Cecilia Cheung

Cecilia Cheung

Nacimiento : 1980-05-24, Hong Kong, British Crown Colony [now China]


Cecilia Cheung Pak-chi (Chinese: 張栢芝, born 24 May 1980) was born in Hong Kong to a Chinese father and a half Chinese-half British mother. Her parents divorced when she was just a child after which she was sent to Australia to live with her aunt at the age of fourteen. She has an elder half-sister Dai Pek-Chi, two younger brothers and a younger half-brother from her father's side. 


Cecilia Cheung
Cecilia Cheung
Cecilia Cheung
Cecilia Cheung


Out Of Control
Lucy Lin
A Chinese Superstar attends the Berlin Film Festival. Soon she finds out that sometimes reality can be far more frightening than any Hollywood script.
Dangerous Liaisons
Mo Jieyu
Película basada en la novela del mismo título. Esta versión está situada en 1930 en Shanghai donde una mujer de la alta sociedad se encapricha en un juego arriesgado con su ex amante, que consiste en seducir y luego abandonar a una chica joven e ingenua.
The Lion Roars 2
Moth Liu
A woman is disliked by men in her village because of her bad temper. She uses her martial arts skills to beat up men who are unfaithful to their wives.
Shadows of Love
Previously known as "Repeat, I Love You", "Shadows of Love" is a modern-day Cinderella romance starring Cecilia Cheung ("Legendary Amazons") and Kwon Sang-woo ("Stairway to Heaven") as a rivals who eventually fall for each other. The film revolves around three interrelated love stories with the one played by Kwon and Cheung as the core. Cheung plays two contrasting roles in the film, one as a refined lady, and the other as a determined young woman with quick temper.
Speed Angels
You Mei
After being recruited by a race car driver coach, a female taxi driver joins the Speed Angels racing team.
Amazonas Legendarias
Mu Guiying
Durante la dinastía del norte de “Song”, el emperador deja de lado los asuntos políticos, por consiguiente se produce una guerra fronteriza. La guerra creó tiempos difíciles para el país “Xia”. Los enemigos invaden con fuerza el territorio de Song. La familia Yang fueron masacrados. Mu Guiying, la esposa de Yang Zongbao tolera el dolor del duelo, dirige una congregación la viuda de Yang y los llevan a la guerra…
Treasure Hunt
Peggy Jiang
To further her career, elite commercial director Peggy agrees to leave her husband and her young son at home to shoot an ad on an isolated offshore island with alcoholic, incompetent action star Mr. Big. With the star, his family, his manager, and their children, Peggy attracts the attention of gangster Cobra, who is on the island to search for a legendary treasure left from the Ming Dyanasty. Juggling a spoiled superstar, kids, and a team of evildoers, how will Peggy get herself off the island so she can see family again?
The 601st Phone Call
The movie is about a young girl named Yishu who believes she has no luck at all and she blames her name for it. One day she starts receiving phone calls from people thinking that she is the popular singer Tianyou. It turns out that someone has leaked 600 phone numbers of famous people to the internet and Yishu's phone number got mixed up in the bunch. She finds it annoying at first but soon she receives a text message from Xiaowen, who is the singer in an amateur rock band. He wishes to write a song for Tianyou and wants Yishu -who he thinks is Tianyou's assistant- to deliver the song to Tianyou. Tianyou is a popular singer, but hasn't had a hit number lately. Because of this she gets pressured by her cruel agent into recording an album that she doesn't want to record, because it doesn't contain any good songs. This decision gets her into a lot of trouble...
My Kung Fu Sweetheart
A young woman keeps her true persona a secret in this martial arts action-romance written and directed by Jing Wong
The Shopaholics
Fonda Fond / Fong Fong-Fong
Compulsive disorders plague Hong Kong: Fong Fong Fong, a foundling who's now a nurse, is a shopaholic who seeks psychiatric help from Kan Yan (Choosey) Lee, who's frozen by an inability to choose. Into the mix come Kung Fu (Richie) Ho, a wealthy man who is stingy but also will buy anything someone else wants, and Ding Dong Ding, Lee's binge-eating bargain-shopping ex-girlfriend who reappears in hopes Lee will now choose her. Both men propose to both women who say yes to both. Family and friends are inept at helping to sort it out, and even if the four get the wedding vows straight, will anyone be cured? Does Hong Kong need more than a Prozac?
La promesa: La leyenda de los caballeros del viento
Princess Qingcheng
Qing Cheng es una pobre niña huérfana que roba comida y vestido a los muertos para poder sobrevivir; pero un día, mientras huye de un niño a quien le ha robado, se encuentra con una Diosa y ella le hace una tentadora propuesta: la convertirá en una hermosa princesa que tendrá todo tipo de riquezas y no volverá a pasar hambre, pero, a cambio, ella jamás podrá encontrar el amor verdadero, pues, cualquier hombre que ella ame terminará sus días de manera trágica. Qing Cheng no se lo piensa demasiado y acepta el trato, pero, conforme los años pasan, ella se arrepiente de la decisión que tomó, pues, tal como lo sentenció la Diosa, todos los hombres que ella ama, terminan sufriendo desdichas.
Himalaya Singh
Ronald has lived in the Himalayas since he was young and has grown up to become a clean-living yoga master who will soon marry an Indian beauty. But things change when an absent-minded tourist guide accidentally leads him onto her bus.
Dragón blanco
Black Phoenix / White Dragon Jr.
In this swordfighting comedy, a young noblewoman falls in love with a prince of the Imperial House. By accident, she acquires the martial arts skills of the White Dragon. New in her power, she learns that there are definite advantages in performing "good deeds" as the Little White Dragon.
One Nite In Mongkok
Mongkok, una de las más densas áreas habitadas del mundo, es la cuna de los negocios ilícitos. Lai Fu (Daniel Wu), un pueblerino de China, es contratado como asesino para ajustar cuentas entre dos peligrosas bandas locales. En su camino se encuentra con Dan (Cecilia Cheung), una prostituta asediada por matones, a quien Lai Fu decide ayudar. Pero la policía también le sigue el rastro, y junto con Dan, Lai Fu debe esquivar a matones y policías e intentar tomar las decisiones correctas... (FILMAFFINITY)
Papa Loves You
Customer refused entry to cafe
Ying is a single parent who's having a tough time disciplining his wild teenage daughter Ellen.
Harmy Bobo
In Hong Kong 1969, private investigation agency boss Man is investigating an extra marital case. With his two employees, the smart looking idiot Kit and the Hong Kong Columbia Radio Night School graduate Pufferfish, he follows the target Lascar Row. The trio stumbles into an antique shop and breaks many antiques in the store. The cheap Man force Kit and Pufferfish to take responsibility. Kit wisely makes Pufferfish take sole responsibility. The dumb Pufferfish helpless buys the pile of shattered antiques with his own money. In the pieces he finds a broken magic lamp...
Sex and the Beauties
We have Carina Lau has Selina the lead actress who is a psychoanalyst, who hang out with her friends (Athena Chu has a erotic story for woman, Yoyo Mung has a multi-restaurant owner who like the danger side, and Pinky Cheung whose dad is a triad boss goes retirement and know how to fight). The story begin when Selina ex came to her and ask her to take care of her wild daughter (Cecilia Cheung in another bizarre look) and tried to cure her wild behaviour. Well the rest of the storyline consist of the 4 woman and there relationship with the guys, we have Tony Leung Ka Fai going after Carina Lau, Athena Chu going after Edisen Chen, Picky Cheung going after Andy Hui, and Lu Yi going after Yoyo Mung.
Lost in Time
Holly Lam Siu-Wai
Sui Wai lost her fiance Ah Man in a car accident. With the obligations of life sitting heavy on her shoulders, she lives on only to find herself confiding in her beloved through a phone call. Dai Fai. a mini-bus driver who witnessed Ah Man's death, is always there offering her attentive encouragement and support, yet he himself also lives in the shadow of his last relationship. When Siu Wai strives to face the future without the man she loves, Dai Fai finds himself steadily falling in love with her.
Running On Karma
Lee Fung Yee
Un musculoso monje venido a menos que trabaja de stripper en un local de alterne, conoce a una joven policía en una redada. Más tarde, él la ayuda a ella a capturar a un peligroso asesino. Y ella en compensación lo ayuda a él a retomar su karma... o cambiarlo.
Cat and Mouse
Bai Yutong
Zhan Zhao is a court officer who learns of a plot to assassinate Judge Bao. While on holiday he meets a young man named Bai who turns out to be a woman. Zhan Zhao tries to recruit Bai to help him stop the assassination of Judge Bao.
Love Under the Sun
On a splendid night, as elegant individuals lose themselves in dance in a ballroom, a rumor is born that one of the guests is HIV positive. Unprecedented fear and suspicion follow, with fallacies about HIV infection close up on its heels.
Nice guy Moses, who cries whenever he tells a lie, is about to inherit a large fortune. Materialistic Didi learns of this and tries to win his affection.
The Lion Roars
Moth Liu
During the Soong Dynasty, a beautiful woman named Liu is searching for a husband, but is unable to find one until she hears the avant-garde poetry of Chen. Soon the two are married and Chen discovers that his new bride is violently temperamental and insanely jealous, who limits his activities and lifestyle. When a princess falls in love with the poet and the Emperor decrees that Chen must take the princess in as a second-wife. The love between Liu and Chen is put to the test.
Second Time Around
Tina Chow
A young man goes to Las Vegas with his best friend to prove he can win big bucks. When he loses all of the money, he and his friend get help from a young woman who tells the man the story of some special stones that are part of a legend involving time travel and parallel universes. When the trio get in a car accident, the young gambler is the only survivor. Pursued by a female detective, the two accidentally end up back in time on Christmas Day, where the gambler decides to make the wrong things right, and he also ends up falling in love with the detective.
Mighty Baby
After successfully designing the perfect bra, Lena, Johnny and Wayne are ordered to come up with a marketing plan for the "Mighty Baby" line of baby care products. Johnny's life is complicated when he hires quirky secretary Sabrina. As for Lena and Wayne, their relationship is threatened when Lena discovers that Wayne is afraid of babies. To help Wayne overcome his fear, Lena hires child expert Boey. Unfortunately for Lena, Wayne starts to develop feelings for Boey.
Zu warriors. La leyenda
Dawn / Enigma
Zu es una antigua provincia mítica donde 3 mundos se entrecruzan: el infernal, el de las artes marciales y el de la luz. Aquí las fuerzas del bien -guiadas por el Gran Maestro del Clan Omei- y del mal -con Onyx a la cabeza- se enfrentarán en una definitiva batalla que causa la destrucción y el caos a gran escala. En la batalla un error de Halcón Rojo deja que se escape Onyx, que se refugia en la Cueva de la Sangre. Entonces Halcón Rojo vigila la guarida y los movimientos de Onyx mientras el Gran Maestro y el resto de los miembros de Omei se reagrupan y preparan un plan para destruirle definitivamente.
Para Para Sakura
Yee / Yuriko Sakurada
Phillip (Aaron Kwok) is a dance instructor who holds a class devoted to the latest dance craze, Para Para. While in Shanghai, he meets Yee (Cecilia Cheung), a spoiled rich girl who is running away from her impending arranged marriage. Soon, Yee begins using Phillip's dance studio as a sanctuary from her responsibilities, and an attraction begins to form between the two. However, Yee is called back to Japan to be married before long, and Phillip must use more than his dance skills and charisma to prevent her from taking her vows.
Shaolin Soccer
Team Moustache Player #1
Un joven seguidor de Shaolin reúne a sus hermanos para formar un equipo de fútbol usando sus habilidades en artes marciales a su favor.
Tras la muerte de sus padres, Failan (Cecilia Cheung) se traslada a Corea, sin un céntimo, esperando rehacer su vida. Una agencia le apaña una boda con un hombre llamado Lee Kang Jae (Choi Min-Shik) al que ella jamás ha conocido. Su nuevo marido le aporta una gran comodidad después de sus difíciles tiempos del pasado. En realidad, su mujer le preocupa muy poco, ya que lleva una doble vida...
Everyday is Valentine
Wonderful can't meet a man who does not lie -- and then she bumps into professional liar Ok, who pretends to be rich in order to win her heart.
Master Q 2001
"Master Q" is a popular comic book series character in Hong Kong. Each comic book is usually made up of many different situational stories, with 8 frmaes making up a story in 1 page. In short, it is like the newspaper comics that you see in America but in a book form. The movie is about how Master Q and his 2 friends Mr. Chung and Potato are out looking for jobs but accidentally cause an traffic accident for Mandy (Cecilia Cheung) and Fred (Nicholas Tse). As a result, both have lost their memories and due to circumstances, they have become enemies... but then, true love will eventually reunite (with a lot of help from Master Q and Potato).
Wu Yen
Yin Chun / Fairy Enchantress
Lost in the woods, the Emperor Qi (Anita Mui) stumbles across local chief Wu Yen, his predestined bride, only to accidentally free a promiscuous fox fairy who promptly falls in love with both of them, changing between man and woman to clumsily woo each, setting the scene for a constantly shifting triangle with the emperor torn between both the fox fairy and Wu Yen and the fox fairy after whichever one will agree to marry her/him first.
Dr. Ho Wing-Yan
A trio of idealistic young doctors take on a corrupt, ineffective hospital management more interested in saving dollars than lives. Sub-plots crop up in the form of a love triangle, an electrical blackout, and a major car accident.
Tokyo Raiders
Tratando de evitar ser secuestrado por la mafia organizada, el detective privado Lin se ve obligado a huir de Tokyo. En Hong Kong irá encontrando casualmente a los miembros de un improvisado equipo entre los que surgirá una buena amistad y una causa común: vencer a la mafia. Juntos pelearán contra ella empleando al máximo sus conocimientos de artes marciales. (FILMAFFINITY)
Twelve Nights
This movie goes through 12 significant nights (not consecutive nights) in a relationship between two characters. The movie offers some insight into the repetion involved in relationship cycles from interest through various tensions to eventual disinterest.
The Legend of Speed
Sky is king of the underground drag car circuit. After winning a hard-fought race, Sky is set up by his archrival Hung.
Left Right Love Destiny
Fly Me to Polaris
Autumn Yue
A young man, blind and dumb, works as an audio tape typist in a hospital and fostering a tender and sincere relationship with a beautiful but introverted nurse. When hit by a car, he is the sixty billionth human being to die on earth, and is on transit to Polaris, en route to a yet more sophisticated form of existence in Vega. Given a reprieve of five days and a chance to be reunited with his love on earth, he cannot reveal his true identity behind the temporary facade he must present to her. Both boy and girl eventually learn, through a tangle of difficult and miraculous events, how love and good things always find ways of creeping into people's lives when people are not greedy and least expect these blessings.
King of Comedy
Lau Piu-Piu
Wan Tin-Sau is an actor who cannot seem to catch a break, since his only professional jobs are limited to being a movie extra. As well as being an actor, he is also the head of his village's community center.