Angela the angel takes on the role of a temporary school counselor. Working alongside junior high school principal Bruce Banks, she intervenes in the life of a troubled student Cody Grier who is struggling with the tragic loss of his mother.
Young Scott
In the wake of his father's death, a twenty-something writer sees his dream of moving to Paris put in jeopardy when he's forced to temporarily take in his wildly unpredictable, mentally ill sister.
Young Will
Thunderbird is a supernatural crime drama about a reclusive young fisherman who goes looking for his missing sister in the rugged Pacific Northwest.
Karen es una madre soltera que busca el regalo perfecto de cumpleaños para Andy, su hijo. Después de encontrar un muñeco y regalárselo a su hijo, será cuando ambos descubran la naturaleza maligna que esconde en su interior este juguete.
Zombie Child
A young woman babysits her younger sister while her parents are gone.