Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro

Nacimiento : 1984-01-15, Los Angeles, California, USA


Ben Shapiro is editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire and host of "The Ben Shapiro Show." Shapiro is the author of seven nonfiction books, including Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America (Simon & Schuster, 2012) and Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America’s Youth (WND Books, May 2004), Porn Generation: How Social Liberalism Is Corrupting Our Future (Regnery, June 2005), and Project President: Bad Hair and Botox on the Road to the White House (Thomas Nelson, 2008). Shapiro was hired by Creators Syndicate at age 17 to become the youngest nationally syndicated columnist in the U.S. He earned a BA in Political Science from UCLA in 2004 and graduated from Harvard Law School in 2007. After working as an attorney for Goodwin Procter LLP, Shapiro began his own legal consulting firm, Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting (Los Angeles). Ben Shapiro’s columns are printed in major newspapers and websites including Townhall, ABCNews, WorldNet Daily, Human Events, FrontPage Mag, Family Security Matters, the Riverside Press-Enterprise and the Conservative Chronicle. His columns have also appeared in the Christian Science Monitor, Chicago Sun-Times, Orlando Sentinel, Honolulu Star-Advertiser,, Arizona Republic, and Claremont Review of Books, among others. He has been the subject of articles in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Associated Press, and Christian Science Monitor, and quoted on "The Rush Limbaugh Show," "The Dr. Laura Show," at CBS News, in the New York Press, in the The Washington Times, and in The American Conservative magazine, among many others. Shapiro has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows around the nation, including "The O'Reilly Factor" (Fox News), "Fox and Friends" (Fox News), "In the Money" (CNN Financial), "DaySide with Linda Vester" (Fox News), "Scarborough Country" (MSNBC), "The Dennis Miller Show" (CNBC), "Fox News Live" (Fox News Channel), "Glenn Beck Show" (CNN), "Your World with Neil Cavuto" (Fox News) and "700 Club" (Christian Broadcasting Network), "The Laura Ingraham Show," "The Michael Medved Show," "The G. Gordon Liddy Show," "The Rusty Humphries Show," "The Lars Larson Show" (nationally syndicated), "The Larry Elder Show," The Hugh Hewitt Show," "The Dennis Prager Show," among others.


Ben Shapiro


Lady Ballers
Executive Producer
A once-great basketball coach reunites his former high school championship team on a mission to achieve glory.
Lady Ballers
The Ref
A once-great basketball coach reunites his former high school championship team on a mission to achieve glory.
Terror on the Prairie
Executive Producer
Una familia pionera lucha contra una pandilla de forajidos viciosos que los aterroriza en su granja recién construida en las llanuras de Montana.
What Is a Woman?
Executive Producer
Documental sobre el término "mujer" que choca entre diferentes campos y elementos de la sociedad por la interpretación que dan cada uno de ellos a la palabra tras la pregunta "¿qué es una mujer?".
Executive Producer
Una joven madre soltera es cautiva junto con sus dos hijos por un ex violento y debe planear su escape antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Luchar o morir
Executive Producer
Zoe Hull, de 17 años, no está manejando bien el fallecimiento reciente de su madre, ya que a veces habla con ella como si estuviera presente, y está resentida con su padre por su falta de emociones. Su mejor amigo, Lewis, quiere que su relación se convierta en algo más. Pero Zoe lo único que quiere es acabar este año de instituto e ir a la universidad para tener un nuevo comienzo. En lugar de eso, su instituto es atacado por cuatro estudiantes armados que quieren hacer una matanza.
No Safe Spaces
Adam Carolla y Dennis Prager examinan la realidad de la vida y el discurso en los campus universitarios de la América moderna.
How to Kill 14 People Without Saying a Word
Self (archive footage)
This is a story of how the lips of America became sealed. How we stood by and let our minds be censored. How countless lives were lost in the name of comfort and correctness. This is how we killed fourteen people in San Bernardino, CA on December 2nd, 2015 without saying a single word.
Trump @War
Self (archive footage)
2016 marked a revolution in American politics when a political novice upended the entrenched political classes on both sides of the aisle, and achieved a stunning victory for the forgotten men and women of the nation. Running on a common-sense platform of America First, a revitalized economy, tax cuts, a reinvigorated foreign policy, and a promise to reestablish American sovereignty with immigration reforms, Donald Trump ignited a dormant passion in the hearts of his supporters, and won the presidency in what was arguably the most significant election campaigns in our nation’s history. Trump @War is a retelling of that story and a look forward to the high-stakes midterm election in November, which will help cement his legacy, good or bad.
A Glitch in the Matrix
Self (archive footage)
In 'A Glitch in the Matrix', journalist David Fuller analyzes and assesses Dr. Jordan B Peterson's recent viral interview with Cathy Newman, unpacking the deeper political, psychological and archetypal levels of the clash.
White Knuckle
Executive Producer
A strong-willed woman survives a murder attempt by the serial killer trucker known as White Knuckle. Haunted by her encounter and the cops’ inability to catch her tormentor, she partners with another trucker to end the killer’s reign of terror.