Director of Photography
Para estudiar moda en el tan deseado París, una joven que odia el carnaval viaja a Río de Janeiro para intentar conseguir el apoyo de la diseñadora más famosa de Brasil. Empeñada en entrar en el equipo de costura de una de las escuelas de samba más grandes, descubrirá que el Carnaval solo dura una semana, pero una historia de amor puede cambiar su vida por completo.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Mario decide contarle a su familia la verdad sobre sí mismo. Pero cuando finalmente está listo para salir frente a toda la familia, su hermano mayor Vicente arruina sus planes.
Director of Photography
An overview of Brazil's riots of June 2013, which were the beginning of a great political change that would take the country in the following years.
Director of Photography
A group of playboys organizes the last party of the year in a slum before the change in weather. And for this night, beyond the usual drugs, alcohol and sex, they will receive special guests: an addict that uses and is used by the group, a country singer who was raised around the slum, a strange security guard and the owner of the place.
Camera Operator
Mina (Priscila Fantin) is arrested for defrauding the Social Security and beyond to defend the other inmates need to escape from the prison director of surveillance (Tuca Andrada). The crime involved a Senator (Antonio Calloni), trying in every way to prevent your participation to surface.
Mina (Priscila Fantin) is arrested for defrauding the Social Security and beyond to defend the other inmates need to escape from the prison director of surveillance (Tuca Andrada). The crime involved a Senator (Antonio Calloni), trying in every way to prevent your participation to surface.
Assistant Camera
Free adaptation of Machado de Assis' "Dom Casmurro". Bento marries an actress, and soon afterwards she gets pregnant. Then, he begins to suspect the child isn't his, but his best friend's.