A man with the ability to exorcise demons fights to protect his loved ones after a sudden surge in demonic possessions. After discovering his nephew's girlfriend has the same supernatural gift, they join forces for the ultimate confrontation. Inspired by actual events.
Set in Sydney, 1999, after an unlikely encounter at a train station, a young girl befriends a fugitive teenage boy and they travel to visit a moon rock that the girl believes will heal her.
Maya Alamein
Jamal has just returned to Australia after disappearing overseas for 18 months fighting in Syria. He's back in the country and wants to see his terminally ill mother, however he has to deal with his strong-minded older brother Omar, then his wife Heidi and their young son whom he left behind, but most importantly his unforgiving father. But why has Jamal really come back? Is he a militant with a cause or an easily led pawn in a bigger picture? A story about redemption, forgiveness and the consequences of your actions on loved ones and those you leave behind.
Seis años después, John sigue obsesionado por la muerte de su hermano menor. Las elecciones que enfrenta lo llevarán al límite como nunca antes.
Laughing Woman's Friend #2
Len es un campeón de Surf Lifesaving, una leyenda en el club de surf enclaustrado al igual que su padre. Cuando Phil, el más joven, más rápido y más en forma, llega al club, el legendario estatus de Len comienza a desmoronarse. Entonces Len ve a Phil llegar en compañía de otro hombre. Phil es gay. Después de la cena anual de premiación, Len encuentra a Phil en el vestuario del Club House y lo ataca violentamente. Para sorpresa de Len, Phil se niega a delatar a Len por la paliza. Cuando Phil gana la competencia anual Surf Lifesaving, la derrota de Len es definitiva. En un acto de venganza, Len emborracha a Phil y lo somete a una serie de actos humillantes. Pero, el odio lo obliga a enfrentarse cara a cara con una pregunta fundamental: ¿puede aceptar la verdad sobre su propia sexualidad?
Jane Anderson
A group of holiday makers set out on an escape from the monotony of their daily routines, only to have their lives turned upside down when the peaceful escape they had planned turns into a fight for their lives.