Boom Operator
The spiritual and sexual coming of age of a Seventh-Day Adventist boy in 1950s Australia. Ken Elkin is a "randy young man" who is told that the world is about to end. In a race against time, there's only one goal Ken wants to accomplish: bedding the love of his life, who just happens to be the local pastor's daughter.
Boom Operator
The story of sisters Vicki and Beth, when Vicki begins an affair with Beth's intriguing French husband.
Boom Operator
Hando es el líder de una banda de skinheads que impone el terror en el centro de Melbourne apaleando a la población local vietnamita, por considerarla un claro ejemplo de la impureza racial en Australia. Finalmente, los vietnamitas deciden hacer frente a sus agresores para demostrarles que no están dispuestos a sucumbir al miedo.
Boom Operator
Australia, años sesenta. Danny Embling es un joven estudiante interno en una escuela privada para chicos que se enamora de Thandiwe, una alumna de raza negra hija de un diplomático de Uganda. El problema es que la timidez de Danny le impide mostrarle sus sentimientos.
Boom Operator
Flesh and fantasy fill the nights of the call girls at Bambi’s, a flashy back street brothel. Join Bambi, Candy and the girls for an evening or two and find out what happens in the violent world of sex for sale. Candy is new to the business. She follows all of the rules of the house - she arrives on time, doesn’t take drugs, is polite to customers, and numb to all the men who used her. Then she meets Reg and breaks the most important rule - don’t fall in love with one of your customers. Their first encounter leaves her longing to see him again. She fantasizes about the love they share and how idyllic their life together would be. But the facts are clear. Candy is a hooker and she will never be a real part of his world … she’s one of Bambi’s girls. She has seen his life and felt his love, a brief glimpse is all she’ll ever have, KISS THE NIGHT!
Boom Operator
Australia, 1962. Un niño ve cómo su amiga de toda la vida, hasta hace poco compañera inseparable de juegos, se está haciendo una mujercita que se enamora de un jugador de rugby.