Roman Pavlíček

Nacimiento : 1955-03-23,


Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Psí kus
Director of Photography
"I'm feeling like a dog, doctor". Mr. Ota Posta is not feeling very well lately, deprived and humiliated like a dog he turns into one.
Počkej, až zhasnu
Director of Photography
Královský slib
Director of Photography
Zimní víla
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
...ani smrt nebere!
Camera Department Manager
Náš dědek Josef
Assistant Director
Aislados en el bosque
Assistant Director
Los Lavicka, una familia checa de la ciudad, alquilan una casa en el campo con opción a compra. Sin embargo, el anciano Sr. Komarek parece reacio a vender la casa como acordaron.
Pomerančový kluk
Assistant Director