Behnam Taheri


Agentes 355
Script Coordinator
Thriller de espionaje -ideado y producido por Jessica Chastain- sobre cinco mujeres que se unen, superando sus rencillas y conflictos personales, para usar sus respectivos talentos y experiencia con un objetivo: intentar evitar que una poderosa organización adquiera un arma que empuje al tambaleante mundo al caos total. En el camino, estas mujeres se convertirán en camaradas y amigas, formando un nuevo grupo cuyo nombre en clave es "355", nombre que adoptan de la primera mujer espía en la Revolución Americana.
Seeds of Love
A man discovers that love grows in unexpected places.
La vieja guardia
Script Coordinator
Cuatro guerreros inmortales que llevan siglos protegiendo a la humanidad en secreto son perseguidos a causa de sus misteriosos dones tras descubrir a una nueva inmortal.
Naked Times
Made for straight 8's 2019 competition on one cartridge of super 8mm film with only in-camera edits and no post-production. This film follows two naked people who meet at a café, fall in love, and decide to dress each other in clothes.
Insecurity Questions
Spencer just wants to get through to his bank.
Insecurity Questions
Spencer just wants to get through to his bank.
Open Wide
Mr. Karobka hadn’t visited his dentist for a long while. In his absence, the clinic had adopted a new routine procedure.
Open Wide
Mr. Karobka hadn’t visited his dentist for a long while. In his absence, the clinic had adopted a new routine procedure.
A Short Film About Impotence
Chris is an uptight office worker looking to cure his 'special problem'.
After twenty years apart, Kevin bumps into a very special old friend.
After twenty years apart, Kevin bumps into a very special old friend.