Ines Sommer


Coup 53
Additional Photography
Teherán, Irán, 19 de agosto de 1953. Un grupo de conspiradores iraníes que, con el beneplácito del depuesto tirano Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, han conspirado con agentes del MI6 británico y de la CIA estadounidense, consiguen poner fin al gobierno democrático liderado por Mohammad Mosaddegh, un dramático hecho que dará inicio a la trágica era de los golpes de estado que, orquestados por la CIA, tendrán lugar, a lo largo de las décadas siguientes, en decenas de países de todo el mundo.
In the Game
Through the stories of a Hispanic girls soccer team at Kelly High School in Chicago, IN THE GAME illustrates the enormous challenges facing inner-city girls in their quest for higher education and, most importantly, success in life.
In the Family
At 31, filmmaker Joanna Rudnick faces an impossible decision: remove her breasts and ovaries or risk incredible odds of developing cancer. Armed with a genetic test result that leaves her vulnerable and confused, she balances dreams of having her own children with the unnerving reality that she is risking her life by holding on to her fertility.
A Doula Story
This powerful documentary chronicles one African-American woman's fierce commitment to empower pregnant teenagers with the skills and knowledge they need to become confident, nurturing mothers.
The Self-Made Man
Is it ever rational to choose death? On Independence Day at Stern Ranch, 77-year-old solar energy pioneer Bob Stern finds out he’s seriously ill – possibly dying. Meanwhile, an elderly in-law is dying on artificial life support. Bob decides to cheat that fate and take his own life. His family tries to stop him. Bob sets up a video camera. Daughter Susan Stern explores “rational suicide,” the “right-to-die” and the difficult end-of-life choices faced by an aging population.