Artem Kuzmin

Artem Kuzmin


Artem Kuzmin


The Man from Nowhere
Production Design
In the 1960s, a Soviet spacecraft crashed, and the cosmonaut wakes up in Moscow in 2023.
Production Design
¿Qué pasa si Cheburashka realmente existe? ¿Qué pasa si no es un juguete de peluche, sino un verdadero animal peludo que vive en un campo de naranjos en un país lejano? ¿Qué pasa si se encuentra en un pequeño pueblo junto al mar y conoce a un anciano poco comunicativo que no lo necesita en absoluto, conoce a un niño pequeño que no puede hablar y su madre, que hace un chocolate increíble, conoce a una tía extraña que quiere cómpralo y dáselo a su antipática nieta, y a muchas, muchas otras personas.
Production Design
Snow Maiden Against Everyone
Production Design
The main qualities of 45-year-old businessman Yevgeny Vasin are the brilliant mind, thanks to which he became rich, and the disgusting character, which turns the life of the businessman's relatives and subordinates into a real hell. On New Year's Eve, Vasin knocks down Santa Claus in a car and, instead of providing help, steals a Christmas tree and leaves. Punishment is inevitable. Santa Claus transmits Evgeny's soul into the body of his Snow Maiden. Now, in the image of his grandfather's helper, Vasin will have to deliver gifts to all those whom he has offended, humiliated or insulted, to look at himself from the outside and check whether his life and the life of his family are similar to the fairy tale that Yevgeny drew for himself.
Production Design
Diciembre de 1941, Frente Noroeste. Una columna de tanques alemanes avanza hacia Moscú. Durante una misión para detener el avance enemigo, el IL-2 de Nikolai Komlev es derribado. Komlev logra hacer un aterrizaje forzoso de su avión en un claro del bosque remoto. Está vivo, pero lejos de territorio amistoso. Le espera una prueba implacable de gran resistencia física y mental. Después de luchar contra el hambre y el frío extremo, evadiendo manadas de lobos y destacamentos de soldados nazis, el herido Komlev finalmente regresa a un lugar seguro. Pero allí se enfrenta a otro desafío, el más transformador de todos.
Production Design
Vampires appear in the Russian Empire of the 19th century. Count Draculov, originally from distant Transylvania, decides to buy a new mansion in Moscow. The deal is led by a young lawyer Pyotr Smirnov. During a conversation with the customer, Peter accidentally takes out a photograph of Varvara's bride, which the count immediately liked. Draculov leaves Petya in the mansion under the supervision of werewolf harlots, and he goes to Moscow in search of a girl. Peter goes on the trail of the count to protect his bride from a three-hundred-year-old vampire. The son of the famous professor, Vasya van Helsing, is trying to figure out all the further tangled events.
Mini Max
Production Design
Ambitious scientist Maksim Minaev is on the verge of discovery, thanks to which he can receive the Nobel Prize. In pursuit of fame, Maxim conducts a risky experiment on himself and shrinks to the size of an ordinary test tube. The young scientist desperately needs help, but his girlfriend abandoned him, his best friend betrayed him, and he has no one else to count on... Suddenly, the hero volunteers to help a 12-year-old boy chained to a wheelchair.
The Whaler Boy
Production Design
Un joven cazador emprende un viaje kilométrico al otro lado del globo para encontrar a una chica que solo ha visto desde la pantalla de su ordenador.
Uno cero uno, el límite de lo imposible
Production Design
Basada en la biografía de Natalia Molchanova, campeona mundial de buceo libre y apnea en su intento de superar los límites de lo imposible: alcanzar por primera vez los 101 metros de profundidad en descenso libre.
Owl's Shadow
Production Design
Pavel Vladimirovich Savin (nickname Sova — the Owl) has long wanted to leave his business. To this end he advances Denis for the post of city head. Things are going smoothly, but suddenly Denis is kidnapped by his own employees. As he is taken away in an unknown direction, Denis tries to remember what it is that he has done to draw all these troubles upon himself.
Dame tus ojos
Una mujer ciega que está consiguiendo recuperar la vista tras un transplante de córnea comienza a descubrir perturbadoras cosas sobre su marido y su matrimonio.
The Invisibles
Production Design
Suddenly, on New Year Eve, Yuri becomes invisible. And very surprised after discovering that there is a lot of invisible people like him in Moscow.
Steel Butterfly
Production Design
A story about a homeless teenager Chuma and her relationships with police.
Production Design
A perfect bank heist turns deadly when the robbers and their hostages flee to the abandoned underground subway station where they encounter the Trackman, a deformed madman that prowls the darkness.
Las difuntas hijas
Production Design
En la actualidad, los fantasmas de Moscú de tres niñas pequeñas asesinadas por su loca madre escogen al azar a una persona para que la vigile durante tres días. Si durante este "período de prueba" las normas morales de la persona no parecen ser lo suficientemente altas como para Las Hijas, entonces matenlas utilizando la telequinesia.