May Leong


The Homeless Ancestor
We cannot escape from bureaucracy in life as well as in death. Quickie promises his grandma to handle the forced removal of his great-grand aunt’s niche. But without the ancestor’s identity documents, Quickie cannot apply for public columbarium niches. On the other hand, grandma refuses to have the evicted ashes brought home for fear of bad luck. As he struggles with bureaucratic red tape, Quickie thinks of one inventive solution after another to find a temporary home for the ashes. The story is a biting commentary on ridiculous public policies rendered in vibrant, energetic colours and groan-inducing jokes to highlight the absurdity of the situation.
Let’s Sing
Choosing between family, school and her dream, which will it be, will Fong return the school or step on the stage?
Memories to Choke On, Drinks to Wash Them Down
This anthology film, whose Chinese title begins with a romantic name for human excrement, premiered internationally at Rotterdam and won Best Screenplay from the Hong Kong Film Critics Society. A variety of Hong Kong people wrestle with nostalgia when facing an uncertain future. Their stories give way to a documentary featuring a young barista turned political candidate.
Christy's mom
A story of two women, Christy Lam and Wong Tin-lok, who are both turning 30.
Una vida sencilla
Chun Tao-Chung ha trabajado de criada durante más de 60 años para la familia Leung. Ahora, el único miembro de la familia que sigue viviendo en Hong Kong es Roger, y Tao sigue trabajando para él. Sin embargo, un día Tao sufre un derrame cerebral. Una vez está en el hospital, le anuncia a Roger su intención de abandonar su trabajo e instalarse en una residencia para ancianos. Roger intenta disuadirla, pero ella tiene la idea muy clara, así que él empieza a buscar una residencia buena donde pueda vivir, y al final encuentra una habitación para Tao en un centro dirigido por un amigo suyo. Poco a poco, al cuidar de Tao, Roger se da cuenta de lo importante que Tao es para él.