Director of Photography
En una granja inglesa aislada en 1657, Fanny vive una vida tranquila con su opresivo esposo John y su pequeño hijo. Un día, su vida se ve sacudida por la llegada de la joven pareja Thomas y Rebecca que afirman haber sido asaltados y necesitan un lugar para quedarse. Pero, ¿son estos extraños realmente quienes dicen ser?
Director of Photography
Una tragedia tiene lugar a puerta cerrada. El tema es universal: una historia de personas atrapadas en una red de poder inhumana. Se suceden las reuniones del Eurogrupo, que imponen a Grecia la dictadura de la austeridad y que ignoran cualquier signo de humanidad y compasión. Una trampa claustrofóbica que no tiene salida y que ejerce presiones en los protagonistas y, finalmente, los divide. Una tragedia en el sentido de la Grecia clásica: los personajes no son buenos ni malos, pero que se ven arrastrados por las consecuencias de lo que ellos perciben que es lo correcto. Esta es una tragedia de plena actualidad.
Director of Photography
Greece. A seaside resort struck by a heavy heat wave. Water is scarce and violence is ready to explode. Ashraf, a solitary immigrant, is looking after a villa while its owners are away. On a dusty road crushed by the sun, he is stopped by a police officer for an identity check...
By giving farmers a voice and showing their struggle for survival, this sensitive portrait of farmers shows a contemporary peasant world, revealing its profound culture and interrogating the present state of the world.
Director of Photography
This film, is about the courage and the determination of a young woman in djurdjur"as mountain in Algeria, fighting for her ancestor land during the earlier years of french occupation.
Director of Photography
A class of five-year-old children gets lost in the forest after their schoolmistress faints from eating wild berries. All alone, they encounter a fourteen-year-old runaway, Tom the Truant, who lives in a centennial oak tree. Tom strikes a deal with them: he will bring them back to their parents, safe and sound, when they have forgotten everything they learned in school. A field trip led by a “master Truant”, or how to re-enchant the world with fantasy and impertinence.
Director of Photography
La historia abre el telón en abril de 1986, en Prypiat, una ciudad soviética cercana a la central nuclear de Chernóbil, algunos días antes de la explosión. Un niño, Valery, y su padre, físico de la central, plantan un árbol. Joshia, guardabosques, efectúa su ronda diaria. En medio de un claro, Anya y Piotr celebran su matrimonio. La fiesta se interrumpe brutalmente y Piotr, un bombero voluntario, debe ir a apagar un incendio…
Director of Photography
Charles Chinaski is a guy with many problems and feels responsible for most of them: women, alcohol, his hostility towards certain groups of people. One day, he decides to consult the first doctor he comes across.
Director of Photography
George, una joven carismática y aventurera, nacida en el seno de una vieja familia católica, se enamora siendo adolescente de una profesora suya llamada Sybil. Destrozada por el posterior suicidio de su amante unos años después, George se sume en un emocionante y temerario viaje a las profundidades de la vida nocturna de Pigalle a principios de los sesenta. Conoce a Odete, una mujer rica bastante mayor que ella, que aún conserva su atractivo. Esta le ofrece dinero y regalos a cambio de sexo, y George no tarda en convertirse en Gigola, reservada solo para mujeres.
Director of Photography
Julien, 28, returns to his home town. He's spent the last 13 years in prison. Out on probation, he's obsessed by a girl... Emily. And one day, he reaches for her: "it's me". She turns around, looks at him and starts to scream.
Director of Photography
Jane Morton es una psiquiatra a la que le asignan el caso de Dorothy Mills, una joven de 15 años de edad de una remota isla Irlandesa, que es acusada de tratar de asesinar a un bebé al que cuidaba... Al llegar al lugar, Jane descubrirá una pequeña, religiosa y fría comunidad aterrorizada por una serie de misteriosos eventos y un terrible secreto que guarda la gente...
Director of Photography
París, 1835. Para sobrellevar las inquietudes de la época, la nobleza se lanza a un juego de "amistades peligrosas" (medio siglo después de la publicación de la novela epistolar de Choderlos de Laclos), creyéndose todavía en el Siglo de las Luces. La Marquesa de Flers, decide casar a su hija pequeña, flor de la aristocracia francesa, con Ryno de Marigny, una especie de Valmont romántico. Pero lo que nadie sabe es que este Don Juan, impenitente es, desde hace diez años, amante y presa de una cortesana escandalosa, un demonio de la seducción, hija natural de una duquesa y un torero.
Director of Photography
La vida de Vincent sólo volverá a tener sentido el día en que el asesino de su mujer sea detenido. Su vecina Alice, convencida de que puede devolverle la felicidad, decide inventar un culpable ficticio, para que Vincent pueda vengarse y dejar atrás su pasado.
Una familia de clase media en una pequeña ciudad de provincias: el padre, profesor universitario; la madre, ama de casa; la hija mayor va a la universidad, mientras que el hijo menor, un muchacho en plena adolescencia, está en el instituto y toma clases de piano. La aparente normalidad familiar se ve alterada por el descubrimiento de la ambigua relación de amor y odio entre la madre y su hijo.
Paris. The year is 1969. Andreas Baader on the run from the law in Germany hides out in the apartment of the political intellectual Régis Debray who at the same time is serving what is supposed to be a long prison term in Bolivia.
Director of Photography
In a small English coastal town, three teenage boys are drawn into a world of temptation and violence. Bored, troubled and excluded, the boys are unable to accept or even recognise moral boundaries. Their actions move inexorably towards a truly shocking act, that will horrify their sleepy community and expose its deepest, hidden fears.
Director of Photography
The story of a woman who decides to kill herself. She puts herself through a series of experiences that test the limits of what is humanly bearable in an ultimate attempt to find a reason to live.
Director of Photography
Durante el curso de cuatro noches en medio de ninguna parte, una mujer adicta al sexo pagará a un extraño para que la "observe" en sus momentos más íntimos y privados. Rompiendo con todos los límites y perversiones, entre ambos se van formando y destruyendo vínculos que los llevan a confrontar sus sentimientos, y sobre todo a descubrir los verdaderos secretos de los hombres y mujeres respecto a todo lo que tenga que ver con el sexo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Theophilus Palios, owns a small traditional publishing house. He man madly falls in love with Sia, that is doing vocals on the show of a known singer. Sia maintains her living by the "generosity" of old fans. In the face of Theophilus, Sia will experience true love, though it continues to accept the offers of numerous admirers. Theophilus mad by jealousy, is lead to huge wastages and ultimately to economic collapse. He ends up entangled in a case of robbery and murder. Sia, in a guilt and self-sacrifice crisis, becomes mistress of the investigating policeman in exchange for his silence. This creates an odd triangle ..
Camera Supervisor
In May 1948, shortly before the creation of the State of Israel, hundreds of immigrants from across Europe arrive in Palestine--only to risk arrest by British troops.
Director of Photography
39 years old Jacques Monot is tired from the same vacation he and his family have every year so he decides to buy a boat.
Director of Photography
La director francesa, tras la polémica "Romance X" (1999), continúa en el terreno del sexo en este filme que retrata el descubrimiento sexual de la adolescencia, desde la perspectiva de dos hermanas ansiosas de perder su virginidad durante unas vacaciones.
Director of Photography
Under the influence of signs and premonitions, a man allows himself to veer in and out of a love affair with his colleague.
Director of Photography
Marie es una joven enamorada de su pareja pero no suficientemente correspondida. Con la intención de que su amante vuelva a desearla, Marie se lanza a la búsqueda del amor físico en brazos de un semental italiano y de un hombre maduro aficionado a la dominación. Una cinta polémica por sus explícitas escenas pornográficas que fue un gran éxito de taquilla en Francia, ayudada por la buena crítica de la prestigiosa revista cinematográfica "Cahiers du Cinéma".
Director of Photography
Cuando a Alexander, un escritor griego, le quedan pocos días de vida, necesita resolver un dilema: morir como alguien ajeno a los demás o aprender a amarlos y a comprometerse con ellos. Elegida la segunda vía, lee las cartas de Anna, su esposa fallecida, y cierra su casa en la playa. Un día lluvioso, encuentra a alguien que le ofrece la oportunidad de cumplir su compromiso: un niño albanés al que ayuda a pasar la frontera mientras le cuenta la historia de un poeta griego que vivió en Italia y que, al regresar a Grecia, compraba las palabras olvidadas para escribir poemas en su lengua natal. Entonces el niño juega a buscar palabras para vendérselas.
Director of Photography
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), con el objetivo de huir de los nazis y evitar el exterminio, un grupo de judíos de un pueblo de Europa del Este organiza un convoy simulando que se trata de un tren de prisioneros. Algunos de ellos no tendrán más remedio que hacerse pasar por soldados nazis.
Director of Photography
Max (Clive Owen) es gay, y por ese motivo es enviado a Dachau, un campo de concentración bajo el régimen nazi. Max trata de negar su sexualidad y consigue una etiqueta amarilla, reservada para los judíos, en lugar de una rosa, la de los homosexuales. En el campo de concentración se enamora de Horst (Lothaire Bluteau), quien con orgullo lleva su etiqueta rosa.
Director of Photography
Última película de Marco Ferreri, un director inclasificable. Se trata de un personal homenaje al séptimo arte que revive la historia del cine y su evolución técnica y artística durante sus más de 100 años de historia. Pone, sobre todo, de manifiesto la extraordinaria influencia que ha ejercido y ejerce sobre los corazones y la mente de los espectadores.
Director of Photography
Director Abdoulaye Ascofare's drama follows Zamiatou (Aminata Ousmane), a mother who struggles to support her family in the wake of her husband's unjust incarceration. Life is already difficult in the desolate desert of Mali in Africa, but when her husband returns from prison a mentally and physically reduced man, Zamiatou will do anything to keep her two sons and daughter alive.
Director of Photography
Francia, siglo XIX. Cuando Verlaine (David Thewlis) ve por primera vez al joven Rimbaud (Leonardo DiCaprio), queda impresionado por su belleza juvenil y su aire arrogante. Pero no imagina la posibilidad de que este chico es el mismo poeta que le ha estado enviando muestras de su poesía, que Verlaine considera genial. Con la aparición de Rimbaud, Verlaine vislumbra una escapatoria de su penosa vida a través de la postura rebelde, intransigente y única de su compañero.
Director of Photography
Un cineasta griego, exiliado en los Estados Unidos, regresa a su ciudad natal para emprender un apasionante viaje. De Albania a Macedonia, de Bucarest a Constanza (Rumanía), a través del Danubio hasta Belgrado y por fin a Sarajevo. En su camino se cruza con su propia historia, con el pasado de los Balcanes, con las mujeres que podría amar. Espera recobrar con estas imágenes olvidadas la inocencia de la primera mirada.
Director of Photography
Estados Unidos, años 90. Crónica sobre la inmigración en Nueva York. El montenegrino Bayo, que vive en Brooklyn, ha conseguido trabajo en el restaurante de un inmigrante español que tiene problemas con su anciana madre, que quiere volver a España, y con las mujeres en general. Mientras, la familia de Bayo decide embarcarse en un carguero con destino a Nueva York. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
This European existential drama utilizes complex symbols inspired by abstract psychological theories to explore the effects and reasons behind a young classical actor's decision to stop talking. No one knows why Massimo has vowed to stop talking. Other than speaking dialog from classical plays, Massimo refuses to say a single word. His father, a classic-literature professor believes it reflects to a disappointing love affair. His new girlfriend thinks Massimo is rebelling against his mother, a poet. A director learns of Massimo and commissions his mother to write a play about him. Though Massimo plays himself in the play, and does speak, he returns to silence when the play is finished.
Theo Angelopoulos recalls the defining moment in 1964 that led to him to live his entire life in Greece, and explores the concept of borders in his work - as the limits of existence, of life and death, of language and communication. “Narrowing down the borders narrows the communication, stretches the differences, magnifies oppositions, magnifies reasons for war, magnifies the refugees, magnifies the internal exile... In reality a civil war leaves behind wounds which cannot easily be healed and they revive, like ghosts, or like recurrent nightmares, during the long nights which have dogged Greek society for years.”
Director of Photography
Adapted from the Max Frisch novel "Der Mensch erscheint im Holozän". It tells the story of an old man, isolated from the outside world in a little mountain village in Ticino, Switzerland, who fights against oblivion. From books that he has there he cuts out texts and images about geology and geological history to fix and arrange them on the walls of his cottage. Frisch adds these articles to his novel to assemble human history with individual decay.
Director of Photography
Belgium, 1980. On the banks of the Meuse river, against the background of a steel-producing city, factories close down one after another and lay off workers. One of those made redundant is Fabrice, who, at thirty-five, is proud of his trade, rendered mythical by fire and steel, but feels he has become useless. His wife, Céline, tries to renew his interest in life. Despite a few moments of rediscovered happiness, Fabrice remains trapped in his confusion and one day disappears. Céline, her intense love leading the way, goes looking for him and eventually finds him. Once again, she tries to save him from himself. Can love resuscitate a languishing man? That is Céline's wager.
Director of Photography
Aléxandros (Gregory Karr) es un periodista que viaja a la "Sala de espera", un lugar del norte de Grecia en la frontera con Albania, que se llama así porque allí se concentran refugiados kurdos, turcos, albaneses, polacos, rumanos o iraníes que esperan un permiso que les permita abandonar ese lugar. El periodista llega con un equipo de televisión para filmar la vida de estas gentes; en un momento dado, cree reconocer a alguien: un político griego (Marcello Mastroianni) que, diez años antes, desapareció misteriosamente.
Director of Photography
Shepard sobrevive a un accidente de avión y los recuerdos de un tiempo pasado irrepetible.
A doc made during the nightmarish filming of The Suspended Step of the Stork at Florina.
Director of Photography
The film is dedicated to the Armenian monk and genius composer Komitas, and the 2 million victims on his people in Turkey in 1915. The final 20 years of Komitas life were spent in various mental hospitals. The destiny of Komitas? This is the magic beauty of Armenian culture and the abhorrent brutality of Armenian history. A cultural and artistic world that was slaughtered with a curved knife. A humanity that doggedly advances towards an apocalyptic catastrophe, that does not recognize its own original purpose, eradicates its own memory, its final roots.
Director of Photography
Dos niños griegos que buscan a su padre emprenden un viaje hacia Alemania, durante el cual encontrarán el bien y el mal, la verdad y la mentira, el amor y la muerte, el silencio y el verbo.
Director of Photography
By the 14th century, the Byzantine Empire was, if not on the verge of actual collapse, at least seriously decadent and clearly on its last legs. The hungry wolves of Europe were preparing to dine on its corpse, and as a result the Byzantine army and its allies were constantly engaged in battles and skirmishes. In this story, a widow lives in the 14th-century Byzantine village of Doxobus with her son Xenos. She forms a relationship with a village elder, and when she gives birth to the elder’s son, her son from her previous marriage is sent to live in a monastery.
Director of Photography
Narra el viaje de un maduro apicultor desde el norte hasta el sur, siguendo el rastro de las flores, y su relación con una muchacha. Un film silencioso sobre la historia, el amor y Dios.
Director of Photography
After the death of her father a young woman who was a student in Germany suffers a nervous breakdown and withdraws inside herself. Her younger sisterʼs attempt to stop the family from having her locked up in a mental hospital fails and brings about her own mental decline. The film marked Stavros Tsiolis re-emergence after a 14-year absence but was also the film debut of actress Pemi Zouni.
After the death of her father a young woman who was a student in Germany suffers a nervous breakdown and withdraws inside herself. Her younger sisterʼs attempt to stop the family from having her locked up in a mental hospital fails and brings about her own mental decline. The film marked Stavros Tsiolis re-emergence after a 14-year absence but was also the film debut of actress Pemi Zouni.
Director of Photography
The true story of a young couple (Babis and Eleni) fighting for love and freedom. An odyssey in and out of prisons during the dark period between the Greek civil war until the end of dictatorship in 1974
Director of Photography
Un viejo comunista regresa a Grecia, tras pasar 32 años en la Unión Soviética. Drama que obtuvo excelentes críticas.
Director of Photography
A poetic visit to the city of Athens, based on paintings, poems and philosophical texts.
Director of Photography
A masseur whose son is a student in Germany learns that he has become a member of the Neo-Nazi party.
Director of Photography
A documentary shown on Greek television in 1981, that describes the plight of Greek villages abandoned by their inhabitants. Some scenes from this film were rewritten into Voyage to Cythera.
Director of Photography
La historia de un famoso bandido macedonio del siglo XIX (Omero Antonutti), que cree ser la reencarnación de Alejandro Magno, le sirve al cineasta griego para reflexionar sobre la debilidad de los poderosos.
Director of Photography
A biographical film about the great Greek politician Eleftherios Venizelos for the period between 1910-1927. The film highlights his vision of a Greater Greece and refers to important events in Greek history such as the formation of a government by Venizelos after the Goudi movement, his dispute with the King over Greece's stance in the First World War, the temporary his withdrawal from politics after his defeat in the 1920 elections and the Asia Minor disaster. A biography of the former Greek prime minister Eleftherios Venizelos and the recreation of his acts and the political and social climate in Greece from 1910 to 1927.
Director of Photography
Melina Mercouri plays Maya, a jet-setting Greek actress who returns to her homeland to undertake the role of Medea. Searching for inspiration and clues as to how a mother could kill the children she loves, Maya discovers Brenda (Ellen Burstyn), a bible-spouting American woman serving time in an Athens prison for that very crime.
Melina Mercouri plays Maya, a jet-setting Greek actress who returns to her homeland to undertake the role of Medea. Searching for inspiration and clues as to how a mother could kill the children she loves, Maya discovers Brenda (Ellen Burstyn), a bible-spouting American woman serving time in an Athens prison for that very crime.
Director of Photography
During a hunting party on New Year's Eve 1976, five representatives of the bourgeoisie encounter with their companion the body of a partisan from the Civil War of the late forties. What they are most confused about is the fact that the corpse that lies at their feet is still bleeding…
Director of Photography
Pierre, a young man of Brussels, has lost his job. Unbeknowst to Barbara, the woman he lives with, he has become a pickpocket to survive. He works in partnership with a young Tunisian immigrant he meets every Sunday in an abandoned bus where they share the loot of the week. One day, Pierre finds his accomplice dead in their hiding place. Pierre suddenly realizes that he does not know much about his dead friend. Taking possession of his identity papers, Pierre decides to go to Tunisia to find out who his friend actually was.
Director of Photography
Adaptación de la tragedia griega de Eurípides "Ifigenia en Aulide". Antes de la guerra de Troya, cuando las tropas aqueas se preparaban para zarpar de Áulide con destino a Troya, la ausencia de viento retuvo a los mil navíos griegos en el puerto. Un adivino reveló que Artemisa, la diosa de la caza, estaba furiosa porque los griegos habían matado a uno de los animales que ella protegía. La única manera de apaciguar a la diosa y obtener vientos favorables para zarpar era sacrificar a Ifigenia, la hija de Agamenón, quien se vio sumido en un trágico conflicto moral.
The movie is about dictatorships in Greece – first, the Metaxas regime (1936-1940), and then the Colonels’ Junta (1967-74). In Part One, the Metaxas regime is depicted as a circus, where Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos) is a clown trying to conceal a young colleague’s subversive action. In Part Two, we see Thanasis suffer because of his honesty and kindness, in a country where the system’s irrationality is clearly evident.
Director of Photography
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Grecia sufre la ocupación de las tropas nazis. En esas circunstancias, una compañía teatral realiza una gira por el país, aunque sus representaciones se ven continuamente interrumpidas por los conflictos políticos. Por otra parte, una de las actrices intenta vengarse de su madre a la que responsabiliza de la muerte de su padre. Su hermano, un partisano, la ayudará a satisfacer sus propósitos.
Director of Photography
At midnight, on a deserted Athenian street, a beautiful woman named Eleni Chalkia is fatally stabbed by a stranger, who immediately disappears into the shadows. The murderer is Ioannis Zachos (Manos Logiadis), a young man lacking in both mental and sexual stability, who lives out his erotic fantasies through purifying violence. He often fantasizes about killing beautiful women, in this way compensating for his deficient manhood and satisfying his passion for power. When he is arrested, he immediately confesses his crimes, which is a relief to the police, who have been accused of gross ineptitude by the press. During the trial that follows, the relentless question, “who is ultimately guilty? Man or society?” is again raised.
Director of Photography
Lena, Alexis and Manolis are ready to run with the money of a bogus company they had founded, when Lena discloses the secret to her childhood friend Dimitris. Alexis and Manolis decide to take him along, in their small private plane. They will land in a deserted spot and try to kill him, while Lena escapes with the plane, which she throws to a swamp along with the money it carries. The people from a lighthouse nearby apprise of the situation and try to get the plane out of the swamp, hoping the money will change their fortune.
Director of Photography
A documentary about Greek music. Τhe Great Love Songs is series of ten poems by, among others, Sappho, Elytis, Myrtiotissa, Sarantari, and cavafy, put to music by Manos Hadjidakis. In the film, the camera lens illustrates the emotions stirred by the erotic atmosphere of the music. We follow the camera as it wanders through Athens; the nostalgic Athens of yesteryear; the big modern-day city; the Athens of lovers; the Athens of tourists. Our journey through the city is intercut with footage from the studio recordings of the songs, while there also scenes featuring the film crew. The film is a game between image and sound.
Director of Photography
Viky, a Greek from Africa, returns in shock to her homeland after the riots in the Congo, where she saw almost all of her family killed before her very eyes. In Athens, the businessman Angelos von Zirach, of German origin, helps her brother avoid financial disaster, but also helps her launch a career as a singer and dancer. Viky falls in love with him and agrees to marry him, inviting the wrath of his secretary and lover Tzina, who, in order to get even with him, reveals to Vicky that Angelos' ships don't transport food, medicine and indispensable articles to Africa, but guns, ammunition and even mercenaries. Viky is shocked. She turns in von Zirach to the police and leaves. After some years, she returns to him with their son Freiderikos, when von Zirach has donated his fortune to the orphans of Biafra.
Director of Photography
A seamstress, Rena, unable to deliver a dress due to the strict safety measures of the hotel in which a famous football player is staying, gets really upset and hits him. Witnesses to the incident believe that she is his mother. Soon, several major representatives of other football teams beg her to persuade him to sign a contract with them.
Director of Photography
The assassin of a prominent trade unionist takes a conservative MP hostage, throwing in the government into disarray.
Director of Photography
A wretch jobber tries to find the money to build the house promised to groom, to repay the truck he drives and help a poor girl, who has been eviction, find somewhere to stay.
Director of Photography
A businnesman, Sotiris Karelis, is presented to the piano teacher and twice a widow, Antzolina, and asks her to sell her mansion in order to convert it into a hotel. The same time, an Italian music group arrive in Corfu, which has been abandoned by Alinda Ritsi singer. Antzolina is persuaded not only to host her home but also to replace the singer. However, there is a lot of confusion because the singer of the group Alinda Ritsi comes in Corfu with her fiancée, and everyone is starting to look for their real identities.
A wild tale of mistaken identity set during the Nazi occupation of Greece and starring the great Thanasis Vengos. Thanasis is called upon, during the Occupation, to testify at the trial of a tavern owner accused of serving cat meat to his customers. He too is accused of perjury and imprisoned with some resistance fighters. The resistance fighters escape, but Thanasis remains in his cell. He is accused of being Ivan, the notorious ringleader of certain revolutionaries.
Director of Photography
En un pueblo del norte de Grecia una mujer mata a su marido con la complicidad de su amante. Un pariente de la víctima sospecha de ellos y lo comunica a la policía. Tras ser arrestados, los asesinos confiesan su crimen. El juez ordena la reconstrucción de los hechos.
En un pueblo del norte de Grecia una mujer mata a su marido con la complicidad de su amante. Un pariente de la víctima sospecha de ellos y lo comunica a la policía. Tras ser arrestados, los asesinos confiesan su crimen. El juez ordena la reconstrucción de los hechos.
Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos) is an honest working man who has to support his sister’s family as well, as Maria’s husband is only interested in football. Thanasis is in love with Juliet (Aimilia Ypsilanti), daughter of a rough butcher from Mani, who wants to have her marry a sausage-tycoon.
Fourtounakis’ daughter, Katerinio, is forced to get engaged with a brutal Cretan, Skandalakis. But the return of Manousos Vrontakis from Athens and his flirtation with the girl leads to a great romance, without them knowing that they belong to families who are longstanding enemies.
Director of Photography
Returning from a business trip to Rhodes, Markos finds out that his sick son has been kidnapped. He agrees to pay the ransom that the kidnappers demand but the police officer Makridis sees that the money used is marked so they can track them down.
Aristos, a ship worker and singer at a popular tavern in the evening, is preparing to marry a poor girl, Maryio. One night at the shop comes the rich Elena, which hides the truth about her financial situation, he falls in love with her and separates him from Maryio. However, after an accident, the real identity of Elena is revealed, as is the fact that she is betrothed. Elena, seeing the misfortune she has scattered around her, pretends that Aristos was just an adventure for her and lets him return to Maryio.
Aristos, a ship worker and singer at a popular tavern in the evening, is preparing to marry a poor girl, Maryio. One night at the shop comes the rich Elena, which hides the truth about her financial situation, he falls in love with her and separates him from Maryio. However, after an accident, the real identity of Elena is revealed, as is the fact that she is betrothed. Elena, seeing the misfortune she has scattered around her, pretends that Aristos was just an adventure for her and lets him return to Maryio.
Director of Photography
Amid blinding prejudice, a vivacious blonde teacher gets married to an honest man, only to see him leave for the Greco-Italian Front, a few hours after their wedding ceremony. Will she cope with her loss, when there's no one to turn to?
Rena’s father insists on marrying her off to the son of a shipowner. Rena, however, doesn’t even want to hear about it, so she runs away and disguises herself as a boy named Pipis. As such, she meets a poor fisherman, Lefteris, and helps him on his way to Ioannina.
Director of Photography
A young student (Alekos Alexandrakis) comes from Italy and presents to his sister (Katerina Gioulaki) the fiancée (Maro Kondou) as Italian, because the first insisted not to marry a Greek. The couple, however, in cooperation with the afflicted spouse (Giannis Vogiatzis) strict sister, managed to change the opinion.
Director of Photography
The team of journalists of a radio show asks women on the street for their definition of the ideal man in order to conduct a search for someone to fill the bill, a specimen who has all these characteristics. The lucky guy will spend a few hours in the company of a well-known movie star
Director of Photography
Dinos Diamantidis, a good-looking, 50 years old, man who lives with his sister, is running behind any attractive female. When he meets the twenty-year-old Korina he loses his mind as Korina pretends that she is in love with him. His secretary, Rita, who has been engaged for many years with him, takes action and, with the help of his doctor and a former employee, makes Dinos finally figure out what this girl really is.
Betty has become engaged, for her father’s sake, with a hard working and kind young man, Kostas, who works at a store selling electrical appliances that belongs to Betty’s father, Mr. Periklis. The latter values Kostas and truly wants to make him his son-in-law. Kostas saves the life of a sensitive girl, Mary, who tries to commit suicide because her English lover deserted her. Later on, he is persuaded to impersonate a rich Englishman in order to help Mary deal with her father, Mr. Kyriakos, who is trying to force her to marry someone against her will.
A feud develops between a taverna with bouzoukia and a club next door that plays modern music.
Director of Photography
Camera Operator
Liza falls in love with one of her father's employees. Her socialistic ideas about employment drive her to collide with her father and the sociopolitical status of the time.
Camera Operator
Un maestro que pasaba cerca de una obra en construcción escucha la dulce canción de un trabajador pobre y le ofrece un trabajo como miembro de su banda. Ahora, su esposa también quiere desplegar su talento en la discoteca. Pero, ¿quién triunfará más?
Assistant Camera
In this disturbing family drama, a prosperous middle-aged farmer takes up gambling and whoring at the expense of his devoted second wife. Meanwhile, his son the pervert becomes fascinated with the family's maid, a deaf-mute.
Assistant Camera
When a man decides to marry the woman he's been living with, she stops being the silent patient person she was and claims to be the boss in the house. Her behaviour changes so much after the marriage that the husband gets so irritated as to ask for a divorce even a few hours later..
Assistant Camera
Katerina, a poor girl, finds a job as a secretary and falls in love with her boss on a trip to Rome.
Assistant Camera
As Pelopidas is going around hungry, trying to find something to eat, a misunderstanding makes him seem like a thief. In order to escape his persecutors, he runs trying to hide. He hitchhikes and gets a ride by a truck, whose driver happens to be his fellow villager who knows the runaway’s past. Pelopidas has been working hard since his childhood, but due to his naivety nobody is serious with him. His return to the village where was born gets him mixed up in more trouble.
Young Alexis Vranas (Stefanos Linaios) returns to Athens form studying abroad and starts working for a major company. There, he will meet and fall in love with a secretary, Varvara Papadopoulos (Kakia Analyti).
Theo Angelopoulos: A Lifework in Film