

Nacimiento : 1959-01-03, Saitama, Saitama Prefecture, Japan


Dankan (ダンカン, born 3 January, 1959) is a Japanese actor and film director. He appeared in more than 30 films since 1990.




Thousand and One Nights
Haruo Fujikura
Tomiko, a middle-aged woman, waits patiently for her husband, who disappeared thirty years ago, to return. She lives alone in a declining fishing village, and continues to search tirelessly for her husband. One day she meets Nami, whose husband has also disappeared.
Stray Dogz 9
Loan shark Tsukasa does good business serving women-in-need, but he struggles to recoup his loans when a shrewd yakuza uses his idea against him.
Deep Sea Monster Raiga vs. Lava Beast Ohga
The giant monster Raiga returns, rising in Atami Harbor and attacking the city. A second kaiju, Ohga, soon joins the chaos, and the two monsters clash, destroying large sections of the city. Defense forces launch two new weapons, the giant tank Kamikaze and the drill tank Gokumei, to meet the the monster invasion head on. But as the beasts work their way to Tokyo, will they be enough to stop the monsters from laying waste to the city?
newspaper reporter
Los trabajadores de las instalaciones de Fukushima Daiichi en Japón arriesgan su vida a diario permaneciendo en la central nuclear para evitar su desintegración total después de que la región haya sido totalmente devastada por un terremoto y un posterior tsunami en 2011.
Seventeen Motors
Eiji Ito
The vocalist of a broken up band tries to get the group back together.
Kodokunogurume ōmisoka supesharu ~ tabe-osame! Setouchi shutchō-hen ~
Tokyo Ghoul, la película
Hisashi Ogura
Cuenta la historia de Ken Kaneki, un estudiante universitario, quien después de ser atacado por un ghoul (seres sobrenaturales que sobreviven comiendo carne humana y se esconden en secreto entre los humanos) logra salvarse mediante un trasplante que lo convertirá en mitad-ghoul. Ahora Kaneki deberá adaptarse a su nueva vida ocultando su identidad entre las oscuras calles de Tokio.
Moriyamachu Driving School
Kiyotaka Sato (Shuhei Nomura) is a university student. He is sociable, but he looks like he doesn't have interest in those around him. During his summer vacation, Kiyotaka Sato plans to get his driver's license to impress schoolmate Matsuda (Yukino Kishii). At this time, a yakuza boss (Ken Mitsuishi) orders Todoroki (Kento Kaku) to get his driver’s license. Todoroki doesn't show his feelings outwardly. Later, Todoroki drives a car without a driver’s license and he hits Kiyotaka Sato. To cover up the accident, Kiyotaka Sato is placed in a car and taken to away. He arrives at an unofficial driving school. The driving school is run by the Uehara family. There, Kiyotaka Sato and Todoroki learn that they graduated from the same high school. They spend their summer at the driving school.
Evergreen Love
Makoto Yamazaki
Sayaka trabaja en una oficina. No es muy buena en su trabajo y tiene una vida solitaria y monótona. Una noche, un joven llamado Itsuki aparece agotado frente a su casa. Sayaka le deja entrar y a partir de ese momento comienzan a vivir juntos. Itsuki le prepara la comida y van juntos a recoger hierbas silvestres. Él, a pesar de que se ve como una persona alegre, esconde un secreto.
Dr. Hikojiro
Koichiro Segawa
One day, Hikojiro receives an emergency call from inn proprietress Shino Ogawa to examine Tadahiko Mori, a guest complaining of stomach pain. Mori, who owns an art gallery in Tokyo, has come to Kyoto on a trip with his only daughter, high school student Nanami. Hikojiro gives him his business card, telling him to contact him if the pain comes back. However, the next day, Mori is found dead...!
Terminal Station Series - Umbrella of Goodwill
Detective Kawai
Masanao Ushio and other detectives from Shinjuku West PD discover the strangled dead body of a woman in an empty building in West Shinjuku in Tokyo. According to her husband Takeshi, the murdered Chieko Akiba was a top salesperson at the insurance company where she worked, but quit her job three months ago and planned to open a beauty salon after buying the building which happens to be the crime scene. The call history on her mobile phone reveals the victim answered a call at 8:16 PM and is presumed to have been murdered immediately afterwards. However, Ushio is surprised to hear who was on the other side of the call: Kyoko Yamano, a woman who accompanied Ushio under an umbrella on a rainy night one year ago and whose husband was killed by someone that very night...
The school has its own baseball team. The trouble is that there are nine of them and several of the girls are too weak, too small, too fat, too inexperienced, etc. They are in trouble. What is more, their manager is a janitor. The girls want to win in this adaptation of a popular manga in Japan.
The Snow White Murder Case
Kozaburo Shirono
Yuji Akahoshi trabaja en un programa de televisión. Un día recibe una llamada de una amiga que le cuenta que una compañera de la empresa de cosméticos donde trabaja ha sido apuñalada hasta morir. Akahoshi pronto descubre que Miki Shirono, quien también trabajaba en la empresa de cosméticos, desapareció la misma noche que se produjo el asesinato. Akahoshi intenta aclarar el misterio tras Miki Shirono.
Police Officer
High school student Hatsumi lives with her mother. Her father passed away. She then meets 18-year-old Ryutaro who works at a waste paper collection field. They fall in love.Ryutaro is then unable to contact Hatsumi and jumps to the conclusion that Hatsumi hates him. When they meet again, Ryutaro loses control of his emotions and a horrific incident occurs. Hatsumi becomes conflicted with her mixed emotions towards Ryutaro. She makes a decision.
Box: The Hakamada Case
Detective Matsumoto
Based on the true story of former professional boxer Iwao Hakamada who has spent over 40 years incarcerated on death row. Iwao Hakamada was arrested for the June 10, 1966 murder of a family in Shizuoka . Iwao Hakamada has always insisted on his innocence and many others also believe Iwao Hakamada has been falsely accused ...
Ain't No Tomorrows
Chizu's Father
17 year-old Hiruma is desperate to get laid and takes out his sexual urges on Anpai, a fat boy who has "boobs." His classmate Tomono, a sickly loner, is in a serious relationship with their married teacher.
Suspect X
Kuniaki Kudo
El cuerpo de un hombre ha sido descubierto, estrangulado hasta la muerte, su cara pulverizada, haciéndola irreconocible, y sus huellas digitales quemadas como hasta crujir. Asignado al caso están el detective local de recinto, Kaoru Utsumi, y su ex colega de los cuarteles, Shunpei Kusanagi. Se descubre que el vecino de la ex novia de la víctima es un alumno universitario, físico brillante, Manabu Yukawa, también conocido como “Detective Galileo".
The Two in Tracksuits
Mr. Okada
A son quits his job and is persuaded by his father to head off to a cottage in the remote mountains. Together, the two of them manage to get through their days while wearing old jerseys left by a deceased grandmother. The following summer, the two once again leave the stifling heat of Tokyo, as if escaping to the mountain cottage. However, the next summer is very different...
Cafe Isobe
Sakiko is a typical teenager in many ways. She hates her divorced father, who chases after every skirt he sees. She does not know, if she will ever be loved by the other sex. When her dad suddenly inherits a lot of money and becomes really lazy, she hates him even more. He finally decides to start his own cafe, where Sakiko, of course has to help. From this moment, strange customers and good-looking waitresses form the center of tension between father and daughter.
Dark Love: Rape
A young woman moves into an apartment that is rigged with hidden cameras.A voyeur watches her every move and begins a strange relationship with her.
Noroi (La maldición)
Guest on TV Program
Masafumi Kobayashi es un reportero de lo sobrenatural. Su último documental nunca fue mostrado al publico por ser considerado demasiado perturbador para la televisión, ese famoso y ultrasecreto documental es Noroi, La maldición.
Innocent Seven
Hitoshi Kakiuchi
Seven families are aboard a bus towards a field camp for their vacation. At this camp, it becomes clear that this is not a common trip. The parents are of the kind that abused their children or were visited by children´s services, and at the camp they are offered to sell their children for a large sum of money, because there were customers that needed healthy internal organs.
Innocent Seven
Seven families are aboard a bus towards a field camp for their vacation. At this camp, it becomes clear that this is not a common trip. The parents are of the kind that abused their children or were visited by children´s services, and at the camp they are offered to sell their children for a large sum of money, because there were customers that needed healthy internal organs.
Innocent Seven
Seven families are aboard a bus towards a field camp for their vacation. At this camp, it becomes clear that this is not a common trip. The parents are of the kind that abused their children or were visited by children´s services, and at the camp they are offered to sell their children for a large sum of money, because there were customers that needed healthy internal organs.
Medicom Industrial Employee
Hayasaki is an inventor working on an Artificial Body. It is not going well and he is stressed out and on the verge of being fired from the research division of his company. His doppelgänger appears to help him out of the rut he has created for himself.
Asakusa Kid
After dropping out of college, "Takeshi" jumps into the Asakusa France Theater and begins his training as a comedian. His teacher, Senzaburo Fukami, Masayoshi Inoue, who also trains at the French Theater and aspires to be a writer, and other good-natured dancers... This heartwarming and moving drama set in Asakusa vividly depicts the process of "Takeshi's" self-discovery through interaction with his delightful friends.
Asako con zapatos color rubí
Entre Japón y Corea, Tokio y Seúl, dos personas llevan vidas paralelas: U-In es un funcionario que trabaja en el departamento de reciclaje y recolección de basura del Ayuntamiento. El reciclaje es de por vida, al igual que su trabajo. Aya es una estudiante que lucha por adaptarse a la edad adulta mientras estudia para sus exámenes de ingreso a la universidad. Habiendo perdido recientemente a su abuela y admirando el suicidio de su abuelo al contener la respiración, comienza a fantasear con quitarse la vida. Para esto necesita dinero. U-In es un solitario, con una indiferencia palpable hacia su trabajo y su vida en general. Recurre a Internet en busca de compañía. Aya también recurre a Internet, publicándose en un sitio de contactos personales y cambiando su nombre a Asako. De alguna manera se encuentran tanto en línea como fuera de línea.
Bad Money Hunting
A man disappears leaving a large amount of debt
Dead or alive I
Sangrientos enfrentamientos entre los Yakuza japones y las Triadas chinas. Ryuichi es un gangster cegado por una insaciable sed de poder y atormentado por los recuerdos de una infancia paupérrima. Toji, su hermano pequeño, ha regresado de un viaje de estudios en los EEUU. Los dos están a punto de aprender varias lecciones devastadoras sobre la vida al otro lado de la ley. Entretanto, el detective Jojima se encuentra cada vez más metido en el inframundo Yakuza al tener que hacer tratos sucios con la mafia para conseguir el dinero que su hija necesita para una operación quirúrgica de vida o muerte.
Suicide Bus
A young girl named Mitsuki receives a ticket for a bus tour from her uncle. The tour appears to be normal (expect that everyone appears to be quite sombre), but Mitsuki learns its true purpose: the other passengers and the tour manager have a suicide pact to send the bus over a cliff so their families can collect the insurance money.
Suicide Bus
A young girl named Mitsuki receives a ticket for a bus tour from her uncle. The tour appears to be normal (expect that everyone appears to be quite sombre), but Mitsuki learns its true purpose: the other passengers and the tour manager have a suicide pact to send the bus over a cliff so their families can collect the insurance money.
Eyes of the Spider
Nijima, a white-collar worker, finds the man responsible for his young daughter’s murder. He tortures and interrogates the man, who maintains his innocence, before killing and burying him. He returns to his ordinary life feeling listless and hollow, until he meets an old friend who introduces him to his hapless band of hired killers.
Witnesses of a murder. Remake of Akira Kurosawa film Rashomon.
One More Time, One More Chance
Kimura (as Dankan)
A romance that takes place one summer in the countryside between an out-of-job musician, Hanabi (Masayoshi Yamazaki), and a girl, Hibana (Masumi Sanada).
Two Punks
Michio Umezawa
Centering on a young drifter almost casually drawn into violence--a crime drama about a boy and a man equally ill-equipped for criminal life and straight society. Neither wants to be a Yakuza, but normal life presents problems.
The Man with Two Hearts
When a woman whose job is to professionally date men disappears suddenly, a TV crew who wanted to film a documentary about women like her begin searching for her. Coincidentally, a salary-man who saw the disappeared woman and wants to meet her again is found and joins the crew. Together they follow the clues. She has an amulet, which looks like a small bag, which she always hangs from her neck. It contains a piece of the Berlin wall.
Immoral: Indecent Relationship
Newspaper reporter
Getting Any?
Una comedia de payasadas, sobre un tonto hombre de mediana edad que está obsesionado con la idea de tener sexo en el automóvil. Mientras persigue su 'sueño', hace todos los movimientos incorrectos posibles y termina inscribiéndose en una serie de locas escapadas.
ヤンキー愚連隊 なんぼのもんじゃい!2
Boiling Point
Dos miembros de un equipo de baseball junior se ven mezclados con la yakuza local. Después de que su entrenador sea herido por ellos, los dos chicos se van a Okinawa para hacerse con un arma y vengarse. Allí, los dos jóvenes se hacen amigos de un psicótico yakuza retirado llamado Uehara (Kitano), que tiene una deuda pendiente con la yakuza, por lo que no duda en acompañar a los dos chicos a Tokio y enfrentarse con la mafia japonesa. (FILMAFFINITY)