Sanda Shandu


When the remains of an apartheid-era policeman are discovered 60 years after he went missing, a retired singer revisits her past to help with the investigation. But how much does she know, and what is she holding back?
Good Madam
In post-apartheid South Africa, Tsidi, a single mother, is forced to move in with her own estranged mother Mavis, a live-in domestic worker caring obsessively for her catatonic white ‘Madam’. And as Tsidi tries to heal her family, a sinister spectre begins to stir.
Good Madam
In post-apartheid South Africa, Tsidi, a single mother, is forced to move in with her own estranged mother Mavis, a live-in domestic worker caring obsessively for her catatonic white ‘Madam’. And as Tsidi tries to heal her family, a sinister spectre begins to stir.
Mi primer beso 3
Es el verano antes de que Elle se dirija a la universidad y tiene que tomar una decisión secreta. Elle ha sido aceptada en Harvard, donde se está matriculando su novio Noah, y también en Berkeley, donde se dirige su mejor amiga Lee. ¿Qué camino debería elegir?
Mi primer beso 2
Elle debe tomar decisiones sobre la universidad, afrontar su relación a distancia con Noah, su cambiada amistad con Lee y lo que siente por un compañero de clase.
Mi primer beso
Elle nunca imaginó que el primer beso daría para tanto. Pero, a pesar de que ha conseguido salir con el chico más guapo del instituto, está a punto de perder a su mejor amigo de toda la vida.
Tödliche Geheimnisse – Jagd in Kapstadt
Where is Paul Holthaus? The investigative journalist Rommy Kirchhoff, together with his son Max, is looking for the disappeared lobbyist Paul Holthaus, who has negotiated several times in Cape Town on behalf of Lilian Norgren for their agricultural corporation Norgreen Life. Norgren makes it clear to Rommy that the search for the whistleblower is unwanted and puts her and the boy in danger.