Omar Chenbod


Allo Canada
The film tells the story of Said, an agricultural engineer , who one day decided to emigrate to Canada for improve their standard of living. But his bag will be stolen from him, which contains all the documents necessary for his trip. Said, accompanied by the sister of the thief, who recently returned from Canada, they begin to follow her brother among a group of villages.
Goodbye Mothers
Rabbi Braham
En 1960, los judíos marroquíes empezaron a emigrar en masa a Israel, alentados por los agentes de inmigración del nuevo estado. La pelicula cuenta en clave de drama la historia de dos familias, una judía y otra musulmana, unidas por una estrecha amistad pero cuyos destinos se separan. Seleccionada por Marruecos como candidata al Oscar 2008 a la mejor película de habla no inglesa.
Jodour Argan
A young Moroccan man returns to his hometown in one of the villages of Souss after an absence of two years that he spent in an illegal situation in France, and he is obliged to search for a way out to settle this situation. The young man, like many of his generation, has to resort to "white marriage" with the intention of solving the problem of residence and stability, so he returns to his homeland accompanied by "Monica", a 65-year-old foreigner, Events accumulate by clashing between two different cultures and two opposing perspectives.
Illusion in the mirror
El makki
For a film based on a fictional folk story in the world of Thousand and One Nights about Aziza, an orphan, who lives in her uncle's house and grows up with her cousin in a house, and after reaching the age of marriage, the family decides to marry them, but Aziz disappears on the wedding night, on the way home, She saw a beautiful woman who took possession of her mind and took possession of her heart, which affected her relationship with aziza.
Amigos de Jesús: José de Nazaret
Las gentes de Jerusalén sufren bajo el reinado de Herodes, y esperan ser liberados de los invasores romanos por el mesías, cuya llegada se rumorea tendrá lugar pronto.
La Biblia: Jeremías
Head Priest
Jeremías, hijo del sacerdote de Jerusalén y descendiente de Aarón, recibe desde su infancia señales de que ha sido elegido como profeta de la palabra. Sus primeras intervenciones chocan con el pensamiento del Rey Josías, quien le aparta de Jerusalén al ser acusado de no seguir las enseñanzas del Señor.
1001 Nights
Sheherazade has been married to a ruler who wants many wives, but only one at a time. Consequently, as soon as he has bedded them, he has them put to death. In most retellings, the girl staves off this unfortunate conclusion by putting off the connubial event for a thousand and one nights, telling irresistible stories instead. In this one, she gets hold of a magic lamp.
Casablanca Express
La "Operación Casablanca" podría decidir el destino de la humanidad. En la bella y fascinante ciudad se prepara el encuentro entre Churchill y Roosevelt para encarrilar el rumbo de la Gran Guerra (1914-1918). Pero los alemanes intentarán destruir el Casablanca Express, el tren en que viajan Churchill y otros 120 pasajeros. Una emocionante y vibrante aventura con un gran reparto internacional.
The Barber of the Poor District
Among the inhabitants of Derb el Soltan, a popular district of Casablanca, we highlight the life of a barber who accepts the path that has been traced for him. His close friend never stops teaching him that struggle and resistance are the only qualities of a worthy man.