Collin Blair


British Reporter
Tras un brutal asesinato en la Francia rural, un mendigo es detenido y acusado del crimen. Creyendo en la inocencia de su cliente, la abogada Kate Moore decide enfocar todo desde un punto de vista científico para echar por tierra la acusación. Pero tras indagar en el pasado familiar de su defendido todo sugiere que están ante el renacimiento de una leyenda ya olvidada...
The Drain
Steve is bearing the weight of his isolated existence, when a person enters his world. This person happens to be his bathtub drain. Is this some sick prank? Or is it the root of something much deeper?
The Drain
Steve is bearing the weight of his isolated existence, when a person enters his world. This person happens to be his bathtub drain. Is this some sick prank? Or is it the root of something much deeper?