Nora Habib


Passage of Desire
Retired police detective Lola and her neighbor Ingrid investigate a murder.
L'Âme du mal
Françoise Verny
Françoise Sagan fue una escritora francesa que, desde muy temprana edad, alcanzó el éxito con su novela 'Buenos Días, tristeza', cuando aún era una universitaria de la Sorbona. Pronto se convirtió en el mito de "la Sagan" y acabaría pareciéndose a sus personajes de ficción, llevando una vida marcada por los escándalos, el éxito y los amores frustrados.
Días de gloria (Indigènes)
Año 1943. Jamás han pisado suelo francés, pero ahora, por causa de la guerra, Saïd, Abdelkader, Messaoud y Yassir, cuatro argelinos musulmanes, se presentan voluntarios al ejército francés: van a alistarse para liberar a la madre patria del enemigo nazi: lo mismo que otros 130.000 "oriundos". Además de enfrentarse a los nazis, deberán sufrir la intolerancia y el racismo de sus compañeros, sus superiores y sus supuestos aliados. Olvidados por la Historia, estos héroes saldrán victoriosos en Italia, en Provenza y en los Vosgos antes de quedarse solos en la defensa de una aldea alsaciana frente a un batallón alemán...
Par accident
Isabelle Blanc, a 30 years old biologist who works at the university, awakes in an hospital and doesn't remember why she is in the hospital.Little by little the doctor explains her that she had an accident driving by night under the rain and that accident provoked the death of a person.After her work Isabelle met her companion Vincent and then went alone by car: Vincent called her by cell phone, they spoke about their future and Vincent wanted that Isabelle listens to to a song; then came the crash.After going with Vincent to the place of the accident (where she saw a bouquet of flowers for the dead person) Isabelle reads in the newspaper the death notice of Marie Delhomme.
Lulu, roi de France
Lucien Hastier, known as "Lulu", is a locksmith in La Courneuve and a communist activist. He had never known his parents and had been raised by the public assistance, a notary comes to announce that his father died and left him an extraordinary inheritance: a castle, a title of duke and a royal filiation. But problems arise, the deceased duke has left heavy debts and suitors to the title.
Augustin Dos Santos is a benign simpleton with a slight stammer. He's serious about his part-time job as a clerk for an insurance company, and he also acts, with small parts under his belt in commercials and experimental films. An agent finds his serious innocence perfect for a part as an odd bellman. Before his screen test, he volunteers for a day at a hotel. At his screen test, his inability to see the comic center of the scene makes him perfect for the part. Back at work, women co-workers tease him, and then he's off to the countryside to play a vet in a government film about myxomatosis in rabbits. Can anything break through his serious view of reality?