Adomas Stančikas

Adomas Stančikas

Nacimiento : 1981-01-14,


Adomas Stančikas
Adomas Stančikas


La generación del mal
A punto de retirarse, el comisario Gintas debe emprender la investigación de una serie de atroces asesinatos, una tarea peligrosa que podría exponer los muchos y sucios secretos de varios prominentes miembros de la élite social de una pequeña ciudad lituana.
La batalla olvidada
German SS Officer
Noviembre de 1944. En la isla inundada de Walcheren, Zelanda, miles de soldados aliados luchan contra el ejército alemán. Tres vidas jóvenes están inextricablemente conectadas. Un niño holandés que lucha por los alemanes, un piloto de planeador inglés y una niña de Zelanda conectada a la resistencia contra su voluntad, se ven obligados a tomar decisiones cruciales que afectan tanto su propia libertad como la libertad de los demás.
Zero III
STT Agentas #2
An outrageous crime - action - comedy examining corruption and greed in Lithuanian politics.
Whisper of Sin
A nearly-suicidal, young woman visits a psychotherapist. She is in love with a priest, and the diagnosis of her husband's mental illness leaves no hope. The psychotherapist, in her attempts to resolve the amassed difficulties, seemingly begins to duplicate the life stages and behavioral patterns of her patient. A script for this film is based on motifs from the best-seller, scandalous novel, Witch and Rain, by female author, Jurga Ivanauskaite. By choosing a priest as the main role for a love story, the author broke an existing societal taboo. Faith, Love and Hope form the trilogy by the authors of this screenplay. Love stands as the grandest of the three.
Zero. Lilac Lithuania
ZERO is an 0 sucking in a young deserter, a casino victim and three heroin brothers. That is a destiny, a mixture of objectives and desires of heroes. That is a lifestyle balancing on the edge - bullets, numbers and needles.
A critical and ironic sequence of accidental events emphasising and exalting the main elements of human nature: animal cruelty, maniacal desire and paranoid fear versus beauty. Beauty is not understandable without its opposite: non-beauty.