Dana Bunescu

Dana Bunescu

Nacimiento : 1969-09-11, Craiova, Romania


Dana Bunescu
Dana Bunescu


Boxing with Myself
The film follows the life and work of Romanian visual artist ION GRIGORESCU, one of the pioneers of experimental art in Europe. The film discusses our evanescent existence, morality, and spirituality and interrogates the possible extent of the inglorious recollection of our own biography.
The Chalice. Of Sons and Daughters
Traditional Roma-communities of Romania are culturally rich communities, ruled with complicated rituals and customs. Marriage is maybe the most set in stone such custom, with everything about it being under very strict community control. What keeps everyone alert is Roma marriage’s highest stake: fertility and conceiving boys.
Omul cu umbra
Editorial Consultant
Gheorghe Blondă is the analog film laboratory technician from the National Film University of Bucharest. Under the pretext of modernizing the university, he is to be replaced and have his life-long career end. With the filming taking place at the same time as the anti-corruption protests in 2017, Romania, the film brings to light the ways in which the university, a public institution, mirrors the autorities that rule the country. Despite the leading board of the university claiming that it's a natural technological transition, Gheorghe's struggle to keep his job becomes a matter of life or death.
Ducu is a a 45-year-old Romanian writer facing a midlife crisis. He leaves Bucharest to be part of a creative residence in Berlin and in an attempt to rebuild his life. He swings between two countries and two women: Andra, his hot-tempered wife, who wants a divorce, and Giulia, Ducu's love from his youth, who lives in an eco-village in Germany - Lebensdorf. Looking for an answer, he goes through a series of strange, funny and even eye-opening events.
Un polvo desafortunado o porno loco
Sound Designer
Emi, una maestra de escuela, encuentra su carrera y reputación amenazadas después de que se filtró una cinta sexual personal en Internet. Obligada a encontrarse con los padres exigiendo su despido, Emi se niega a rendirse a su presión. Radu Jude (¡Aferim!) Ofrece una mezcla incendiaria de formas poco convencionales, humor irreverente y comentarios mordaces sobre la hipocresía y los prejuicios en nuestras sociedades.
The Exit of the Trains
Editing film composed entirely of archival photographs and documents related to the Iasi Pogrom from June 1941. The first part of the film consists of photographs of the victims, accompanied on the soundtrack by statements and testimonies about their fate. The second part, shorter, is a montage of the actual photos of the Pogrome, some of them unique.
Otto the Barbarian
Otto, a seventeen-year-old punk, becomes involved in the social services investigation of his girlfriend Laura’s death. He is caught up in a vicious circle created by his parents, his mute grandpa and Laura’s mother. Laura is still part of his life through video recordings that he edits constantly, trying to make sense of the events. Through this process, Otto must take his portion of the responsibility for what happened.
Uppercase Print
Sound Designer
In 1981, chalk slogans written in uppercase letters started appearing in public spaces in the Romanian city of Botoşani. They demanded freedom, alluded to the democratic developments taking place in Romania’s socialist sister countries or simply called for improvements in the food supply. Mugur Călinescu was behind them, who was still at school at the time and whose case is documented in the files of the Romanian secret police. Theatre director Gianina Cărbunariu created a documentary play based on this material.
The Distance Between Me and Me
Poet, musician, intellectual, and committed communist Nina Cassian wrestled for decades with the central contradiction of her life: how to reconcile her artistic ideals with the strict censorship imposed by Romania’s Communist Party — a tension that put her at odds with the totalitarian Ceaușescu regime and eventually led to her exile. Interweaving archival footage with firsthand interviews, this thought-provoking documentary illuminates the complex relationships between art, politics, and personal truths.
Este documental de observación sigue los acontecimientos tras la tragedia que tuvo lugar en el Colectiv Club de Bucarest el 30 de octubre de 2015, un incendio en el que murieron 65 jóvenes y decenas resultaron heridos. La tragedia provocó protestas públicas contra la corrupción y la dimisión del Gobierno.
Moromete Family: On the Edge of Time
Sound Designer
A sequel to Moromeții (1987), the tale follows the life of the Moromete family after WWII, with Romania being overpowered by Communism.
Moromete Family: On the Edge of Time
ADR Recordist
A sequel to Moromeții (1987), the tale follows the life of the Moromete family after WWII, with Romania being overpowered by Communism.
Moromete Family: On the Edge of Time
A sequel to Moromeții (1987), the tale follows the life of the Moromete family after WWII, with Romania being overpowered by Communism.
The Marshal's Two Executions
Sound Designer
The film confronts two different views of the execution of General Ion Antonescu, Romania's leader during the Second World War.
I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians
Sound Designer
"I do not care if we go down in history as barbarians." These words, spoken in the Council of Ministers of the summer of 1941, started the ethnic cleansing on the Eastern Front. The film attempts to comment on this statement.
I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians
"I do not care if we go down in history as barbarians." These words, spoken in the Council of Ministers of the summer of 1941, started the ethnic cleansing on the Eastern Front. The film attempts to comment on this statement.
One and a Half Prince
A trio of quirky lifelong friends create a makeshift family, but their tight bond is tested when one of them falls in love with a writer.
Scarred Hearts
Sound Designer
Rumania, 1937. Emanuel, un joven veinteañero enfermo de tuberculosis ósea, pasa sus días en un sanatorio a orillas del mar Negro. El protagonista, que se enamora de otra paciente, narra su esfuerzo y el de sus otros compañeros por exprimir al máximo la vida mientras sus cuerpos languidecen y sus mentes se niegan a rendirse. Inspirada en la novela autobiográfica Scarred Hearts del escritor rumano Max Blecher, escrita antes de morir a los 29 años, tras diez años de sufrimiento.
The Dead Nation
Sound Designer
A documentary-essay which shows Costică Axinte's stunning collection of pictures depicting a Romanian small town in the thirties and forties. The narration, composed mostly from excerpts taken from the diary of a Jewish doctor from the same era, tells the rising of the antisemitism and eventually a harrowing depiction of the Romanian Holocaust.
Ana, mon amour
Sound Designer
Los jóvenes Toma y Ana se conocen en la universidad, se enamoran y se casan. Toma cuida de ella y parece estar al mando de la situación, cuando, en realidad, únicamente está gravitando en torno a una mujer a la que no puede comprender. Cuando Ana vence sus miedos y logra triunfar, Toma permanece aislado, intentando comprender el torbellino que ha sido su vida con ella, enmarcado en la profunda represión y los tabúes de la sociedad rumana.
Ana, mon amour
Los jóvenes Toma y Ana se conocen en la universidad, se enamoran y se casan. Toma cuida de ella y parece estar al mando de la situación, cuando, en realidad, únicamente está gravitando en torno a una mujer a la que no puede comprender. Cuando Ana vence sus miedos y logra triunfar, Toma permanece aislado, intentando comprender el torbellino que ha sido su vida con ella, enmarcado en la profunda represión y los tabúes de la sociedad rumana.
Self-Portrait of a Dutiful Daughter
Cristiana is a 30 year old woman, brought up in a "proper", bourgeois middle-class family. Her time is split between writing for her PhD in Earthquake Engineering, conversations with Alex and Michelle, her two close friends and occasional, eagerly awaited rendezvous' with Dan, a married man with whom she is romantically involved. After her parents move out of the family apartment into a new house, she decides to get a dog. It is something that she wanted ever since she was a child and now that she lives on her own she can finally fulfill this wish.
Set in early 19th century Wallachia, Romania, a policeman, Costandin, is hired by a nobleman to find a Gypsy slave who has run away from his estate after having an affair with his wife.
It Can Pass Through the Wall
Sound Editor
An old man tries to play backgammon with friends while babysitting his granddaughter, who's terrified of the young suicide in their building.
The Second Game
Sound Editor
A deceptively simple set-up: the director and his father watch a 1988 football match which the father refereed, their commentary accompanying the original television images in real time. A Bucharest derby between the country’s leading teams, Dinamo and Steaua, taking place in heavy snow, one year before the revolution that toppled Ceaușescu.
In a small village close to the mountains, Mariana and Puiu are a young family with two children: Carmen and Mircea. One morning, the mother and the ten year-old daughter leave for Bucharest, having a hospital as their destination. One doctor alone, Sitaru, believes that Carmen, who can no longer smile, stands any chances at survival. He believes he can perform a miracle and save Carmen's life. Struggling for her daughter, abandoned by almost everybody she trusted, Mariana discovers she is pregnant. After dr. Sitaru operates on the little girl, in a risky manner, Carmen begins to feel increasingly worse. Without any hope, Mariana leaves the hospital and rushes to take Carmen home: while one life ends, another one begins to flicker.
When Evening Falls on Bucharest or Metabolism
A director with two weeks left on his latest production fakes an ulcer to pursue a romance with his lead actress.
Shadow of a Cloud
Sound Designer
In a torrid summer day in Bucharest, the priest Florin Florescu is called to a dying woman's side for saying a prayer.
Madre e hijo
Una noche, un hombre de 32 años, que conduce su coche a una velocidad muy superior a la establecida, atropella a un niño que muere poco después. Al temerario conductor le espera una pena de prisión de entre tres y quince años, pero su madre, una arquitecta de la clase alta de Rumania, intentará evitarlo por todos los medios.
Everybody in Our Family
Sound Designer
Marius is a divorced man in his late thirties. His five year-old daughter Sofia lives with her mother, which causes Marius a deep frustration. On the day Marius arrives to take his daughter on their annual holiday, he is told that she is ill but he doesn't believe it and insists to take her with him. The situation soon gets out of control with all the family taking part in a web of humor, violence, childish songs, police interventions and love statements.
The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu
The three-hour-long documentary covers 25 years in the life of Nicolae Ceaușescu and was made using 1,000 hours of original footage from the National Archives of Romania.
The Belly of the Whale
Ana is 30 years old and lives with her parents. As her ex-husband takes their daughter and her nagging mother to the countryside, she prepares for a laidback evening with her friends. Soon she comes to realize she lost her cell phone which prevents her from receiving a much awaited call from her previous night's stand. Her friends, Iulia, Andrei and Marius, arrive and try to watch a movie. The screening is frequently interrupted by an increasingly annoying and rather absurd dialogue that takes place between the thief/finder of the cell phone and Ana.
The Other Irene
Security guard Aurel (Andi Vasluianu) and his wife Irene have a moderately happy marriage and a moderately comfortable lifestyle in urban Romania. Irene takes a working trip to Cairo and returns invigorated with the swell of success. She sets out again and never returns. What follows is both predictable and unpredictable. Aurel, and the audience, are suspicious of the official explanation of her death so the foundation is laid for the traditional who-dunnit. Aurel proceeds on an emotional search against all odds.
The Other Irene
Security guard Aurel (Andi Vasluianu) and his wife Irene have a moderately happy marriage and a moderately comfortable lifestyle in urban Romania. Irene takes a working trip to Cairo and returns invigorated with the swell of success. She sets out again and never returns. What follows is both predictable and unpredictable. Aurel, and the audience, are suspicious of the official explanation of her death so the foundation is laid for the traditional who-dunnit. Aurel proceeds on an emotional search against all odds.
Crossing Dates
3 separate stories take place over two days. The characters' paths intersect, and they affect each-other unintentionally.
4 meses, 3 semanas, 2 días
Sound Editor
Rumanía, 1987. El país se encuentra bajo el férreo régimen comunista de Ceaușescu. Otilia y Gabita son estudiantes y comparten habitación en una residencia. Gabita está embarazada, pero no quiere tenerlo. Las jóvenes acuerdan un encuentro con un tal Mr. Bebe para que le practique un aborto ilegal en la habitación de un hotel.
4 meses, 3 semanas, 2 días
Rumanía, 1987. El país se encuentra bajo el férreo régimen comunista de Ceaușescu. Otilia y Gabita son estudiantes y comparten habitación en una residencia. Gabita está embarazada, pero no quiere tenerlo. Las jóvenes acuerdan un encuentro con un tal Mr. Bebe para que le practique un aborto ilegal en la habitación de un hotel.
Tavi, a forty-year-old divorced father, comes to his ex-wife's home to repair his four-year-old daughter's bike. He realizes with amazement that Alexandra does not call him "Daddy" any more. He asks an explanation from his ex-wife...
Love Sick
Narra la historia de una amistad entre dos chicas que acaba convirtiéndose en una relación de amor. Los celos del hermano de una de ellas hará que su relación se complique... (FILMAFFINITY)
La muerte del Sr. Lazarescu
El señor Lazarescu es viudo y vive solo en un apartamento con sus tres gatos. Su hija Bianca se marchó a vivir a Canadá. Una noche, el solitario anciano se siente mal y llama a una ambulancia. Lo llevan a un hospital, y desde allí a otro y a otro más, pero en ninguno pueden atenderlo. Mientras tanto, su estado de salud se va agravando rápidamente.
Cigarettes and Coffee
The father, fired two years before retirement, wants to get rehired, requiring the support of his son. The action takes place in a restaurant in Bucharest.
Cigarettes and Coffee
The father, fired two years before retirement, wants to get rehired, requiring the support of his son. The action takes place in a restaurant in Bucharest.
The Pharaoh
A young TV reporter would like to shoot a program about a former political prisoner nicknamed The Pharaoh, who spent forty years in Siberian exile. She manages to locate a former lover, his sister, and his onetime cellmate, but questions still remain...
The Ring
Andrei is now a truck driver, but in one of his travels to Germany, he must become once again a boxer just for one night at the middleweight category.