Rose Knudsen
In a moment of cowardice, Detective Carl Mørck sends Rose, his junior colleague in Department Q, to the remote Danish island of Bornholm to answer his old colleague Christian Habersaat's repeated requests. But during his forced retirement ceremony Christian kills himself sending Rose into a journey deep into her own traumatic past. Later, Department Q are embroiled into an old cold case of a girl found dead hanging in a tree.
The brand new and unsinkable rescue boat RF2 goes down on one of its first rescue missions in 1981, Hirtshals. 9 men died. Henrik, the son of the captain of RF2, starts an investigation as his father is set to blame for the accident. However, Henrik faces opposition from the townspeople, meanwhile grief threatens to tear Henrik's family apart. The film is inspired by true events.
It follows a Copenhagen couple's new life at a West Jutland folk high school.
When Karoline has an unwanted pregnancy, she makes a plan to give the baby to her childless sister – for a large amount of money in return.
It's the summer holiday, and Little Allan is home alone. But his older neighbor Helge will take care of him. Helge is fascinated by space, and it doesn't take long before Little Allan is pulled into Helge's plan to get in contact with aliens.
Class teacher
Una pareja lo sacrifica todo para alcanzar la mayor meta posible dentro del mundo culinario: una estrellla Michelín.
Rose Knudsen
Cuando Marco, un niño gitano de 14 años sin hogar, es arrestado en el control de fronteras danés por posesión del pasaporte de un funcionario público desaparecido, el inspector de policía Carl Mørck y su equipo del departamento Q tienen la tarea de encontrar la conexión. El caso anterior contiene varios elementos sospechosos: el servidor público fue acusado de pedofilia poco antes de su desaparición, y su caso se cerró inusualmente rápido. Pero el silencioso y traumatizado Marco se niega a hablar con ellos y no pasa mucho tiempo antes de que esté huyendo de aquellos que pretenden matarlo por lo que él sabe.
Tras la muerte de su madre, una chica de 17 años es acogida por su tía Bodil, la matriarca de una familia mafiosa en la que la violencia, el crimen y la crueldad nunca aparecen bajo el prisma de la idealización.
La historia del fotógrafo danés Daniel Rye, quien fue capturado por el ISIS en Siria en 2013 y fue rehén durante 398 días.
When Ingrid turns 34, she has to admit to herself that her life has not gone as she had hoped. She has been single since she was seventeen, she works in an underwear store, and now her parents are getting divorced. She can feel for the first time in her life that she is in fact like everyone else. And her biggest wish is one of the most banal and unoriginal in the whole world: to have a boyfriend. But how can an independent and proud woman like her find love under the increasing pressure of her biological clock and without losing face?
Jane is a boxer, preparing for the championship of her life. She wants to win but it's difficult to keep focus when her girlfriend Tanja wants to start a family. When Jane meets Karoline new emotions arises and she decides to leave Tanja. The training escalates, and suddenly Jane seems to be unable to get the firm foothold that she so desperately needs in both her life and in her career.