Ronald France

Nacimiento : 1936-05-20, Montreal, Canada

Muerte : 2011-06-17


Miniserie de TV de 2 episodios. Una serie de tormentas origina inmensas olas que amenazan la costa de Inglaterra. Militares e ingenieros intentarán hacer todo lo posible para evitar que Londres sea devastada por una terrible inundación. (FILMAFFINITY)
Pregúntale al viento
Columbia Sweeper
Los Ángeles en la década de los treinta. Instalado en un sórdido hotel en los barrios marginales de la gran ciudad, el joven aprendiz de escritor, el italo-americano Arturo Bandini (Colin Farrell), lucha por la dura supervivencia diaria mientras sueña con el triunfo artístico y económico tras haber conseguido publicar un relato en una pequeña revista. Guiado por su mentor y editor, Arturo proclama a quien quiera escucharle que es un genio de las letras, mientras se enfrenta a una compleja relación amorosa con Camilla (Salma Hayek), una chica mejicana que trabaja como camarera. Incapaz de mostrarle sus auténticos sentimientos, Arturo se ve abocado a una destructiva relación de amor-odio mientras sigue soñando con alcanzar la gloria.
The Fall. El sueño de Alexandria
1920. En un hospital en las afueras de Los Angeles, un especialista herido empieza a contarle a su compañera de habitación, una niña con un brazo roto, una fantástica historia sobre cinco héroes míticos. Gracias a su estado mental y su viva imaginación, la línea entre la ficción y la realidad comienza a desdibujarse a medida que avanza el cuento.
Clay Classics: The Velveteen Rabbit
Skin Horse
Using vivid clay animation, this adaptation of the classic children's book is a feast for the eyes. Although the velveteen rabbit is the favorite plaything of a young boy, the more modern, mechanical toys hold the stuffed bunny in contempt … except the rabbit's single friend, the skin horse, who has become real. As the horse explains the mystery of how to become real, a fable about the transforming power of love and imagination unfolds.
Aguas sangrientas
Old Cajun
Un enorme tiburón toro devorador de humanos está sembrando el pánico entre los bañistas del río Missisippi. Nadie se explica cómo el tiburón puede sobrevivir en agua dulce, pero los ataques se suceden en muy poco tiempo. John Sanders (Lou Diamond Phillips), un experto en perforaciones retirado que se dedica a la pesca con su barco, decide dar caza al escualo con la ayuda de su ex mujer Kelly (Kristy Swanson), una atractiva científica que busca valiosos recursos naturales en el fondo del río para su empresa. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Meeksville Ghost
A cowboy ghost, one young man, a mother and son separated at his birth by a disapproving father, dream / time travel, a big fiery accident, a small town in need of saving by the power of love.
The Chimes
A claymation adaptation of "The Chimes: A Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang an Old Year Out and a New Year In". The Chimes was a short novel by Charles Dickens which was written and published in 1844, one year after A Christmas Carol. It is the second in his series of "Christmas books": five short books with strong social and moral messages that he published during the 1840s.
Black Velvet Band
Sir Harry Smith
Period drama Black Velvet Band takes us back to Victorian times when a gang of petty crooks find themselves sentenced to transportation to Australia, their ship, however, docks in South Africa and the gang manage to make their escape. The film starred Nick Berry, Chris McHallem and Todd Carty, who had all previously appeared in EastEnders together. The initial idea came from McHallem, whilst Nick Berry, thanks to being the darling of ITV at the time because of his hit show Heartbeat, had the clout to get it made.
Clay Classics: Michael the Visitor
Stockard Channing narrates this inspiring story adapted from Leo Tolstoy's tale "Truths We Live By." Simon the shoemaker barely makes enough to get by, but that doesn't stop the kind cobbler from taking in a needy homeless man named Michael. Simon provides Michael with food, shelter and a job as his assistant. Mysteries unfold, relationships strengthen and new purpose is found as Simon slowly unravels the details of Michael's life.
The Corporal
Two alien brothers crash their ship in the U.S. They get separated, and one searches the country for the other one.
Torn Allegiance
Piet du Bois es un minero que va a Namibia a principios del siglo XX a comprar una granja. En su búsqueda, conoce a un bosquimano y a su mujer, a los que seguirá a través del desierto para que le muestren su fuente de agua. Du Bois les compra la tierra y echa a la pareja de allí, sin importarle que la anciana mujer muera de sed. Es entonces cuando el bosquimano saca a la luz una leyenda sobre un fabuloso tesoro escondido. Pero para dar con él hay que atravesar 160 km de desierto africano.
Tony de Peltrie
An aging piano player looks back on his life.
Chantaje al Pentágono
Geoffrey Graves es un agente secreto retirado que es llamado de regreso y enviado a Sudáfrica para rescatar a un ingeniero aeroespacial secuestrado antes de que pueda revelar los secretos del "transbordador solar" experimental del gobierno.
House of the Living Dead
Col. Pringle
On a South African plantation, a maniac is on the loose, first killing the estate's animals, then starting on the human members.
Le Père Bonhomme
A humanity student, Lucien is active in various extracurricular activities. Recognized by his peers, he represents other students in their challenge of college rules and the settlement of the fate of an incompetent professor. He ends up being thrown out of the school. After his mother's death, even though he dates Lise, a young woman with whom he does acting, he has to resist the advances of a homosexual whose death he will accidentally cause.
Amanita Pestilens
A man obsessed with his award-winning lawn goes to great lengths to keep it looking great when mushrooms suddenly start appearing all over the yard.