Kai Engel


Cenizas al mar
Iván regresa a la Argentina para entregar los restos de su padre al mar. Por primera vez en mucho tiempo, se enfrenta a él mismo y a su soledad. Aunque es un empresario exitoso, ya no ambiciona nada; cumplió todos sus deseos en la vida. Pero la muerte de su padre lo desestabiliza y le plantea otra mirada sobre sí mismo. Sofía es una mujer sensible que se oculta tras el trabajo. Intelectual y práctica, supo llevar su vida con extrema independencia. Ambos coincidieron en un pasado amoroso y ahora se reencuentran en el hotel que Ceci, la novia de Iván, elige para hospedarse frente al mar donde arrojarán las cenizas. Una casualidad e inesperada aparición, enredará y alterará el curso de la vida de todos en un abrir y cerrar de ojos del modo más tierno y apasionante.
Cuando su madre muere, un joven decide visitar a su alejado padre y la nueva novia mucho más joven que él tiene. Allí, encuentra un padre ausente y una curiosa y sexy madrastra que despertará confusos sentimientos en su alma atormentada.
A man on a run encounters a deadly problem.
The Visit
An impressionistic haiku-like film, illustrating a man's first visit to his father's occupied homeland Tibet. Assembled using 16mm hand-processed film, ethereal road trip footage and film archives, The Visit artfully explores a stifled rage, too dangerous to show, and the profound effects of intergenerational loss and longing that belong to the liminal space of exile.
Rugas de Vida
The Hello Girls
In 1918, the U.S. Army Signal Corps sent 223 women to France as telephone operators to help win the Great War. They swore Army oaths, wore uniforms, held rank, and were subject to military justice. By war's end, they had connected over 26 million calls and were recognized by General John J. Pershing for their service. When they returned home, the U.S. government told them they were never soldiers. For 60 years, they fought their own government for recognition. In 1977, with the help of Sen. Barry Goldwater and Congresswoman Lindy Boggs, they won. Unfortunately, only a handful were still alive.
What does it take to climb the world’s first 9c? Bernardo Giménez' documentary shows what preceded on the afternoon of September 3, 2017 when professional rock climber Adam Ondra made a little piece of climbing history by sending his project in the Hanshelleren Cave in Norway. The route, eventually named Silence, received a new grade of 9c making it the hardest route in the world.
Original Music Composer
Teresa is terminally ill and is about to die. Her doctor, as a last resort, invites her to appear at a medical meeting. Teresa arrives on the indicated day and is called by a mysterious doctor who believes he can cure her.