Set Production Assistant
El 14 de octubre de 1943, más de 400 prisioneros dirigidos por el oficial judío soviético Alexánder Pecherski llevaron a cabo un alzamiento en el campo de exterminio de Sobibor. Mataron a 11 guardias de las SS e intentaron capturar una armería. Habiendo fracasado, corrieron en grupo hacia los bosques a través de un campo minado.
Elderly, bald, reserved - one of those characters in one of those Eastern European towns. Nothing too peculiar about him. But his wife becomes suspicious. Perhaps the neighbours would notice it too. Were they not permanently glued to their TV screens, they would notice the outcomes of his secret plan - a personal mission against Nature. In fact, precisely the kind of Nature advertised on TV and eco-packages. The Nature of everybody's dreams. All Is Nature is short Lithuanian arthouse fiction film with a twist of surrealism, exploring how our contemporary lifestyle may influence global environmental processes.