Timka Grin


A Ballad
Casting Director
Merjem-Meri, an unambitious, 30-year-old homemaker and mother to 8-year-old girl Mila, moves back to her parental home after 10 years of marriage. Soon after, Meri realizes she is stuck in a circle of provincial rules and expectations and a complex relationship with her ambitious mother and spoiled younger brother. Her hope to get the custody of her daughter wanes from day to day because she has no chance of finding a permanent job. The only thing that makes her happy, but also makes everyone else look down on her, is participation in an audition for a film role in her neighborhood.
A Ballad
Casting Director
Merjem-Meri, an unambitious, 30-year-old homemaker and mother to 8-year-old girl Mila, moves back to her parental home after 10 years of marriage. Soon after, Meri realizes she is stuck in a circle of provincial rules and expectations and a complex relationship with her ambitious mother and spoiled younger brother. Her hope to get the custody of her daughter wanes from day to day because she has no chance of finding a permanent job. The only thing that makes her happy, but also makes everyone else look down on her, is participation in an audition for a film role in her neighborhood.
De forma rutinaria, pero con dedicación, Mare dirige la modesta casa de su pequeña familia, a pesar de que una nueva lavadora no es lo único que falta. Cuando un encuentro fortuito reaviva su libido, no se detiene por mucho tiempo.
Sympathy for the Devil
In an urban war zone where everything that moves is a target, Paul tries to live, love and inform.
Take Me Somewhere Nice
A teen raised in the Netherlands by her single mother travels to their native Bosnia to visit the father who left them, as he’s been admitted to a rural hospital. Joined by her cousin and his best friend, they hit the road.
Additional Casting
En Skyfall, la lealtad de James Bond hacia M será puesta a prueba cuando el pasado de M vuelve para atormentarla. Su vida se verá en peligro, de modo que el agente 007 deberá localizar y eliminar la amenaza, sin importar el precio personal que tendrá que pagar. Tras el fracaso de la última y fatídica misión de Bond y revelarse la identidad de varios agentes secretos en distintos puntos del planeta, la sede del MI6 es atacada, obligando a M a trasladar su agencia. Debido a estos sucesos, su autoridad y posición se verán amenazados por Mallory, el nuevo Presidente del Comité de Inteligencia y Seguridad. Ahora, el MI6 se enfrenta a amenazas tanto externas como internas por lo que M decide acudir al único aliado en quien puede confiar: Bond. El agente 007 desaparece en las sombras con una única aliada: la agente de campo Eve. Juntos le seguirán la pista al misterioso Silva.