Associate Producer
In the summer of 2001, Ryo Hagio, a high school student living in a country town by the sea, is spending his last summer vacation in high school with his classmates Manabu, Kosugi, and Hotta. One day, he meets Wang Jia-ling, a foreign exchange student from Taiwan who dreams of becoming a dolphin trainer. Ryo, who hates dolphins and the ocean, is at odds with Ling, but when he learns of her true feelings about coming to Japan, they begin to have a heart-to-heart talk...
Associate Producer
El rodaje de una película de zombies en un almacén abandonado en el que se habían realizado experimentos militares se ve torpedeado por la irrupción de… ¡zombies! Estamos en el terreno del cliché, pero nada en One Cut of the Dead es lo que parece a primera vista. Con un plano secuencia de más de media hora y con un tono de humor desmadrado, esta adorable zomedia da una nueva vida al cine de no-muertos.