Charlie Morgan Patton

Charlie Morgan Patton


Charlie Morgan Patton is a professional dramatic and comedic actress know for "The KAOS Brief" as well as her work with many brands such as Coppertone, Sonic, and Nikon. Charlie has trained at The Groundlings Theatre and School in Hollywood for improv and sketch comedy. She is a resident of Los Angeles.


Charlie Morgan Patton


Cincuenta tartas para Jane
Inspirada en hechos reales, Cincuenta tartas para Jane nos cuenta la vida de dos íntimas amigas veinteañeras de Los Ángeles. La extrovertida Corinne convence a Jane, tímida, y muy buena pastelera, para que durante un año vaya por los bares con tartas para conocer a gente y ganar confianza. Pero Corinne recibe un diagnóstico que le cambia la vida y las dos amigas se enfrentan a algo desconocido.
For the Safety of Theo
When casual hook-ups become too debilitating, a man suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder seeks out different ways to purge himself of the consequences of the night before.
La revolución de Jesús
La verdadera historia de un despertar espiritual nacional a principios de la década de 1970 y sus orígenes dentro de una comunidad de adolescentes hippies en el sur de California.
Safe and Sound
While babysitting a precocious 8 year old, Mia is stalked by a shadowy presence that trips the home security system. As loud beeps sound off whenever a door or window is opened, the system meant to protect her becomes an amplifying terror while she attempts to survive the night.
What's Real
Two young people in Los Angeles orbit around love while considering if anything in life is real.
The Kaos Brief
Una grabación hackeada revela misteriosos eventos que rodean al secuestro de cuatro adolescentes.
Alongside Night
Denise Vreeland
Alongside Night is the story of the final economic collapse of the United States as seen through the eyes of 16-year-old Elliot Vreeland, searching for his missing Nobel-laureate-economist father, and the mysterious teenage "Lorimer" whom Elliot meets in a black-market underground, whose own father might be the reason Elliot's father is missing.
Black Whole
When a haunting black hole appears in their yard, a pregnant couple must face their fears of miscarriage to eliminate the phenomenon before it consumes them.