Key Animation
Several short animated mini-stories based on the short stories and four-panel manga of Keiko Fukuyama, including My Father the Mouse, The Rabbit Brothers, Summer Secret, The Mysterious Fairy, How Very Strange, and Kuro.
Character Designer
Several short animated mini-stories based on the short stories and four-panel manga of Keiko Fukuyama, including My Father the Mouse, The Rabbit Brothers, Summer Secret, The Mysterious Fairy, How Very Strange, and Kuro.
Several short animated mini-stories based on the short stories and four-panel manga of Keiko Fukuyama, including My Father the Mouse, The Rabbit Brothers, Summer Secret, The Mysterious Fairy, How Very Strange, and Kuro.
Several short animated mini-stories based on the short stories and four-panel manga of Keiko Fukuyama, including My Father the Mouse, The Rabbit Brothers, Summer Secret, The Mysterious Fairy, How Very Strange, and Kuro.
Key Animation
Verano de 1945. La aviación estadounidense somete las ciudades japonesas a continuos ataques aéreos. En uno de ellos, una incursión con bombas incendiarias convierte la ciudad de Kōbe en un infierno humeante, para los dos protagonistas (Seita, de 14 años, y su hermanita Setsuko, de 5). El joven Seita y su pequeña hermana Setsuko son hijos de un oficial de la marina japonesa. Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, ambos viven con su madre, pero un día, tras un bombardeo, ellos se retrasan y no consiguen llegar al búnker donde ella los espera.
Key Animation
In the new Calendar Year of 392, in Neo-Tokyo, a young man, Agino Jiro, steals a time synchronization system and tries to escape to the past. The authorities give chase and damage his ship in the pursuit, forcing him to land in modern day Tokyo, Determined, he breaks into a van and attaches the device, recklessly kidnapping Nobucho, Shinichi, Teko and their teacher, Hokubei. Their initial resistance force lands them in Tokyo on March 9th 1945, during the US bombing campaign. Escaping again to the past the group eventually arrives at the Warring States period. There the future and the past collide as factions from Jiro's era seek to alter their past at a pivotal moment at Honnoji.
Key Animation
La huérfana Sheeta ha heredado un misterioso cristal que la une al mítico reino de las nubes de Laputa. Con la ayuda del ingenioso Pazu y una graciosa banda de piratas del cielo, dirige su camino hacia las ruinas de la que fué, una gran civilización. Sheeta y Pazu deben ser más listos que el malvado Muska, quien planea usar la tecnología de Laputa para dominar el mundo.
Key Animation
Dos gatos se embarcan en un viaje metafísico a través de un tren mágico.
Animation Director
Screened as a triple feature with Doraemon: Nobita and the Castle of the Undersea Devil and Paman - Birdman ga Yattekita.
Animation Director
Screened as a triple feature with Doraemon: Nobita and the Haunts of Evil and The Monster Kid and The Demon’s Sword.