedicated his life to unmasking lies, while the other has built his life on them. Both their personal and political histories gradually reveal the depths of suffering and duplicity, showing that the arms trade is a symptom of a profound illness: greed.
Shadow World
Assistant Editor
Una investigación detallada sobre los intereses políticos y económicos que, desde principios del siglo XX, han manejado en la sombra y a su antojo los hilos del comercio de armas, alimentado la vergonzosa corrupción de políticos y funcionarios gubernamentales y promovido un estado de guerra permanente a lo largo de todo el mundo, al tiempo que cínicamente predicaban a favor de una paz durarera y universal.
Shadow World
Assistant Director
Una investigación detallada sobre los intereses políticos y económicos que, desde principios del siglo XX, han manejado en la sombra y a su antojo los hilos del comercio de armas, alimentado la vergonzosa corrupción de políticos y funcionarios gubernamentales y promovido un estado de guerra permanente a lo largo de todo el mundo, al tiempo que cínicamente predicaban a favor de una paz durarera y universal.
White Sun
Associate Producer
Young Pooja lives with her mother in a village in Nepal. Though saddened by the death of her grandfather, she is secretly thrilled at the prospect of meeting the man she hopes may be her father — Chandra, a former Maoist guerrilla who is returning home after a decade-long civil conflict.