Elmira Aynulova

Nacimiento : 1982-01-21,


1945. The International Military Tribunal begins its work in Nuremberg. A huge number of people from all over the world come to the trial, which will later be called the Trial of the Century: the city is crowded with journalists, lawyers, translators, witnesses and many participants and employees of the process.
El 14 de octubre de 1943, más de 400 prisioneros dirigidos por el oficial judío soviético Alexánder Pecherski llevaron a cabo un alzamiento en el campo de exterminio de Sobibor. Mataron a 11 guardias de las SS e intentaron capturar una armería. Habiendo fracasado, corrieron en grupo hacia los bosques a través de un campo minado.
The Heritage of Love
Andrey Kulikov va a París a visitar la tumba de su bisabuelo, Andrey Dolmatov, que había sido oficial del ejército blanco durante la revolución rusa. En la lápida de la tumba al lado de su bisabuelo, hay una foto de la cara de una mujer joven. Más tarde, mientras camina por París, Andrey ve a una mujer, Vera, que se parece a la joven que había visto en la lápida.
Autumn Memories
Prodavets igrushek
Executive Producer
Nicolas Bersen is a Frenchman with Russian roots. He lives in Paris and works as a toy seller. Neither the mother nor the French bride - the daughter of the Parisian confectionery "king" - disapprove of Nicolas's extravagance, because the Sorbonne education allows him to make an excellent career in business. Before Christmas, Nicolas travels to Russia to learn more about her background. Who could have imagined that this trip would change his life? In Russia, he is going to get the adventure, family treasures, and ... true love.
Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny
Executive Producer
Rafshan and Dzhumzhud, migrant workers from Nubarashen, illegally come to Moscow, where the team leader Leonid received an order for super-expensive repairs from one oligarch. Having lost in the capital the “nationalist”, Rafshan and Dzhumzhud are trying to find and save him, wreaking havoc and destruction everywhere. But in the most hopeless situation, fate turns to guest workers - Rafshan and Dzhumzhud learn a terrible secret that will change everything ...